Iin Afrianti Umar Named Best Graduate of Faculty of Education

Iin Afrianti Umar Named Best Graduate of Faculty of Education

August 28, 2024

Contributor: Supriyono | Editor: Dadi Darmadi 

In a remarkable achievement, Iin Afrianti Umar has been named the best graduate of the Faculty of Education for the second cohort at Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia (UIII). With an outstanding GPA of 3.96 out of 4.00, Iin’s dedication and hard work have set a benchmark for academic excellence.

Balancing the dual roles of student and mother, Iin’s journey is a living example of resilience and determination. Her adeptness at managing her academic responsibilities alongside her duties as a mom has earned her widespread admiration from both peers and faculty.

In addition to her academic achievements, Iin was one of three students selected for a research student visit program at Deakin University in Australia. In May 2024, she had the opportunity to work closely with Deakin experts, gaining invaluable insights and guidance for her thesis.

Reflecting on her journey, Iin shared, “Balancing my studies and responsibilities as a mother was challenging, but it taught me the importance of time management and perseverance. Today is not the end, but a new beginning,” said Iin during the faculty’s judicium on August 27, 2024.

At the same event, Prof. Nina Nurmila, Dean of the Faculty of Education, congratulated all the graduating students from the faculty, encouraging them to never stop learning. “Just because you graduated today, does not mean that you stop learning. You should continue learning either through publishing more research articles or pursuing a PhD,” said the dean.

Congratulations to all graduating students, especially for Iin whose success story poses as a shining example of what can be achieved with perseverance and support. Her journey not only highlights the quality of education at UIII but also serves as an inspiration to fellow students balancing multiple roles.

source https://www.uiii.ac.id/news/read/57637/iin-afrianti-umar-named-best-graduate-of-faculty-of-education

Selecting the Top Artisan Woodcraft Projects Using Many Facet Rasch Measurement (MFRM) Model

Mohd Nor, M.Z, Sumintono, B., Nizam, M.S. and Sani, Z. (2024). Selecting the Top Artisan Woodcraft Projects Using Many Facet Rasch Measurement (MFRM) Model. In Zhang, Q. (ed). Proceeding of the Pacific-Rim Objective Measurement Symposium (PROMS) 2023. Atlantis Highlights in Social Sciences, Education and Humanities. https://doi.org/10.2991/978-94-6463-494-5_15

Development and Validation of Students’ Competency Instrument on Science Process Skills.

Karima, E., Ibrahim, S.I.,  Rasit, H.H. and Sumintono, B. (2024). Development and Validation of Students’ Competency Instrument on Science Process Skills. In Zhang, Q. (ed). Proceeding of the Pacific-Rim Objective Measurement Symposium (PROMS) 2023. Atlantis Highlights in Social Sciences, Education and Humanities. https://doi.org/10.2991/978-94-6463-494-5_20

Using Rasch Model to Assess the Foreign Language Speaking Anxiety Scale (FLSAS) among University Students in Salatiga, Indonesia

Anandi, R.P., Sumintono, B., Zailani, M.A. and Syafitri, R. (2024). Using Rasch Model to Assess the Foreign Language Speaking Anxiety Scale (FLSAS) among University Students in Salatiga, Indonesia. In Zhang, Q. (ed). Proceeding of the Pacific-Rim Objective Measurement Symposium (PROMS) 2023. Atlantis Highlights in Social Sciences, Education and Humanities. https://doi.org/10.2991/978-94-6463-494-5_6

Lecturer Publication 2024: Dr. Destina Wahyu Winarti

Faculty of Education; Lecturer Publication

Dr. Destina Wahyu Winarti (Lecturer of the Faculty of Education), in collaboration with A/Prof. Sitti Maesuri Patahuddin and Prof. Tom Lowrie, has published an article with the title " Unleashing the Potential: Spatializing Middle School Mathematics for Enhanced Learning" on Educational Studies in Mathematics | Scopus Q1 / Web of Science List (Social Science Citation Index - SSCI).
This study assessed the effectiveness of a spatialized mathematics intervention on the mathematical performance and spatial visualization skills of students from an underprivileged Indonesian community. Grade 8 students (N = 407) were assigned to one of twelve experimental classes, receiving the spatial mathematics intervention, or one of seven control classes, continuing with the standard mathematics curriculum. Prior to and following the intervention, a pre-test and post-test design was administered. The data were analyzed using Analysis of Covariance to ascertain the effect of the intervention.
Scan or click the link on the highlight to access the full paper

Measuring the Impact of Islamic Values-Based Scientific Literacy on Scientific Competency of Madrasah Teachers

Asiyah, Febrini, D., Topano, A., Mustamin, A.A, and Hakim, M.A.R. (2024).  Measuring the Impact of Islamic Values-Based Scientific Literacy on Scientific Competency of Madrasah Teachers. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research. Vol 23 (4), 476-496. https://doi.org/10.26803/ijlter.23.4.25 https://www.ijlter.org/index.php/ijlter/article/view/10068

Lunch Talk #32: Finding your voice in research: when the 'personal is political'

You are invited to join the Lunch Talk #32 at the Faculty of Education, UIII.

