One of M.A. students in Education UIII won the Best Presenter award at the Forum on Education and Learning Transformation (FELT) Indonesia 2023

The Center for Standards and Education Policy (PSKP) and Article 33 Indonesia organized the Forum on Education and Learning Transformation (FELT) Indonesia 2023. This event is an academic discussion forum that addresses the transformation for the equalization of educational quality. The forum aims to recognize and gather diverse educational research from various sources, promote the emergence of new research in the field of education as a policy reference, and provide a platform for researchers, academics, and education experts to discuss and test their research results.

From September 8 to October 6, 2023, there were 107 abstracts submitted by researchers, academics, education experts, and students participating in the selection process. Eighteen scholarly articles were selected and presented during the forum on November 27-28, 2023. One of these articles belongs to Eka Hermansyah, a student at the Indonesia International Islamic University, with the title "Student Involvement in Policy Decision Making."

On the first day of the main forum, it began with a keynote address by Anindito Aditomo, Head of the Curriculum Standards and Education Assessment Agency, discussing the Landscape of Education Transformation in Indonesia. This was followed by presentations divided into three panels, each consisting of three panelists, covering education access, schools as drivers, and independent curriculum. The second day started with a keynote address by Amich Alhumami, Deputy for Human Development, Society & Culture at Bappenas of the Republic of Indonesia discussing education transformation facing challenge 21st century. It continued with presentations divided into nine panels with sub-themes on learning, school community participation, and advanced studies.

On the second day, one of the final agenda items was the awarding of the best presenter selected from one of the panels. Eka Hermansyah from UIII was the recipient of this award due to the performance in the presentation and the research topic presented. This indicates that the quality of UIII's student products can compete with researchers, academics, and education experts in Indonesia.

Decoding Bibliometrics: Dr. Visal Moosa's Intriguing Lecture at FoE UIII

Decoding Bibliometrics: Dr. Visal Moosa's Intriguing Lecture at UIII

December 04, 2023

Contributor: Maroof Ahmed | Editor: Supriyono

The Faculty of Education (FoE) at Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia (UIII) hosted on October 10, 2023, a captivating guest lecture by Dr. Visal Moosa, a distinguished lecturer from the Islamic University of Maldives and a Scholar in Residence at UIII, focusing on Bibliometric Analysis, a subject of growing importance in academic research.

Dr. Moosa began his lecture by establishing a foundational understanding of bibliometrics, referred to as "the application of mathematics and statistical methods to books and other media of communication", and as "the quantitative treatment of the properties of recorded discourse and behavior pertaining to it". This initial discussion set the stage for a deeper dive into the nuances and applications of bibliometric analysis.

A key portion of the lecture was dedicated to discussing bibliometric indicators. Dr. Moosa emphasized their critical role in various aspects of research analysis, such as identifying research trends, forecasting publishing trajectories, and assessing the impact of research outputs. He shed light on how bibliometrics can reveal research strengths and weaknesses, authorship trends, and collaboration opportunities, ultimately guiding the productivity assessments of publishers, authors, and institutions.

Dr. Moosa detailed the methodologies involved in bibliometric data analysis. He elaborated on essential techniques like Booleans, quotation marks, parentheses, wild cards, and truncation for efficient data retrieval. These techniques are vital for researchers to navigate through bibliometric databases and extract pertinent information for their studies.

The lecture also covered the topic of bibliometric network visualization, in which Dr. Moosa introduced various software tools, including HistCite, VantagePoint, Pajek, CiteSpace II, Gephi, Bibexcel, VOSviewer, and Biblioshiny. He explained how these tools are instrumental in visualizing the complex relationships and structures within bibliometric data, offering a more comprehensive understanding of the research landscape.

In his closing remarks, Dr. Moosa emphasized the bibliometric analysis's wide-ranging applicability and benefits in different fields. He particularly urged early-career researchers to explore bibliometric research papers as a valuable publication option, due to their extensive relevance and role in deciphering the knowledge structure across various domains.

