Building Collaborative Pathways: Reflection on the SEAMEO CECCEP Policy Brief Experience
Building Collaborative Pathways: Reflection on the SEAMEO CECCEP Policy Brief Experience
By Farhatul Kamilah
Attending the Peluncuran Risalah Kebijakan Pengembangan Anak Usia Dini Holistik Integratif (PAUD HI), Modul Pengasuhan Gembira dan Aplikasi Anaking [the Launch of the Policy Brief for Integrative Holistic Early Childhood Development (IH ECD), Happy Parenting Module and Anaking Application] was a very valuable experience for our team. This event was organized by the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Regional Centre for Early Childhood Care and Education and Parenting (SEAMEO CECCEP) on December 19, 2024, at the Ministry of Education and Culture, Jakarta. The event, which was officially opened by Prof. Abdul Mu'ti as the Minister of Primary and Secondary Education (Mendikdasmen), aims to increase awareness of the importance of early childhood education and parenting. As part of the event, there was also a talk show with policy makers and stakeholders who discussed some critical issues and efforts to strengthen IH ECD through policies, parental involvement, and digital innovation.
In this event, my team and I wrote the Policy Brief for Integrative Holistic Early Childhood Development in Southeast Asia. Our policy brief aims to enhance collaboration in early childhood development across Southeast Asia. As I try to reflect on the process of drafting and writing the policy brief, I realized how challenging our journey was. Starting from the initial stages of crafting the draft, collecting data from various Ministries of Education across Southeast Asia and the literature review, finalizing the document, and conducting readability tests. These steps were not easy. There were many different perspectives when drafting this draft. However, because we have the same goal, we can go through all this together, returning to our common goal. This reminds me of our discussions with Prof. Vina Adriany, PhD (the Director of SEAMEO CECCEP) during the drafting process. We analogized our ECD policy brief like a ship in which policymakers, stakeholders, teachers, parents, and children all have one goal and shared vision, which is improving holistic and integrative early childhood development. This ship represents unity and collaboration, where everyone works together to overcome challenges and achieve the same goal. Therefore, the success of this holistic and integrative early childhood development will depend on the collective efforts of all parties, driven by the same goal for a brighter future for children.
Apart from the challenges, our experience in the process of preparing this policy brief was a very valuable learning experience that enriched my personal and academic development. The process taught me teamwork, collaboration, resilience, and real-world policy development. My team and I are very grateful to SEAMEO CECCEP and the Faculty of Education UIII for this opportunity to engage in meaningful work that bridges our academic knowledge with practical implementation. This opportunity allowed us to apply the theory and skills that we had learned in our course, particularly in Educational Policy Analysis and Educational Research Methodology course. These courses equipped us with the knowledge and skills needed in this project, making it a meaningful learning experience.
More than providing academic and professional development, for me, this experience has also strengthened my commitment to contribute to the field of education, especially in early childhood development. By this experience, I am inspired to continue working and developing knowledge in order to provide transformative solutions that can support the growth of children, especially in Indonesia.
Enhancing Research Excellence through Participating in Conference
Enhancing Research Excellence through Participating in Conference
by Muhammat Sabar Prihatin
On Saturday, 26 October 2024, the student body of education faculty UIII, ESTUDIA (Education Student Association), conducted a gathering across batches. The event was so much fun and healthy, I believed. We did several dances such as Maumere, Pinguin, and everybody seemed to be happy and enjoying themselves at that time. One main agenda of this event was sharing academic and non-academic life as graduate students, particularly in the faculty of education, such as how to deal with various assignments as well as how to maintain mental and physical health. In my opinion, the event was very beneficial for all of us, especially new students so that they can navigate crucial things to do, anticipate unexpected events that may happen, exchange inspiring and aspiring stories, as well as most importantly to raise our sense of belonging to the community of UIII students especially from the faculty of education as a whole. This event also indicates the importance of gathering among the students for an exciting journey as both individuals and scholars. Thanks to ESTUDIA.
Two of the interesting questions that we discussed during the gathering in my group were, quoting the sentence from one of my MA friends who said, "It is confusing, between writing and publishing papers a lot during study or later when after graduate only?" Plus, "What field are we expert in actually?" Those questions are very relevant to me who currently study at the doctoral level. In my heart I said “Yaw, how is that?", until these concerns reverberated in my brain, making it difficult for me to sleep at night.
