International Law between Translation and Pluralism: Examples from Germany, Palestine and Indonesia

Nurmila, N. (2022). The Implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) in Indonesia, in Noorhaidi Hasan and Irene Schneider (eds.) International Law between Translation and Pluralism. Examples from Germany, Palestine and Indonesia. Germany: Harrassowitz Verlag.

The tribal education in Indonesia: Detribalization challenges of Samin tribe

Abdul Kholiq, Mutohar, A. & Sumintono, B. (2022). The tribal education in Indonesia: Detribalization challenges of Samin tribe, Cogent Education, 9:1, 2136861, DOI: 







Abstract: The exclusion of certain tribes in an educational system can be best understood from the context of national educational policy. The new national education policy in Indonesia causes the exclusion of minority tribes such as Samin community in Indonesia. This study investigates how the National Education law (SISDIKNAS) was implemented, the position of minority groups in the national education system, and the outcomes of the implementation of the national education system for minority groups. This study incorporates the qualitative method to describe the phenomenon that occurs within the minority groups. The results show that some articles of SISDIKAS indicate the detribalization of ethnic minority communities. This research is limited because of its site and scope; therefore, further research can be carried out on Samin community in responding to government policies with a broader research site and scope to produce more comprehensive analysis.

Guest Lecturer: Exploring Indonesian principals’ leadership practices in Islamic-based high schools

 Ummi Kultsum, Ph.D. from Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta, provided lecture about “Exploring Indonesian principals’ leadership practices in Islamic-based high schools” on November 14, 2022 to PhD class EDU321 Educational Management and Leadership.

the UIII Faculty of Education welcomed visiting guests from Tampere University

 On October 5, 2022, the UIII Faculty of Education welcomed visiting guests from Tampere University: Niina Nyyssöl (Tampere University Education and Learning Key Account Manager) together with Satia Zen (Tampere University Education and Learning Specialist).

Study Excursion 2022

 Faculty of Education visited Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Universitas Gadjah Mada and Pondok Pesantren Pabelan on its trip to Yogyakarta on September 14-16, 2022.

Faculty of Education Orientation Day

 The Faculty of Education welcomed new students of MA and PhD 2022 on September 8, 2022. Dean of Faculty of Education, Prof. Nina Nurmila, PhD, delivered an opening speech to greet the new students, continued by discussion of each program by the Head Program of MA, Tati D. Wardi, Ph.D and Head Program of PhD, Bambang Sumintono, PhD. At the end of the session, students from batch 2021 held a Q&A session about managing everyday life of studying at UIII.

Three Faculty of Education members were selected to take part in the Australia Award Indonesia

 Three Faculty of Education members, Prof. Nina Nurmila, PhD, Tati D. Wardi, PhD, and Charyna Ayu Rizkyanti, PhD were selected to take part in the Australia Award Indonesia (AAI) project. AAI follows a series of events of pre-course on July 26-28, 2022 and visiting on site from August 15-28, 2022. The team visited universities in Australia for comparative studies in three different aspects: internationalization in higher education, strengthening in financial management and integration of IT-digitalization. The project ends with a post-course event on December 14-15, 2022.

End of Semester Gathering 2 2022

The Faculty of Education regularly holds a gathering at the end of every semester with all lecturers and students to evaluate as well as to strengthen the bond among faculty members. The feedback will help lecturers in improving the quality of teaching and learning at the Faculty of Education.

The 1st Faculty of Education Annual Conference

Following the Writing Competition 2022, Faculty of Education held its first annual conference with the theme “Education in the Muslim Societies: Addressing Critical Educational Issues during the Challenging Time” and a graduate forum on May 30-31, 2022.  Three Keynote Speakers in this event are Prof. Robert Hefner from Boston University, Abdullah Sahin, Ph.D. from University of Warwick, and Prof. Yukari Amos from Central Washington University.  Prof. Robert Hefner told about “How Indonesia Became a World Leader in Islamic Education: a Historical Sociology of a Great Transformation, Abdullah Sahin, Ph.D. told about “What Is an Islamic University? Higher Education and (Im)Possibilities of Civic Self-Transformation in Contemporary Muslim Societies”, and Prof. Yukari Amos told about “Teaching is a Noble Profession".

End of Semester Gathering 1 2022

The Faculty of Education regularly holds a gathering at the end of every semester with all lecturers and students to evaluate as well as to strengthen the bond among faculty members. The feedback will help lecturers in improving the quality of teaching and learning at the Faculty of Education.