The guest lecture by Dr. Visal Moosa at UIII’s FoE was not just an academic presentation but a beacon of inspiration and knowledge for the students and faculty. It exemplified the depth of research possibilities within the education field and showcased the evolving landscape of academic research, enriched by bibliometric analysis. The event stands as a testament to UIII's commitment to fostering a robust and forward-thinking academic environment.


The 1st International Joint Seminars on Education, Social Science, and Applied Science (IJESAS) in Labuan Bajo, East Nusa Tenggara

Dr Bambang Sumintono, the faculty member of FoE UIII, has presented as one of the Speaker for The 1st International Joint Seminars on Education, Social Science, and Applied Science (IJESAS) that managed by Institut Nasional Flores (INF), Asosiasi Pendidik Nusantara (Apentara), BREC Borneo, and Dharma Samakta Edukatulistiwa (DSE), with theme  “Camaraderie Toward Sustainable Prosperity: Accelerating Development on Applied Natural Science, Social Science, and Education at Post Pandemic” October 28th, 2023. The conference conducted hybrid , virtual Meeting as well as  offline in Labuan Bajo, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia.






Faculty of Education at the Indonesian International Islamic University received a visit from UIN Bukittinggi Postgraduate Program and signed the MoU


Tuesday, October 17 2023, Faculty of Education (FoE) at the Indonesian International Islamic University received a visit from UIN Sjech M. Djamil Djambek Bukittinggi Postgraduate School. The meeting was attended by Prof. Nina Nurmila, Ph.D. as the Dean of the UIII Faculty of Education, Tati D. Wardi, Ph.D. as the Head of M.A. in Education Program, Bambang Sumintono, Ph.D. as the Head of Ph.D. in Education Program, Charyna Ayu Rizkyanti, Ph.D. as a Lecturer, Nadya Salsabila, S.Ak., Afra Fahira, S.Pd., Muhammad Sufyan As-Tsauri, M.Pd., Nurul Fatimah, S.E. as Staff, and also Prof. Dr. Silfia Hanani, M.Si. as the Director of the Postgraduate Program at UIN Sjech M. Djamil Djambek Bukittinggi along with 2 lecturers and 1 staff.


The meeting began with mutual introductions between the participants present, followed by an explanation regarding the things that could be collaborated between FoE UIII and Postgraduate UIN Bukittinggi. Some things that can be collaborated include inviting each other's lecturers as guest lecturers in certain courses, research collaboration, and inviting international speakers to give public lectures when they are present in Indonesia.


The meeting ended with the signing of the MoU, a group photo and a campus tour.


Socialization of Masters and Doctoral Scholarships from the Indonesian International Islamic University to the Muhammadiyyah University of Malang and the Islamic University of Malang

Thursday, October 12 2023, Dr. Lukman Nul Hakim, R. Alpha Amirrachman, M.Phil., Ph.D., and Muhammad Sufyan As-Tsauri, M.Pd. representing the UIII Faculty of Education visited the Muhammadiyyah University of Malang. During the visit, FIP UIII representatives were welcomed by the Dean of the UMM Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Dr. Trisakti Handayani, M.M. and also with the deputy deans.


At the opening, R. Alpha Amirrachman, M.Phil., Ph.D. said that UIII offers a full scholarship for 2 years for the M.A. level. and 4 years for the Ph.D level and the provision of dormitory facilities as a place to live while students study at UIII. Not only undergraduate and postgraduate students can take advantage of the opportunity to study at UIII, but also UMM lecturers by taking part in the Scholar in Residence selection held by FIP UIII. Lecturers selected for the program will stay at UIII for 3 months, given housing and living expenses of 30 million for 3 months. Among the obligations that must be carried out by candidates who successfully pass the Scholar in Residence program are writing articles to be published in a journal, teaching certain courses, and being a speaker at Lunch Talk activities. The socialization activity was attended by lecturers, staff and students of the UMM Teacher Training and Education Faculty.


After the socialization event finished, the Dean and Deputy Dean of FKIP UMM invited representatives of FIP UIII to tour the campus to see the tourist park on campus, introduce the buildings and also the hotel owned by Muhammadiyyah University of Malang. Dean of FKIP UMM, Dr. Trisakti Handayani, M.M. hopes that after the scholarship socialization event finished, there will also need to be a Cooperation Agreement between FIP UIII and FKIP UMM. She plans to visit FIP UIII at the end of November next month.