Dr. Elizabeth Summerfield (Australian Volunteer International and a Visiting Research Fellow at the University of Adelaide) will share her presentation under the title: “Finding your voice in research: when the 'personal is political”.

In this talk, she will explain a little about her PhD back story, how it came to influence the questions she asked, what she found out about a leading Australian environmentalist (and Albert Einstein) as a result, and how remembering the phrase 'the personal is political' was important.

Day/Date: Tuesday/August 27, 2024
Time: 12.30-14.00 WIB
Place: Theater, Faculty A Building

Online participation:

E-Certificate is provided

Thank you!

YouTube Recorded

2025 Research Paper Writing Competition

The Faculty of Education is pleased to announce 2025 Research Paper Writing Competition to be included in its flagship journal publication, Muslim Education Review (MER).

MER is an international journal published by Faculty of Education at Indonesian International Islamic University (IIIU). We invite a wide range of topics in education especially those that are within the journal scopes.

MER is a forum for reporting research on education within four broad areas in:
* Curriculum, Teaching and Learning;
* Educational Management, Policy and Leadership;
* Educational Evaluation and Assessment;
* Education and Society.

Submission papers should be written in English and typically range between 6,000 to 8,000 words (including a 250 word maximum of abstract).
All submissions should be
* Original;
* Unpublished;
* and Conform to MER Full Paper Template: https://bit.ly/MERJournalTemplate

Please send all contributions as an attachment to: education@uiii.ac.id
Subject: 2025 Writing Competition

The awards include cash payment of up to IDR 10,000,000 for up to 3 winners.

Important Dates
Full Paper Submission:  December 9, 2024
Awards Announcement: March 25, 2025

To see previous MER publication, please click this link: bit.ly/MERJournal

Scholars-in-Residence (SIR) Fellows Batch 5, Faculty of Education UIII

✨ Scholars-in-Residence (SIR) Fellows, Faculty of Education ✨

The Faculty of Education is delighted to introduce and announce the result of the Scholars-in-Residence (SIR) Program (Batch 5 for September - November, 2024). Theya are: Zulfa Sakhiyya, PhD (Universitas Negeri Semarang) and M. Arif Rahman Hakim, PhD (UIN Fatmawati Soekarno Bengkulu). Both of them will be participated in many academic activities in the faculty, such as a guest lecturer in MA and PhD courses, giving seminar in Lunch Talk series, open for discussion and consultation for MA and PhD students in the faculty, as well as in social activities too.

Enhancing Quality Assurance Skills at UGM Training

Enhancing Quality Assurance Skills at UGM Training

August 13, 2024

Contributor: Moch Faisal Karim | Editor: Supriyono

Yogyakarta, August 10, 2024 – Four academics from Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia (UIII) recently participated in an intensive training program on the Internal Quality Assurance System (SPMI) and Internal Quality Audit (AMI) at Yogyakarta’s Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM). The training, held from August 7th to 10th, 2024, aimed to enhance the skills of UIII’s faculty members in quality assurance.

The team included Moch Faisal Karim, PhD, from the Faculty of Social Sciences, Fajar Hirawan, PhD, from the Faculty of Economics and Business, Bambang Sumintono, PhD, from the Faculty of Education, and Faried Fachrudin Saenong, PhD, from the Faculty of Islamic Studies.

The four-day program was divided into two key segments. The initial two days were dedicated to understanding the SPMI framework and its practical implementation. The participants engaged in comprehensive discussions on national policies related to the quality assurance system (SPM Dikti), developed by the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia, and examined the relationship between internal and external quality assurance systems. They also explored how the internal quality assurance system is integrated into UGM’s academic processes.

The latter half of the training focused on practical applications of AMI. AMI or Audit Mutu Internal, is a structured, independent, and recorded process designed to verify that the activities within an organization are performed according to established procedures and that the outcomes align with the standards needed to achieve the institution's objectives. The participants took part in role-playing exercises and simulated internal quality audits, gaining hands-on experience in planning, conducting, and reporting on quality audits within their respective faculties. The training concluded with presentations of audit reports and discussions on best practices for follow-up actions.

The training was part of UIII’s broader initiatives to elevate quality standards across its faculties and prepare for upcoming accreditation processes. Additionally, it aims to increase the number of certified internal auditors within the university, thereby strengthening internal quality assurance mechanisms. Organized by UGM, the training provided valuable insights and practical skills that will significantly enhance the quality of education and research at UIII.

source: https://www.uiii.ac.id/news/read/57620/enhancing-quality-assurance-skills-at-ugm-training