But then, before sleeping, I reflect on myself. As far as my undergraduate study experience up until now, I have written and presented papers several times at international conferences, both offline and online, at home country and abroad, including publishing the papers, mostly in proceedings. Despite this, I still don't feel like I'm an expert in the academic world at all. So what does it mean to write and publish through such conferences so far?
In my opinion, responding to my friend's concerns above, the most important thing as a student is of course being able to complete all assignments, which surely each of them is already in an academic or scientific nuance, such as writing or reviewing articles critically and academically. Aren't our course assignments already designed to guide us to work as scholars? Therefore, to become an expert in a particular scientific field, for me, can be done later after graduation, where one of the ways is by increasing scientific productivity through the publication of academic writings, for example, after having sufficient research proficiency skills according to our own capacity. But then, how can we measure whether our abilities are sufficient to pursue a particular scientific field to become an expert?
This is the role of involving ourselves in academic forums such as conferences, which in my opinion can really help us find various choices of fields of study along with ways to participate. By challenging ourselves to write and present and even publish papers through conferences while we still study in university, it will greatly increase our exposure to the experience of participating in scientific studies, which can also increase the horizon of our ideas regarding the scientific field we want to pursue. Additionally, this can also strengthen us to determine our desired expertise as well as to increase our self-confidence because our involvement in the field is in accordance with its latest developments. Not to mention that this can also help us decide the thesis/dissertation topic we need to write before we graduate. Thus, when we have really graduated, we are better prepared to be actively involved in dialogue on the scientific developments that we are pursuing. Isn't it how we can envision more clearly what scientific field we want to become the expert later in the future?
Then, the next question is how can we participate in academic forums such as conferences- which I regard as stages for experts to show their expertises in the scientific field they are in through research-? In my opinion, one of the key factors in developing science to be engaged in academic forums such as conferences is mastery of various research methodologies. That is what, I am quite sure, led me to qualify for being accepted to participate in two fully funded international conferences with my papers that use different research methods, in the last two months. The first is the 3rd International Conference on Religious Moderation (ICROM) conducted by BIMAS Islam, the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Indonesia in Merlynn Park Hotel, Jakarta, November 5-7, 2024. In this conference my paper entitled Youth Engagement in Religious Moderation: Impacts of Peace Journey Board Game on Ethical Perspectives employs a mixed-methods approach, sequential explanatory design. The second is the International Conference on Research, Community Service, and Gender Studies (ICRCSGS) conducted by UIN (Islamic State University) Imam Bonjol Padang, 5-6 Desember 2024. Our deen, Prof. Nina Nurmila is one of the keynote speakers in this conference. My paper is titled Exploring the Impact of International Training Course on Gender Issues and Non-Formal Education (NFE) Methods for Youth in Europe and Asia: A Critical Text Analysis. It is clear that the study adopts a critical text analysis, also can be considered as content analysis. Those articles are still in the process of publication with several options such as proceedings or journals.
I do thank our faculty that provides us with a number of kinds of research methodology to learn from the very first semester until now the third semester. We have learned; research methodology in education, qualitative research methodology, quantitative research methodology, and also mixed-methods research design. These methodologies truly equip us with rich tools that really help enable us to conduct research with more varied approaches.
There are some important things that I can reflect on this matter. Learning various types of research methodology does not mean that I can do any kind of research greatly. Maybe there are people who can. But personally, to be honest, every time I learn about the material, I can't understand everything. Often get confused because there are many new things to learn. The good news is, worth remembering, when writing a paper, we are not to write the research methodology(ies) we employ, rather we justify why and how we adopt it/them in our paper. Afterall, don't let yourself end up dizzy. It's okay to be confused, but that confusion should actually lead us to find the most appropriate strategy for studying those various research methodologies. Is it by studying independently, analyzing other people's papers, or even by directly practicing writing, or perhaps combining some of them. In this way, being confused should lead us to become enlightened. My previous lecture once said, confusion is the first step to understanding science and I can make that sense truly this way.
And for me, “it doesn't matter if we can't understand all the research methodologies we learn”. However, as much as possible “we must be able to understand and even master the methodology we employ in our own research”. Of course, we can learn this in the classes, including when doing assignments. Again, if we strongly want to hone our research skills better, we can consider attending conferences by writing papers using methodology that we really want to learn further.