Second day, Friday, October 13 2023, Dr. Lukman Nul Hakim and Muhammad Sufyan As-Tsauri, M.Pd. visited the Islamic University of Malang. During this visit, the Dean of FKIP UNISMA Dr. Hasan Busri, M.Pd. welcomed the arrival of FIP UIII. The UIII Masters and Doctoral scholarship socialization activity was attended by lecturers and head of study program at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Islamic University of Malang.

Experts from FoE UIII and Deakin University Share Practices for Assessing Diverse Students

Experts from FoE UIII and Deakin University Share Practices for Assessing Diverse Students

September 04, 2023

Contributor: Maroof Ahmed | Editor: Supriyono

The Faculty of Education (FoE) of Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia (UIII), in partnership with Deakin University, Australia, orchestrated an online joint lecture on September 4, 2023, that brought together two esteemed speakers, namely Dr. Bahrul Hayat, Vice Rector for Academic, Student Affairs and Human Resources at UIII, and Dr. Joanna Tai, Senior Research Fellow at Deakin University.

Part of the UIII-Deakin Joint Lecture Series 2023, the event served as a platform for the sharing of thoughts concerning non-cognitive assessment in education and inclusive assessment in higher education. Both speakers, drawing from their extensive research, emphasized the need for a holistic approach to assessment that recognizes and values the diverse attributes and backgrounds of students.

Dr. Bahrul Hayat began his lecture by emphasizing the importance of non-cognitive attributes and skills in education. He cited various research findings that underscore the significant contribution of non-cognitive attributes and skills toward student success. These attributes and skills not only promote academic achievement but also lay the foundation for life success.

He elaborated on the vast array of non-cognitive constructs, ranging from tenacity, collegiality, and enthusiasm to motivation, conscientiousness, and adaptability. Dr. Hayat also highlighted the challenges in assessing these non-cognitive attributes, such as the potential for faking, subjectivity, and the complexities of the assessment instruments. However, he proposed potential approaches like the Situational Judgment Test (SJT) and Classroom Response Systems ("Clickers") as effective methods for non-cognitive assessment in education.

"Non-cognitive is a popular term found in the literature and is one of the many terms used in lieu of social and emotional learning (SEL). In education, non-cognitive encompasses attitude, behavior, skills, and strategies that powerfully affect students’ academic performance but are not components of the core content area knowledge and skills taught to students," said Dr. Bahrul Hayat.

Switching gears to Dr. Joanna Tai's segment, she provided an overview of the Australian context for inclusive assessment within higher education. Dr. Tai emphasized the increasing diversity in student demographics and the importance of designing assessments that are inclusive of all students.

She shared her research findings on student experiences of inclusive assessment, in which students highlighted the importance of clear and consistent instructions, meaningful assessment tasks, flexible due dates, and opportunities for formative feedback. Dr. Tai also discussed the challenges in changing assessment practices, including staff attitudes, university policies, and resource constraints.

"Assessment should recognize diversity in student learning and endeavor to ensure that no student is discriminated against by virtue of features other than their ability to meet appropriate standards," said Dr. Joanna Tai.

The collaboration between UIII and Deakin University in organizing this lecture is a testament to the importance of international academic exchanges in fostering understanding and promoting best practices in education. As the world of education continues to evolve, such discussions pave the way for more inclusive and effective teaching and assessment methodologies.


Navigating the Learning Map with Dr. Jarrod Hingston at FoE

Navigating the Learning Map with Dr. Jarrod Hingston at FoE

August 27, 2023

Contributor: Maroof Ahmed | Editor: Dadi Darmadi

On August 2, 2023, the Faculty of Education (FoE) at Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia (UIII) was honored to host a public lecture by Dr. Jarrod Hingston, the Director of School and Early Childhood Education Services at the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER). The topic of discussion was ‘The Learning Progression Concept,’ and it provided valuable insights into the modern approaches to educational assessment and progression.

