Mobilitas Penduduk dan Kualitas Udara saat Pandemi COVID-19: Studi kasus DKI Jakarta. Jurnal Wilayah dan Lingkungan
Alamsyah, P., & Hakim, L. N. (2023). Mobilitas Penduduk dan Kualitas Udara saat Pandemi COVID-19: Studi kasus DKI Jakarta. Jurnal Wilayah dan Lingkungan, 11(2), 126-140.
Penelitian ini bertujuan melihat sejauh mana mobilitas penduduk berpengaruh terhadap lingkungan, khususnya kualitas udara. Para peneliti sebelumnya telah mempelajari dampak mobilitas penduduk dan kaitannya dengan ekonomi, pola penyebaran penyakit, dan psikologis. Namun demikian masih sedikit yang meneliti bagaimana faktor lingkungan mempengaruhi dan dipengaruhi oleh mobilitas manusia. Bencana covid-19 secara kebetulan memberikan peluang bagi peneliti untuk mempelajari dengan kondisi yang sulit terulang, yaitu kondisi Kota Jakarta yang lebih lengang, dikarenakan mobilitas penduduk di Jakarta yang menurun drastis dikarenakan lockdown. Peneliti berusaha mempelajari fenomena tersebut menggunakan kerangka teori Driver–Pressure–State–Impact–Response (DPSIR). Metode penelitian yang dilakukan adalah kualitatif dengan mengkaji data mobilitas dari Google Mobility Index dan Rom tom Traffic index. Sementara sumber data respon publik diambil dari data cuitan di twitter yang diambil dari Twitter Archiving Google Sheet (TAGS) versi 6.1.7 mulai dari tanggal 15 Februari hingga 22 Mei 2020. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penurunan mobilitas penduduk dalam berkendara ternyata tidak secara otomatis akan menurunkan kadar polutan di udara. Terdapat faktor lain yang berkontribusi terhadap polusi di Jakarta, yaitu industri yang berada di Jabodetabek yang mengelilingi Kota Jakarta. Artikel ini bermanfaat bukan saja bagi pemerhati lingkungan, melainkan juga para pengambil kebijakan, bahwa upaya memperbaiki kualitas udara di Kota Jakarta dapat dilakukan dengan mengatur mobilitas penduduk di Kota Jakarta, dan memonitor pihak industri.
Lecturer Publication 2023: Bambang Sumintono, Ph.D.
Bambang Sumitono, PhD @deceng (Head of PhD in Education Study Program) and his teams have published book chapters on the established publishers, Routledge and Springer.
The book chapter title, School Leadership and Indonesian Culture: Revealing the local knowledge development in Post New Order Indonesia, published in the book Educational Leadership and Asian Culture: Culturally Sensitive Leadership Practice. This chapter consists of a systematic review of ELAM research in the Indonesian context that appears in the GARUDA database, a knowledge-based system of journal articles in the Indonesian language. This review aims to describe the Indonesian knowledge development in ELAM reflecting the Indonesian culture of school leadership.
Islamic Educational Leadership: Southeast Asia perspectives is one of the book chapters contained in the book Islamic-Based Educational Leadership, Administration & Management: Challenging Expectations through Global Critical Insights. This chapter explains the emerging landscape of educational leadership knowledge based in Southeast Asia region, which usually called as Muslim archipelago. Historical, political and socio-cultural forces forms unique Islamic identity in this region which resulted to different practice and thinking about Islamic educational leadership.
Attraction of Authority: The Indonesian Experience of Educational Decentralization" is a book chapter in the book Education in Indonesia: Critical Perspectives on Equity and Social Justice. This chapter discusses several questions motivated by the fall of the New Order government in 1998 changed the landscape of Indonesian education from a highly centralized system to a decentralized one. With this paradigm shift, district governments received a transfer of power in most public sectors in 2001, including education.