Another skill I learned as a result of practicing reading and writing for research is the ability to “Just say it” what I want to write. I mean, for example, from the various literature that we find, there are various statements arguing about a certain concept that might also make us confused about which theory we are going to say or to use. So when that happens, we have to be brave enough to say it as what it is, that there are various definitions of a certain concept where A says a, B says b, and C says c. Then we convey which theory or concept that we want to borrow or which one is the most relevant to the context of our own study. This will make our writing remain based on reliable science, that is not just making up as we wish. So there is no need to be confused about the wealth of existing studies, just say what it is according to our findings, then select which theory or concept we want to adopt related to our own research topic.
Last but not least, to further learn about and enhance our research skill particularly on the research methodology is to read the writings of other people who have applied the methodology that we also want to apply. So from there we can apply the ATM (Amati, Tiru, Modifikasi) principle, namely observe, copy and modify. This can help us a lot principally and technically, such as informing us of what important things to write, how to develop or construct the ideas, and how to present the flows of the ideas in the form of scientific writing. We don't have to have a lot of sample papers for ATM, just 2-3 could be enough but we should really be able to follow them. I am sure this way can facilitate us to write scientific papers like experts who master the methodologies they used so that our writing seems to be most likely written by a professional researcher.
I believe, being an expert is not merely about when, rather it is about how we should make it happen. And from my limited subjective experience I reflect here, I can suggest that the more diverse research methodologies we learn, the more possible we can engage in various research, encouraging us to be eagerly involved in scientific talk and dialogue. And for sure, to become the expert one, we should do research a lot in our field, that is how seemingly we are about to know our expertise.
Pedaling to Work, Dr. Lukman’s Message on ‘World Sustainable Transport Day’
Pedaling to Work, Dr. Lukman’s Message on ‘World Sustainable Transport Day’
November 26, 2024
Contributor: Supriyono | Editor: Dadi Darmadi | Photo: Fransiska Aprilya Lowarmodo
Like much of Greater Jakarta area, Depok—a city where UIII is located—is known for its traffic jams, especially during rush hours on weekday’s mornings. The sound of car horns and motorbike engines fills the air as people try to navigate the crowded streets to go to office. But while most are stuck in this daily chaos, Dr. Lukman Nul Hakim has chosen a different way to get to work—one that is quiet, healthy, and better for our planet.
Dr. Lukman, a psychologist and lecturer at UIII Faculty of Education, chooses to ride his bike to UIII campus. This, he said, is not just about avoiding traffic. Cycling, for him, has become a way of life. “Cycling makes me happy. It gives me energy, clears my mind, and helps me feel at peace,” he testified.
His love for cycling is not limited to his commute. One of his most special memories is a bike trip from Depok to Yogyakarta with his wife. Riding a tandem bike, they pedaled over 500 kilometers together in six days. “It was our romantic journey,” he said. “My wife and I wanted to create memories we’d never forget and celebrate our time together.” Dr. Lukman documented their sweet and inspiring journey on his YouTube Channel.
At home, Dr. Lukman is also part of a community which campaign for “Gowes Nuju Kantor” (Pedaling to Work). The story goes back to when he was working at the House of Representatives (DPR RI) in Central Jakarta. He started biking to go to office, and to his surprise, the others joined him. What began as a small group grew into a club called the ‘Parle Cycling Community’, with members from different departments, including parliamentarians. “Change starts with us,” he recalled. “When people see us cycling, they start to wonder if they can do it too. That’s how it all begins.”
Hence, as today (November 26) marks the ‘World Sustainable Transport Day’, Dr. Lukman wants to seize the moment to convey a simple message for all of us: “Try biking, walking, or taking public transport, even if it is just once a week,” he said. “It is a small change that makes a big difference. It is good for your health, your mood, and the planet we live in.”
In this very special moment, Dr. Lukman dreams of a day when people do not see cycling as something special or difficult, but as a normal way to get around. “You don’t need fancy gear or special jerseys. Just hop on your bike and go,” he concluded.
At UIII, sustainability is a part of everyday life. The university supports initiatives that promote green practices, such as encouraging students, lecturers and staff to use bicycles as a sustainable mode of transportation around campus. This aligns with UIII’s broader commitment to sustainability, which includes eco-friendly campus initiatives, green buildings, and efforts to reduce the carbon footprint.
