Career Opportunities 2024: Faculty Positions


🌟Career Opportunities🌟
We are delighted to inform you that we invite applicants for tenure-track positions at the Faculty of Education.
Please check all the attached requirements carefully and pay attention to the deadline no later than August 15, 2024. Send your application via email to
Thank you!

Dean of Faculty of Education Receives Grant for Women Scholars Empowerment in Global South

Dean of Faculty of Education Receives Grant for Women Scholars Empowerment in Global South

July 18, 2024

Contributor: Achmad Jatnika | Editor: Supriyono

Professor Nina Nurmila, the Dean of the Faculty of Education at UIII, recently received a project grant of £25.4K from the British Academy (UK) to deliver training and mentorship to women scholars from the Global South, as part of an International Writing Workshops program.

The project, entitled “Decolonial Writing Workshops: Empowering Brazilian and Indonesian Women Scholars to Publish Global Academic Knowledge”, will be executed along with her colleagues, Dr. Leon Moosavi, Co-Director of the Liverpool Sociological Research Cluster, and Dr. Camila Prando from the University of Brasilia.

“Global North countries have always led the production of knowledge, thereby we follow their lead in this matter. Dr. Moosavi had an idea to break the barrier and decolonize the Global South's knowledge production. My attention is on gender, on women who still need much support in producing knowledge,” Professor Nurmila said.

Professor Nurmila elaborated that the project will target early-career women scholars in Indonesia and Brazil, aiming at honing their skills in producing research articles that can be published in well-reputed international journals. “We will provide what they need during the workshop, including day-care support for those with children,” she said.

The project will also facilitate South-South networking and collaboration between Brazilian and Indonesian scholars to produce new and valuable opportunities across the Global South.

UIII is always committed to promoting women’s participation and engagement in education by providing women-friendly facilities like daycare, and inclusive sports centers in the campus vicinity. We want women to feel safe on campus so that they can flourish during their learning journey.

Read more about the project here: Funding Success: £25.4k secured from the British Academy for decolonial writing workshops




Workshop on Rasch Model at Islamic University of Maldives 15-16 July 2024

Workshop on Rasch Model at Islamic University of Maldives

The Islamic University of Maldives (IUM) recently hosted an insightful workshop on the Rasch Model, a statistical technique widely used in educational assessment and psychometrics on 15-16 July 2024. The event attracted lecturers and researchers from Islamic University of Maldives, and officers from Ministry of Education of Maldives.

Dr. Bambang Sumintono, a lecturer from Faculty of Education, Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia (UIII), who has expertise in educational measurement and Rasch model analysis, led the two days workshop. He introduced participants to the fundamentals of the Rasch Model, explaining its applications in analyzing test data and improving the validity and reliability of assessments using specific software, Ministep. The workshop featured interactive sessions, where attendees engaged in hands-on activities to better understand the construction and interpretation of Rasch models.

Previously, Dr Visal Moosa, deputy vice chancellor of research and innovation at Islamic University of Maldives, participated in Scholars in Residence program at Faculty of Education UIII, a kind of post-doctoral program. During his time in Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia on September-November 2023, Dr Visal actively  share his knowledge and expertise about  systematic literature review, bibliometric analysis and educational management field. This time, a lecturer from UIII visited IUM in Male, Maldives, to share about Rasch model analysis.

Participants expressed enthusiasm for the practical knowledge gained, highlighting the Rasch model's potential to enhance the quality of educational assessments in the Maldives. The workshop is part of IUM's ongoing efforts to promote advanced research methodologies and support the professional development of lecturers and educators in the Maldives. Organizers hope to conduct more such events, fostering a community of practice around educational measurement and assessment in the region, and increase collaboration between two islamic universitis that come from Global South.


2025 Research Paper Writing Competition

The Faculty of Education is pleased to announce 2025 Research Paper Writing Competition to be included in its flagship journal publication, Muslim Education Review (MER).

MER is an international journal published by Faculty of Education at Indonesian International Islamic University (IIIU). We invite a wide range of topics in education especially those that are within the journal scopes.

MER is a forum for reporting research on education within four broad areas in:
* Curriculum, Teaching and Learning;
* Educational Management, Policy and Leadership;
* Educational Evaluation and Assessment;
* Education and Society.

Submission papers should be written in English and typically range between 6,000 to 8,000 words (including a 250 word maximum of abstract).
All submissions should be
* Original;
* Unpublished;
* and Conform to MER Full Paper Template:

Please send all contributions as an attachment to:
Subject: 2025 Writing Competition

The awards include cash payment of up to IDR 10,000,000 for up to 3 winners.

Important Dates
Full Paper Submission:  December 9, 2024
Awards Announcement: March 25, 2025

To see previous MER publication, please click this link:

UIII's Faculty of Education Students Go on International Study Trip to Australia

UIII's Faculty of Education Students Go on International Study Trip to Australia


Generally, appreciation given by universities to outstanding students is awarded at the end of their study period. Uniquely, in the Master’s program at the Faculty of Education (FoE) at Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia, academic recognition is given at the end of the third semester, particularly after the thesis proposal. These students were selected based on their outstanding academic performance and active involvement in various educational projects. Three top students have been given the opportunity to visit Deakin University, Australia. This visit took place from May 15 to May 24, 2024. The primary goal of this visit is to promote cross-cultural understanding in a new educational atmosphere. Additionally, this trip is part of their learning process in completing their theses, providing students with the chance to consult their theses with experts from another university. This valuable experience is expected to enhance their academic knowledge and broaden their international perspectives.