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#routledge #springer #education #education_UIII #facultyofeducation #universitasislaminternasionalindonesia
Sumintono, B., Hariri, H. and Kusumaputri, E.S. (2023). School Leadership and Indonesian Culture: Revealing the local knowledge development in Post New Order Indonesia. In Liu, P. and Thien, L.M. (eds). Educational Leadership and Asian Culture, Implications for Culturally Sensitive Leadership Practice. Routledge.
Sumintono, B., Kusumaputri, E.S., Hariri, H. and Juniardi, Y. (2023). Islamic Educational Leadership: Southeast Asia perspectives. In Arar, K., Sawalhi, R., Decuir A., and Amatullah, T. (Eds.). Islamic-Based Educational Leadership, Administration and Management, Challenging Expectations through Global Critical Insights. Routledge.
Sumintono, B., Hariri, H., and Izzati, U.A. (2023). Attraction of Authority: The Indonesian Experience of Educational Decentralization. In: Sakhiyya, Z., Wijaya Mulya, T. (eds) Education in Indonesia, Critical Perspectives on Equity and Social Justice. Springer, Singapore.
Lecturer Publication 2023: Tati Lathipatud Durriyah, PhD.
In collaboration with Firman Parlindungan, S.Pd., M.Pd., PhD, Sofie Dewayani, PhD, Sary Silvhiany S.Pd. M.Pd., M.A., PhD, and Prof. Yukari Amos, Tati Lathipatud Durriyah, PhD @tatiwardi (Head of MA in Education Study Program) has published an article with the title "Indonesian Literacy Teachers’ Efforts to Integrate Children’s Literature in literacy classrooms" on The Australian Journal of Language and Literacy - (Scopus Q1).
The study uses the reader-response theory framework, especially the notion of teachers as part of the learning context in promoting students’ engagement with a text. The study highlighted some case study teachers’ classroom practices centering on children’s literature, giving access to books, infusing children’s literature in teaching, and using books to discuss difficult topics with students.
Scan or click the link on the highlight to access the full paper.
#scopus #education #education_UIII #facultyofeducation #universitasislaminternasionalindonesia
Link: Durriyah, T.L., Parlindungan, F., Dewayani, S. et al. Indonesian literacy teachers’ efforts to integrate children’s literature in literacy classrooms. The Australian Journal of Language and Literacy AJLL (2023).
Lecturer Publication 2023: Prof. Nina Nurmila, PhD
In collaboration with Dr Rachel Rinaldo and Dr Eva Nisa, Prof. Nina Nurmila, PhD (@nurmilanina - Dean of the Faculty of Education) has published an article with the title "Divorce Narratives and Class Inequalities in Indonesia" on Sage Journal - Journal of Family Issues (Scopus Q1/Web of Scince list).
This paper focuses on the interplay between divorce strategies and socioeconomic differences among Muslim couples. In-depth interviews with 93 Muslim men and women and 19 judges from Islamic courts show that class differences shape distinctive dynamics of divorce among Muslim Indonesians.
Scan the QR code or click the link on the highlight menu to access the full paper.
#facultyofeducation #UIII #universitasislaminternasionalindonesia
Link: Nurmila, N., & Windiana, W. (2023). Understanding the Complexities of Child Marriage and Promoting Education to Prevent Child Marriage in Indramayu, West Java. Ulumuna, 27(2), 823-853.
Lunch Talk #24: Redefining Inner Logic of Teaching and Learning
Arif Hidayat, M.Si., Ph.D. Ed (Lecturer at Indonesia University of Education, President of Indonesia Association of Lesson Study, and Scholar in Residence at the Faculty of Education, Indonesian International Islamic University) will share about: "Redefining Inner Logic of Teaching and Learning".
This talk aims to explain disruptive era, when teaching and learning have been dramatically changed, not only to transform and facilitate students lesson but also teachers themselves as inevitable part of learning progression. This leads to redefine teaching and learning from the perspective not only no students left behind, but also no teachers left behind.