Dr. Lukman’s message aligns closely with UIII’s values for a green campus and sustainability. As an academic institution, UIII encourages its community to take responsibility for the environment and adopt practices that contribute to a more sustainable future.
Unwinding and Uniting: A Memorable Study Excursion to Bandung
Unwinding and Uniting: A Memorable Study Excursion to Bandung
by Nabila Nindya Alifia Putri
Strengthens the bonding — that was the first impression I captured during my study excursion trip in Bandung, which was held on October 16-17, 2024.Starting from Depok, the travel time is about 3.5 hours by bus. The atmosphere on the bus was quite fun, where lecturers, academic staff, and students mingled in one bus, plus students who enlivened the whole bus through karaoke songs that were quite entertaining during the trip. The chantingand humming kept going all along the road, along a winding road to a plantation area in Ciwidey. During the trip, I could feel the warmth created from the interaction of students, lecturers, and academic staff. No matter what academic load or workload it is, it all seems to be focused on one goal: forget all our burdens, and enjoy our moments! Our minds seem to be invited to take a break because the scenery on the right and left sides was very magical: a green tea garden with cool nuances.
Moreover, behind the cold night in Ciwidey, there is one warmth that radiates from the participants of this excursion. The old, young, lecturers, staff, all mingled together to enjoy dinner while listening to music accompanied by a burning bonfire. Of course, this unique interaction is very memorable and imprinted on my memory. Through this excursion activity, I saw a lot of interactions and 'golden moments' that I usually had only seen formally; namely in an academic setting, but now everything looks different. This made me realize that all of us (lecturers, students, and staff) are also human beings with the same goal: to have fun while doing our job to serve the community, because that is the true purpose of this education department.
Apart from these moments of togetherness, when talking about community service activities initiated by the department's student association, namely ESTUDIA, there are many things that I can reflect on when I am one of the teams that document these community service activities. First, the thing that I appreciate is that, with this activity, we as students can hone our skills for how to design an event that is short, but can be memorable for the community around us. Because the academic environment of UIII has diverse backgrounds of culture, the community service activities carried out by FoE UIII focus on introducing cultures from various representative countries of students at FoE. Secondly, in this event, all students participated, regardless of what level of study they were at. This shows the synergy built through this activity, and also again: strengthening the bond with each other among students. This is in accordance with the principle of ukhuwah in Islam, namely ukhuwah insaniyah.
Moving on, the study excursion event was closed with a material presentation from Telkom University Bandung. All classes offered by Telkom university provide a lot of insight, especially for the world of education including digital and media, as well as big data class. During my time at Telkom University, I realized that visiting other educational institutions is no less important. We also need to benchmark to other educational institutions in order to continue to improve the quality and quality of our own educational institutions. By exchanging information like this, I think it will be useful in the future, especially the many new insights presented by Telkom University. The end of the campus visit session was closed with a photo with all study excursion participants, as well as lecturers at Telkom university. With the closing of the visit, the activities and trips of this study excursion are over. Overall, I feel happy and satisfied with this excursion activity because we can do 2 things at once at once: unwind and serve the community.
A Journey of Learning beyond Books
A Journey of Learning beyond Books
by Khizer Hayat
My name is Khizer Hayat, and I come from Pakistan. For me, learning is not confined to books—it can be found in every experience and every moment we live. As Albert Einstein once said, “The only source of knowledge is experience.” From October 16-17, 2024, I had the privilege of participating in a study excursion organized by the Faculty of Education at UIII, Depok, which proved to be a truly transformative journey.
Our adventure began as we departed from the dorms, leaving behind the familiar streets of Depok and Jakarta, and heading toward the serene, nature-rich city of Bandung. As we traveled through the vibrant cities, I felt like I was entering a whole new world, full of excitement and possibilities. As Confucius once said, “Wherever you go, go with all your heart.” This quote perfectly captured my mindset as we embarked on this journey.
Our first day was packed with exhilarating activities, including rafting and off-road adventures that got our adrenaline rushing. Every moment was captured on camera, preserving the memories forever. It reminded me of the quote by Susan Sontag: “I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list.”