Dr. Jarrod Hingston is an esteemed academic and a pivotal figure at ACER, an independent, not-for-profit research organization established in 1930. ACER's mission is to "create and promote research-based knowledge, products, and services that can be used to improve learning across the lifespan". With a global presence, including an office in Indonesia established in 2015, ACER has been actively collaborating with Indonesian educators for over three decades.

Dr. Hingston emphasized the importance of assessment in the educational journey. He highlighted that good assessment begins with a clear purpose, whether it is for selection, certification, or understanding achievement. A crucial aspect of assessment is its construct, which refers to 'what students know and can do'. This construct is further divided into definition, structure, content strands/processes, proficiencies, and contexts.

One of the central themes of Dr. Hingston's lecture was the Progressive Achievement Approach. He explained that while the traditional year-level achievement approach focuses on curriculum expectations, it often fails to acknowledge that learning is cumulative and not confined to specific year levels.

To address this, Dr. Hingston introduced the concept of a 'progress map,' which serves as a guide to understanding what skills and concepts a student needs to learn next. This map also allows educators to track a student's progress over time.

ACER's approach to this concept is rooted in providing reliable and valid methods to measure attainment at specific points in time and track progress over extended periods. Their Progressive Achievement assessments are designed to provide evidence to support teaching and learning, emphasizing that all students can demonstrate progress.

Dr. Hingston's lecture was a testament to the evolving nature of education and the need for a more holistic approach to assessment. The Progressive Achievement Approach underscores the importance of understanding each student's unique learning journey. It shifts the focus from mere year-level achievements to a more comprehensive view of a student's progress over time.

The lecture was not just an academic discourse but a call to action for educators to adopt a more inclusive and progressive approach to teaching and assessment. It emphasized the importance of evidence-based teaching and the need to support every student in their unique learning journey.

Dr. Jarrod Hingston's lecture was a valuable addition to the academic discourse at UIII. It provided a fresh perspective on assessment and emphasized the importance of a student-centric approach to education. As we move forward, it is essential to incorporate these insights into our educational practices to ensure that every student gets the best possible learning experience.


International Conference on Educational Leadership and Asian Culture (ICELAC) 2023

Dr Bambang Sumintono, the faculty member of FoE UIII, has presented as one of the Plenary Speaker for the International Conference on Educational Leadership and Asian Culture (ICELAC) 2023. Dr Sumintono presented topic about Islamic Educational Leadership: Southeast Asia Perspectives. The conference  organized by Faculty of Education, Universiti Manitoba, Canada and School of Educational Studies, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia. ICELAC 2023 was successfully held online (via Webex) and  attracted 571 registered participants from 31 countries worldwide who jointly explored prospects and developments in educational leadership and Asian culture.

The official news about the conference:






Advancing TVET in Indonesia: Insights from Dr. Abdul Malik's Lecture at FoE

Advancing TVET in Indonesia: Insights from Dr. Abdul Malik's Lecture at FoE

August 05, 2023

Contributor: Maroof Ahmed | Editor: Dadi Darmadi

On July 14, 2023, the Faculty of Education (FoE) at Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia (UIII) had the privilege of hosting a distinguished guest lecturer, Dr. Abdul Malik, from the National Accreditation Agency for Schools/Madrasahs (Badan Akreditasi Nasional Sekolah/Madrasah). The online lecture focused on the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Policy in Indonesia.

Dr. Malik commenced the lecture with a comprehensive overview of TVET within the National Education System, emphasizing its significance in Indonesia's education landscape. He then delved into the National Vocational Education and Training Portfolio, providing an outline of the available vocational education and training programs in the country.

Throughout his lecture, Dr. Malik discussed the institutional framework supporting vocational education and training in Indonesia. This framework involves various ministries, professional associations, and independent accreditation boards, all working collaboratively to ensure the quality and relevance of TVET.

Addressing the challenges faced by TVET, Dr. Malik highlighted issues such as the lack of demand-side perspective, the variable basis for program design and curricula, and difficulties in competency assessment and certification. Additionally, he brought attention to the inadequate availability and quality of teachers and instructors with industry exposure, as well as the lack of proper infrastructure and equipment for practical skills training in schools.