Day/Date: Wednesday/December 20, 2023
Time: 10.30-12.00 WIB
Place: Theater, Faculty A Building
recording in Youtube
Guest Lecture: Multilevel Data Analysis in Large Scale Assessment
In this lecture Dr. Bakir Haryanto from Australian Council for Educational Research, Indonesia office, will present data analysis in large assessment scale which usually include in different level (individual and school level for instance). Multilevel data analysis is crucial in large-scale assessments, allowing examination of individual, group, and contextual factors influencing outcomes. This approach considers nested structures, such as students within classrooms or schools, providing a comprehensive understanding of diverse influences on assessment results. By accounting for hierarchical relationships, it enhances the accuracy of interpretations, identifies patterns, and informs targeted interventions. This methodology is integral for educational policymakers and practitioners, enabling nuanced insights into educational systems' complexities, ultimately promoting effective decision-making and improving overall assessment strategies.
Guest Lecture: Rasch Measurement in Educational Research
Rasch measurement is a psychometric approach widely used in educational research to assess and analyze individuals' abilities or attitudes. Named after Danish mathematician Georg Rasch, this method focuses on item response theory, emphasizing the relationship between respondents' abilities and the probability of correct responses to specific items. Unlike traditional assessments, Rasch models provide interval-level measurement, allowing for precise comparisons. This approach aids in constructing valid and reliable educational tests, evaluating the difficulty of items, and ensuring measurement consistency across diverse populations. Rasch measurement has proven valuable in enhancing the quality and fairness of educational assessments, fostering more accurate and meaningful interpretations of individuals' performances. In this guest lecture Professor Yan Zi, Ph.D, from the Education University of Hong Kong will share development and progress of application of rasch measurement model in educational research.
news at UIII website:
Recording on YouTube:
Exploring the Depths of Rasch Model with Prof. David Andrich
Exploring the Depths of Rasch Model with Prof. David Andrich
December 12, 2023
Contributor: Maroof Ahmed | Editor: Supriyono
In a public lecture hosted on Dec. 6, 2023, Prof. David Andrich, Emeritus Professor in the Graduate School of Education and Senior Honorary Research Fellow in the Medical School at the University of Western Australia, shared his extensive insights into the Polytomous Rasch Model for Social Measurement, highlighting its pivotal role and enduring relevance in educational assessment and social research.
Organized by the Center for Educational Assessment (Pusmendik), in collaboration with the Indonesian Educational Evaluation Association (HEPI) and the Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia (UIII), the event was moderated by Dr. Bambang Sumintono, Head of the Doctoral Program at UIII’s Faculty of Education.
The lecture illuminated the depths of Georg Rasch's work, marking 50 years since Prof. Andrich's scholarly journey began. "It's been a rich 45 years since that seminal 1978 paper, with the implications of Rasch's work for ordered category data continually unfolding," said Prof. Andrich.
Prof. Andrich meticulously outlined the significance of ordered category data within the Rasch Model, emphasizing the need to comprehend its implications thoroughly. "I worked on that for three or four years after my Ph.D. to work out the implications of what Rasch was saying for ordered category data," he said. The dedication to the subject was palpable as he walked the audience through various aspects of the model, from equidistant thresholds to the implications of reverse thresholds.
Moreover, Prof. Andrich highlighted the inherent connection between the Rash Model's ordered thresholds and the concept of randomness in measurement. "The Rash distribution in the model is a discrete form of the normal distribution," he explained. This point is a testament to the model's robustness and seamless integration with traditional measurement principles.
As Prof. Andrich progressed, he underscored the criticality of the model's algebra, which ensures that the comparison between instruments remains independent of the objects of measurement. He noted: "The model is derived from the algebra of this requirement." Prof. Andrich's elucidation of the mathematical underpinnings conveyed a sense of elegance and precision that underlies the Rash Model's framework.