The night at Eco Park Hotel was an experience to remember. The cabins were cozy and charming, but what made the evening truly special was the live performance by the music band “9 Outbound Ciwidey.” Their energy filled the air with music, adding magic to the chilly weather. We gathered around a roaring fire, wrapped in our jackets, enjoying a barbecue, and sharing laughs. The warmth of the fire was matched only by the warmth of the company, as students and faculty danced, sang, and bonded over the joy of the night. As Henry David Thoreau said, “Friends… they are the sunshine of life.” This quote beautifully sums up the warmth of the evening.
The following day took us to 13 Junior High School in Bandung, where we participated in a vibrant cultural exchange with students from diverse backgrounds—Pakistan, Bangladesh, Turkey, Afghanistan, Nigeria, Tanzania, the Philippines, Gambia, and Indonesia. The enthusiasm of the junior high students was infectious, and their warm welcome, combined with their traditional dances, was heartwarming. “The beauty of the world lies in the diversity of its people,” as Maya Angelou so eloquently said, and we truly experienced that beauty through this cultural exchange.
Throughout the journey, we were accompanied by the esteemed Dean, Nina Nurmila, PhD, along with professors and staff, who made every moment enjoyable. From the delightful snacks to the delicious meals at the hotel, everything was wonderfully planned. Even the bus rides were filled with non-stop singing, adding to the lively atmosphere. As Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Life is a journey, not a destination,” and the joy in the journey was palpable.
The highlight of our trip was the visit to Telkom University. We were greeted with an atmosphere of innovation and inspiration. The student presentations were simply remarkable. These young minds were not just students—they were scientists in the making, innovators ready to shape the future. The university’s vision and mission were shared with us, filling us with admiration. As Steve Jobs once said, “Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.” The spirit of innovation was alive at Telkom University.
A memorable moment was the insightful lecture on management by Professor Dr. Djadja of Telkom University. His words about leadership and innovation left a lasting impression on me, inspiring new ideas for my own academic journey. As he said, “True leadership is about managing not just systems, but the hearts and minds of people.” This idea resonated deeply, reminding me that education is not only about gaining knowledge but also about becoming a compassionate leader.
As we made our way back to Depok, the sense of fulfillment was profound. The two-day experience felt like it carried the weight of two months of study. The lessons learned, the memories made, and the friendships formed will remain with me forever.
This study excursion was more than just a trip—it was a journey of discovery, learning, and cultural exchange. It reminded me that education goes beyond textbooks, and sometimes, as Oscar Wilde said, “Experience is the hardest kind of teacher. It gives you the test first and the lesson afterward.” Indeed, the best lessons are the ones we learn outside the classroom.
Empowering Growth Through Study Excursions to Bridge Knowledge, Community, and Professional Development
Empowering Growth Through Study Excursions to Bridge Knowledge, Community, and Professional Development
by Novinta Nurulsari
I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to participate in the study excursion organized by the Faculty of Education at UIII. This program was not only complimentary, but it was also incredibly beneficial for us as students. The agenda was thoughtfully designed to enhance our academic and professional growth, leaving me with lasting impressions and valuable insights.
Two key aspects of the study excursion stood out to me. First, the visit to Telkom University was an exceptional experience. I had the chance to attend a short one-meeting course titled Harnessing Big Data for Transformative Education, Administration, and Management, delivered by Dr. Djaja Achmad Sardjana, S.T., M.M. His lecture was insightful and highly relevant, especially regarding the practical application of Python, which piqued my interest. Previously, I had encountered a 2022 article on Design Thinking, a topic closely related to my dissertation, and the article presented fascinating data visualizations created using Python. I tried to explore this tool and ask for some support and guidance, but none of my colleagues had any experience with this tool. I felt so grateful when the Faculty of Education organized this study excursion. I can learn directly from the lecturer and gain a deeper understanding of Big Data and Data-Driven Decision Making, which are crucial in showcasing evidence in our analysis. I also learned about Power BI (Business Intelligence), a tool I had never used before. The entire learning experience was amazing and eye-opening! This exposure to advanced technologies is invaluable for those of us in the educational field. It empowers us to better integrate technology into our work, whether for research or professional development.
The second aspect that impressed me was the community service activity at SMPN 13 Bandung. This activity allowed all the students participating in the excursion to engage directly with the students and school members at that school. It provided us an experience to interact and communicate with the students so we could learn about the characteristics of the students. This interaction, especially with international students from FoE UIII, also benefited the school, where the students could learn new things from us. It also boosted their enthusiasm for continuing their study. The school’s warm reception further added to the significance of this experience, and it was a mutually enriching interaction for both the students and the school.
