News Stay Connected and Informed: Discover Captivating Stories and Insights from Our Campus Community! Show all Uncategorized News Announcement Op-Ed December 8, 2023The Faculty of Education UIII received a visit from the Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty of UIN Saizu Purwokerto December 5, 2023Assignment Beyond Papers: FoE’s Innovative Approach in Delving into Educational Psychology December 4, 2023One of M.A. students in Education UIII won the Best Presenter award at the Forum on Education and Learning Transformation (FELT) Indonesia 2023 December 4, 2023Decoding Bibliometrics: Dr. Visal Moosa’s Intriguing Lecture at FoE UIII October 29, 2023The 1st International Joint Seminars on Education, Social Science, and Applied Science (IJESAS) in Labuan Bajo, East Nusa Tenggara October 18, 2023Faculty of Education at the Indonesian International Islamic University received a visit from UIN Bukittinggi Postgraduate Program and signed the MoU October 14, 2023Socialization of Masters and Doctoral Scholarships from the Indonesian International Islamic University to the Muhammadiyyah University of Malang and the Islamic University of Malang September 4, 2023Experts from FoE UIII and Deakin University Share Practices for Assessing Diverse Students Media Op-Ed