The lecture was a retrospective and a forward-looking reflection on the model's relevance. Prof. Andrich made it clear that understanding the distribution of probabilities within the model is paramount. "This is an example of an item with ten thresholds. These thresholds are not equidistant," Prof. Andrich demonstrated, making the complex concepts accessible to the audience through vivid visualizations and patient explanations.
Another highlight from the lecture was Prof. Andrich’s discussion on the implications of reverse thresholds, a situation where the expected order of threshold values is not maintained, leading to interpretational challenges. "What is the implication of this in this region?" he questioned, pointing to a graph, "If someone happens to be here, this is the distribution." The professor's ability to distill such nuanced details into comprehensible insights was a testament to his expertise.
Prof. David Andrich’s lecture was not merely an academic exercise but a profound exploration of the Rasch Model's foundational principles and their practical applications in educational assessment. His parting wisdom emphasized the necessity for examiners and educators alike to revisit the model's core tenets when faced with data anomalies. The UIII community and its associates were left with much to ponder on the model's capacity to shape educational assessment practices for years to come.
Dr. Abdushomad Delivers a Lecture on Learning Organizations at FoE's UIII
Dr. Abdushomad Delivers a Lecture on Learning Organizations at FoE's UIII
December 10, 2023
Contributor: Maroof Ahmed | Editor: Ari Stoltze
DEPOK, UIII.AC.ID - The Faculty of Education (FoE) at Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia (UIII) hosted a LUNCHTALK with Dr. Muhammad Adib Abdushomad, Head of the Sub-directorate of Islamic Religious Education at the Senior High School Level within the Directorate of Islamic Education, discussing the relevance of learning organizations and their evaluation at the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Indonesia (MORA).
Dr. Abdushomad emphasized the importance of transforming educational organizations into learning organizations. He highlighted the necessity of continual expansion of capacity, nurturing new patterns of thinking, setting collective aspirations, and fostering an environment of continuous learning.
Dr. Abdushomad advocated for embracing the five disciplines proposed by Senge: system thinking, personal mastery, mental models, shared vision, and team learning. These elements, he argued, are crucial for the personal growth of educators and students alike, reflecting a deep-seated desire for learning and improvement within the organization.
Furthermore, Dr. Abdushomad underscored the influence of mental models and attitudes within an organization. He noted that these models significantly impact the working dynamics and the overall efficacy of an educational system. He also stressed the importance of a shared vision rooted in commitment and values, arguing that this is essential for the successful operation of an organization like MORA.
The concept of team learning, as presented by Dr. Abdushomad, involves aligning and developing the capacity of a team to achieve its collective goals. This builds on the development of a shared vision and personal mastery, bringing together talented individuals for collective success. Additionally, Dr. Abdushomad touched upon the importance of system thinking, emphasizing the need to understand the interrelationships among key system components while acknowledging the human factor as a critical asset.
In addition, Dr. Abdushomad delved into the current challenges and strategies in knowledge management at MORA. He critiqued the tendency to view knowledge as a product rather than a process, calling for a shift towards a process strategy. This strategy, he suggested, should involve facilitating conversation and exchange of tacit knowledge, hiring qualified personnel capable of tolerating ambiguity and sharing knowledge, and encouraging one-on-one mentoring.
At the end of his lecture, Dr. Abdushomad called for a change in strategy from a product-centric approach to one focused on processes. He urged the need for spaces that enable more effective and efficient knowledge sharing. He also highlighted the need for leaders for change at MORA who can adapt to new ways of working and respond with flexibility and learning-oriented leadership.
Dr. Muhammad Adib Abdushomad’s insights offer a compelling vision for the future of Islamic education. His emphasis on learning organizations, personal mastery, and collective learning aligns with the global shift towards more dynamic, responsive, and collaborative educational models. His call for change and adaptive leadership resonates with the current needs of educational institutions worldwide, particularly in the context of Islamic education, where traditional methods are being reevaluated in light of contemporary challenges and opportunities.