Moreover, this study excursion significantly strengthened the bonds between students and faculty members beyond the academic and community engagement aspects. This program allowed us to build stronger connections and communication within activites. We also developed our collaboration skills to do every program through teamwork. This make the overall experience even more rewarding.
In conclusion, the study excursion was an invaluable experience, filled with opportunities for academic learning, meaningful engagement with the community, and the deepening of interpersonal relationships. It provided me with the tools and motivation to further my professional and educational journey, and I am deeply appreciative.
Travel and Lessons
Travel and Lessons
by Muhammat Sabar Prihatin
The study excursion conducted by the faculty of education UIII for me is not merely a sightseeing activity but it is about a lesson-reflective story. This trip took place two days, starting from 16-17 October 2024, with the destination of the capital city of west Java, Bandung. Throughout the trip we witnessed the beautiful and natural scenery, particularly when we came to the accommodation area, Ciwiday.
Worship by exploring the earth
Ciwidey is famous for its beautiful places in Banding, which has many hills planted with tea trees. The lush green color on every hillside was successful to spoil the eyes anytime we looked at it. The winding and sometimes up and down roads just made the trip even more thrilling. Plus, the strains of music from the old up to present era, sung by different generations-Dean, lectures, and students added to the excitement of the journey. This made the long trip feel short and fast.
This stage reminded me of the Holy Quran saying that the earth was made flat so that we can explore it easily. So it is true that with our intention to witness this verse, our study tour is not only for a fun trip but also a moment of contemplation to admire the Almighty of Allah SWT over His beautiful creation of this universe.
Taaruf Session (Learning from one another)
Another valuable experience was when we students of UIII did community service. We visited SMPN 13 Bandung to do a cultural exchange activity with the students there. Traditional dances welcomed us warmly, which attracted fellow UIII students, especially foreign students. When a student came with a traditional dance, our friends immediately clapped their hands and recorded the dance.
After that, we UIII students and the students of SMPN 13 Bandung were divided into ten groups according to the number of student countries in the Faculty of Education at the event location, such as Turkey, Mexico, Pakistan, Tanzania, and the Philippines. In the international cultural exchange forum, the students were very enthusiastic about exploring various information from student representatives from the countries they visited. They chatted about the local language of the guest country, traditional songs and dances, and even their typical foods. The exciting discussion ended with the making of a short video with students saying, for example, "Sawadikap, we have a new friend from Thailand, Kap kun khap".
This cultural exchange activity reminded me of the concept of ta'aruf. It is mentioned in one of the verses of the holy Quran which means that Allah SWT created humans in different tribes, states, and languages for us to learn from one another. The cultural exchange experience provides real evidence to students that diversity is real. And the differences that exist between humans are created to get to know each other. If fellow humans know and understand each other well, then this can reduce bad prejudice and the assumption that a certain group is better and more important than others. And if this can be established in harmony, then this state of knowing and understanding each other can also encourage the
establishment of cooperative and compassionate relationships based on wisdom on the basis of humanity. So it is important that students in schools as the younger generation need to be equipped with an understanding and experience of diversity itself, that it does not exist to belittle certain groups and excel others, but as real evidence of sunnatullah - the Will of God Almighty. So of course it is another kind of worship if we can celebrate this diversity as a gift of life.
Public service for knowledge sharing
Last but not least, the community service activities carried out by the lecturers of UIII and Telkom University were another topic of reflection. For me, cooperation between educational institutions is an important factor in building student learning experiences. What I felt at that time was that I got the opportunity to learn to process data on a large scale by utilizing technology that I had never learned at UIII, but I learned a lot from Telkom Uni. It's like this, knowledge that I thought was difficult to learn, turned out to be easy for other people or other places because they have the facilities, there are the experts, and or because the campus specializes in that certain knowledge.
Thus, I realized that there are certain fields of knowledge that are actually relevant to us but it turns out that we can easily learn them at other campuses. The insight I received taught me the importance of learning from many parties. And I think it's the other way around, the lessons delivered by several lecturers of the UIII Faculty of Education at Telkom Uni provide new important and interesting things for students who follow their presentation, namely psychological-based leadership, literacy skills, and spatial thinking skills, which may not be available at Telkom Uni.
