News Stay Connected and Informed: Discover Captivating Stories and Insights from Our Campus Community! Show all Uncategorized News Announcement Op-Ed February 15, 2024FoE’s Lunch Talk #25 on Spatial Reasoning in Numeracy Learning February 12, 2024Students Meeting Their Academic Advisers Seen as Opportunity for Guidance January 18, 2024Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Talks About Islamic Leadership Philosophies at FoE UIII January 17, 2024Prof. Yan Zi Delves into Rasch Measurement in an Online Lecture at FoE UIII January 16, 2024Dr. Siti Nadya Zynuddin’s Lecture on Academic Writing and Publication at FoE UIII January 13, 2024Prof. George Engelhard Delivers a Lecture on Invariant Measurement at FoE UIII January 12, 2024Call for Paper: The 3rd Faculty of Education Annual Conference January 10, 2024Prof. Nina Nurmila of FoE Redefines Islamic Law for Gender Equity Media Op-Ed