Despite existing regulations, Dr. Malik noted that the unemployment rate among Senior Secondary Vocational School (SMK) and Diploma graduates was 8.49% and 6.76%, respectively, in 2020, indicating a need for further improvements in the system.

To address these challenges, Dr. Malik presented some recent reform initiatives that have been undertaken, including the National TVET Revitalization Program. Key elements of this reform involve the development of a comprehensive labor market information system, the strengthened involvement of the private sector and industry in TVET policy, planning, and implementation, and improvements in vocational education at both secondary and tertiary levels.

In conclusion, Dr. Malik emphasized the importance of demand-oriented, competency-based vocational education and training to align educational programs with industry needs. This approach aims to produce a more skilled and competent workforce, ultimately enhancing the employability of graduates.

Dr. Malik's lecture offered valuable insights into the current state of TVET in Indonesia and the ongoing policy reforms aimed at its improvement. It served as an enlightening session, highlighting the pivotal role of vocational education and training in equipping the Indonesian workforce with the necessary skills and competencies to meet industry demands.


UIII Faculty of Education's Student Receives Top Presenter Award at International Conference

UIII Faculty of Education's Student Receives Top Presenter Award at International Conference

July 06, 2023

Contributor: Safiullah Junejo | Editor: Supriyono & Dadi Darmadi 

Hazrat Shah Kayen, a student in the Faculty of Education at Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia (UIII), was awarded the Best Presenter prize at the 5th Annual Civic Education Conference and the 5th International Conference on Law and Social Science in Bali, Indonesia. Hazrat received this prestigious award on May 31 in recognition of his exceptional presentation skills and research contributions.

Expressing gratitude and elation, Hazrat stated that receiving the award was an incredible experience. He attributed his triumph to meticulous planning and a well-organized presentation. The conference provided him with a platform to showcase his research and excel in his field.

Hazrat's research focused on the impact of child labor on children's development, particularly in Afghanistan. Motivated by the prevalence of child labor and its negative effects on education in Afghanistan, Hazrat chose this field of study. His presentation shed light on this crucial issue and emphasized the educational rights of children.

To ensure the success of his presentation, Hazrat diligently prepared his materials in advance. He organized his research and findings into a PowerPoint presentation, dividing it into stages and phases. This approach allowed him to transition seamlessly between various points and maintain a connection throughout his presentation.

Hazrat faced no significant obstacles during the conference, as his presentation was well-received by both his colleagues and the professionals in attendance.

Reflecting on his participation in the conference, Hazrat highlighted the significant benefits he gained in terms of networking, experience, and potential collaborations with other researchers. The award has significantly boosted his confidence to pursue similar academic endeavors, further enhancing his knowledge and skills in educational research.

When asked about the most memorable moments during the conference, Hazrat mentioned two major highlights. First, receiving the title of Best Presenter was a remarkable accomplishment. Second, he was gratified by the positive feedback and acknowledgment he received from the conference delegates, who recognized the significance of his presentation.

Hazrat believes that this honor will positively influence his future academic and professional pursuits. It has inspired him to actively seek additional opportunities for personal and professional development within the field of education research.

He advises fellow students who aspire to excel in academic presentations or conferences to stay updated on international forums, symposia, and gatherings. By engaging in such activities, students can pave the way for future academic success.

Hazrat expressed profound gratitude for the assistance he received from UIII. The university provided financial and motivational support, enabling him to attend the conference and achieve this notable recognition. He acknowledged the entire education faculty and the UIII community for their unwavering encouragement and support.

This recognition is a testament to the academic environment and opportunities offered at UIII. As a globally renowned university, UIII is dedicated to nurturing a research culture and fostering the growth and development of its students, faculty, and staff.

Hazrat aspires to become a prominent figure in education research, focusing on crucial issues such as education policy and leadership, access to quality education, and educational evaluation and assessment. He plans to build upon this accomplishment by participating in similar events, paving the way for a prosperous and rewarding academic career.

UIII takes pride in its students' achievements and will continue to support them in their pursuit of academic and professional excellence.