This kind of collaborative synergy is what I think is needed and must continue to be carried out by educational institutions in Indonesia to improve the quality of education in general, both from the lecturers, or teachers, and students. The visit and knowledge sharing between UIII and Telkom Uni that we did could be one of the real forms of academic friendship that echoes that knowledge is a blessing for the universe (Rahmatan lil ‘alamin), not belonging to a particular educational institution or field of study only.
Thank you, Faculty of Education UIII, for the valuable lessons during the two-day journey on this study excursion. I am sure that each of us feels the benefits both personally, intellectually, socially, and even spiritually.
An Inspiring Journey at Madania Progressive Indonesian School
An Inspiring Journey at Madania Progressive Indonesian School
By Khizer Hayat.
As an intern, I practiced my skills in teaching English there. Madania, a school known for its progressive approach to education, integrates the Indonesian National Curriculum with the International Baccalaureate (IB) and Cambridge IGCSE frameworks, creating an exceptional learning environment from Kindergarten through Senior High School. Teaching English here was an incredibly rewarding experience. I had the unique opportunity to engage with a wide age group of students, adapting my lessons to their varied needs while ensuring their grasp of English communication improved.
One of the highlights of my experience was how I was able to bridge cultures through language. I was not just an English teacher, but also a cultural ambassador, fostering intercultural connections during my time with the students. Participating in school-wide events such as the Indonesian Independence Day, Mawlid Nabi(Prophet Muhammad’s Birthday Celebration), and cultural celebrations provided a platform to engage with parents and the wider school community. These moments allowed me to share my background while appreciating the rich cultural diversity Indonesia offers.
Working with students wasn’t limited to classrooms alone. Madania emphasizes holistic development, blending academics with extracurricular activities like sports and arts, which provide an avenue to engage with students on multiple levels. The school’s focus on inclusivity and promoting a diverse understanding of religion, languages, and cultures resonated deeply with me. I experienced this openness firsthand when the school management and staff generously invited me on visits to significant places in Bogor. Their hospitality was heartwarming, reinforcing the values of unity and respect for diversity that Madania upholds.
My time at Madania wasn't just about teaching—it was about learning. I gained hands-on exposure to various teaching and management practices. I contributed to the evaluation of the curricula, observed the implementation of progressive teaching methods, and participated in policy discussions aimed at strengthening the school’s educational approach. I was impressed by the school’s openness to feedback, where I functioned not only as a teacher but also as a critical observer, offering suggestions on curriculum alignment and educational research.
Madania’s commitment to nurturing future leaders—through modern technology, cultural understanding, and academic excellence—stood out. The school’s holistic approach made it a unique institution within Indonesia. I left with a deeper understanding of how education can be a force for both personal and societal growth.
In conclusion, my internship at Madania was more than an academic endeavor; it was an enriching experience that allowed me to grow as a teacher, observer, and participant in a dynamic and diverse educational setting. It reinforced my belief that schools like Madania are shaping the future leaders of Indonesia—leaders who are not only well-versed in academic excellence but are also rooted in cultural and social understanding. I am proud to have carried the name of UIII and contributed to this incredible institution during my time there.
Khizer Hayat is a master student at the Faculty of Education, UIII.
Breaking the Boundaries as an Internship Student: My Journey to Present at a Southeast Asian International Forum
Breaking the Boundaries as an Internship Student: My Journey to Present at a Southeast Asian International Forum
By Muhammad Lutfi Assidiqi
Attending the Consultative Meeting on Development of SEAMEO-ASEAN Joint Roadmap on Early Childhood Care and Education in Southeast Asia and Policy Brief on Early Childhood Development Services as a presenter, especially to present the draft policy brief that my team and I worked on during our time as interns at SEAMEO CECCEP, was a very valuable and rare experience for an intern. In this meeting, I stood in front of Governing Board (GB) members of Southeast Asian countries as well as representatives of international NGOs such as UNICEF EAPRO, Tanoto Foundation, UNESCO Indonesia, and others. This was not just a presentation, but a pivotal moment in my career where my voice was heard in prestigious forums.
As an intern, I realized that this kind of opportunity is rare. The stereotype of interns as "beginners" who only carry out small tasks, I do not feel at all at SEAMEO CECCEP. Instead of being ignored, my ideas are heard and appreciated, as if I were an integral part of a professional team. This experience encouraged me to continue to explore the material that I had learned from Dr. Lukman in the Education Policy Analysis class. The practice of writing policy briefs based on The Eightfold Path from Bardach that I learned during the lectures proved to be an important provision in completing my job at SEAMEO CECCEP.
I feel very lucky and grateful to the Faculty of Education, UIII, for facilitating the Independent Study Program and matching me with a very supportive internship place. An internship at SEAMEO CECCEP has not only provided me with significant professional experience, but also a space that has supported my personal and academic development. This opportunity has opened my eyes to the importance of an education that connects theory with real practice, and the important of having an environment that supports and rewards every contribution, regardless of status.
By this experience, I reflected on how important and invaluable this kind of opportunity is for a college student. Not only provide real experience in the field of education policy, but also build confidence to contribute in the international level. Of course, with the willingness to keep learning and the desire to keep trying to have a positive impact, as my team and I have done by drafting a policy brief on early childhood development services for the Southeast Asian region.
A Deeper Understanding of Critical Feminist Methodology
A Deeper Understanding of Critical Feminist Methodology
October 14, 2024
Contributor: Supriyono | Editor: Dadi Darmadi | Photo: M. Sufyan As-Tsauri
Depok, October 3, 2024 — The UIII Faculty of Education held a thought-provoking public lecture on Thursday, October 3, featuring Prof. Nina Nurmila, Dean of the Faculty of Education. Speaking to a packed audience in Theater Hall Faculty A, Prof. Nurmila explored the intricacies of critical feminist methodology, a vital yet often debated aspect of modern research.
Prof. Nina Nurmila is a distinguished Professor of Gender and Islamic Studies. She earned her MA from Murdoch University in 1997 and a PhD from the University of Melbourne in 2007. Her academic journey includes prestigious roles such as a Fulbright Visiting Researcher at Temple University in Philadelphia in 2000, an Endeavour Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Technology, Sydney, in 2008, and a Fulbright Visiting Professor of Islamic Studies at the University of Redlands, California, from 2008 to 2009.
Prof. Nurmila began by addressing ongoing debates from the 1990s over whether feminist methodology stands as a distinct research paradigm and methodology. She pointed out that opponents have argued against its independence, suggesting that feminist methodologies lack a unique perspective and draw heavily from established paradigms like Marxism and critical theory. Others contend that feminist approaches lack coherence due to the diverse perspectives within feminism itself.
However, Prof. Nurmila presented a compelling case for recognizing feminist methodology as unique, emphasizing its intentional rejection of male-dominated research paradigms. “Feminist researchers prioritize women’s perspectives and their societal positions, presenting a contrast to traditional methodologies focused primarily on male experiences,” she explained. She further noted that feminist research introduces a unique lens for understanding the world, often centered around the impact of patriarchy.
The criteria that define feminist methodology, as presented by Prof. Nurmila, include examining issues through a female prism, in which women are both the focus and interpreters of inquiry. Feminist methodology also encourages “consciousness raising,” a quality described as the advantage that female researchers have in understanding women’s experiences from within an “oppressed group.” She added that this “double vision” enables feminist researchers to empathize deeply and interpret their findings more accurately.
Highlighting her own work, Prof. Nurmila referenced several examples of feminist research, including her publications like “Women, Islam, and Everyday Life” (Routledge, 2009) and an article examining husband-wife dynamics (Al-Jamia’ah: Journal of Islamic Studies, 2013). She reflected on how feminist methodology shapes her qualitative research, occasionally integrating quantitative data while retaining a feminist analytical lens.
In her conclusion, Prof. Nurmila discussed how feminist methodologies transform traditional academic language structures, shifting from objective, passive language to more subjective, active voice. She also emphasized the importance of non-gender-biased language, advocating for inclusive terms such as “human power” rather than “manpower”.
Prof. Nurmila’s lecture left the audience with a deeper understanding of critical feminist methodology and its transformative impact on research. Through her insights, she highlighted the importance of inclusivity and empowerment within academia, calling on future researchers to consider feminist perspectives in fostering societal progress. The event exemplified UIII’s commitment to fostering an environment open to new perspectives in research, welcoming research paradigms, methodologies, and methods that advocate for societal change and scholarly diversity.