Regarding the cities of Melbourne and Burwood, they exceeded the expectations. Melbourne was thought to be like cities such as Singapore, Dubai, or other modern cities that are rather dull. But that was wrong. Melbourne is incredibly beautiful. Not only is the city well-organized and clean, but there are still many houses that give off an English vibe from the 80s-90s, reminiscent of sitcoms like Mr. Bean. Seeing the scarcity of tall buildings, especially in the area where the stay was in Burwood, where tall buildings are rare, adds to the memorable impression that will be boasted about to friends because of how beautiful and aesthetic the city is.

Nevertheless, the initial experience of visiting Deakin University campus in Burwood left several positive impressions that are still vivid. First, the university buildings looked new, tidy, and highly aesthetic. Never before had the feeling of visiting a university was akin to visiting a 5-star hotel. Perhaps because the person comes from a rural area in West Java, they are easily impressed by modern interior nuances. The campus is serene and calming for a campus located in the midst of the city, in Burwood. Secondly, the person was accompanied by Deb, one of the Deakin staff, who took them on a campus tour.

What impressed the most was when visiting the Visual Art class taught by a lecturer and (in the person's opinion, an artist), Dr. Fiona. She introduced how she teaches her students. Seeing how Dr. Fiona was so enthusiastic and passionate about her field, the person, who was previously indifferent to anything related to music, became enthusiastic as well. Perhaps, the person thought, this is the quality of teachers in developed countries like Australia, where they are not just teaching to make a living but genuinely want to share knowledge with passion and positive energy. Then the person reflected, why was she so enthusiastic and passionate? Perhaps because Australia is a developed country, economically stable, thus it has a good education system. If the economy and education are well intertwined, it will undoubtedly produce the best and most passionate individuals.

In addition to exploring Deakin University Melbourne Burwood campus, we also had the opportunity to visit Deakin University Geelong Waurn Ponds Campus. We were warmly greeted by PhD candidates, Anthony and Lei Bao. Our discussions ranged from conducting PhD-level research to exploring our thesis topics, sparking valuable insights and potential collaborations in academic research.

The highlight of our visit was attending a seminar on Language and Literacy led by Paul Garner. His innovative teaching approach captivated us all. Rather than starting with theory, Paul engaged students in hands-on writing activities, encouraging them to write narratives based on various scenarios. Paul's commitment to interactive learning was evident in his meticulous preparation of materials, which included diverse writing implements and interactive tools like markers and papers. This approach not only enhanced engagement but also provided a deeper understanding of writing narratives.

Overall, Paul Garner’s seminar exemplified effective teaching methods that prioritize student participation and foster a supportive learning environment.  Since we are from the faculty of education, this was an enlightening experience that underscored the importance of innovative educational practices in preparing future educators.

According to Eka, educational experiences have given him exposure to various innovative teaching approaches and methods. "It was fascinating to see the 360-degree augmented reality room as part of future education and to discuss teacher-related issues with lecturers at Deakin University." Beyond the theoretical aspect, this visit provided him with the opportunity to experience the learning atmosphere and engage in direct discussions about educational issues in both countries. It allowed him to observe the challenges and opportunities in the world of education while reflecting on the current state of education. This highlights the importance of international collaboration in addressing global educational issues.

The Faculty of Education at Universitas Internasional Indonesia places a strong emphasis on the practical application and global relevance of educational theories. By facilitating such international visits, the faculty aims to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and real-world practice. The trip to Deakin University is not just an academic exercise but a strategic effort to prepare students for the global educational landscape. It underscores UIII's commitment to fostering and conducting pioneering research on Islam and Muslim communities and enhancing knowledge and social well-being. Additionally, it showcases Indonesian Islamic cultures as an integral part of global civilization.







Norwegian Expert Warns of 'Dangerous Trends' in Academia at UIII FoE Graduate Forum

Norwegian Expert Warns of 'Dangerous Trends' in Academia at UIII FoE Graduate Forum

July 08, 2024

Contributor: Supriyono | Editor: Dadi Darmadi | Photo: Achmad Jatnika


Dr. Lena Larsen, Program Director of the Norwegian Center for Human Rights, University of Oslo, Norway, warned early career researchers about the dangerous trends in academia during the 2nd Graduate Forum of the UIII Faculty of Education, held from July 4 to 5, 2024, in collaboration with the American Institute for Indonesian Studies (AIFIS).

“What we are seeing these days is a dangerous trend. There are two things that I consider as dangerous. First, the ‘mercantilization’ of academia itself,” Dr. Larsen said on the first day of the forum. “It means you are doing your study to obtain something from that degree. You are not focusing on the subject or the process. If you only want to have a diploma, that is not the objective itself,” she elaborated.

The second thing, she continued, is to focus on personal gain and self-interest, meaning that if the desire to promote yourself is bigger than the knowledge itself, then this is dangerous. “You see the biggest diamonds, the stars in the sky. It’s the same as in knowledge, they never promote themselves as good scholars. Instead, they build good personal qualities first,” she said.

Dr. Larsen emphasized that scholarly works is pretty much about doing the right thing. “If you do the right thing, you bring good personal qualities and ethics into it, that’s what will make you strive in academia. Unfortunately, it’s very much forgotten these days in the promotion of materialism of knowledge,” she said.

As a faith-based graduate educational institution, UIII aims to train scholars who not only excel in academia but also foster individuals to have a balance between the material world and spiritual orientation, science and religion, and faith and critical thinking, aided by the spirit of the wasatiyya (moderation) values.


Prof. Nelly van Doorn-Harder: We Should Not Let the Critics Discourage Us

Prof. Nelly van Doorn-Harder: We Should Not Let the Critics Discourage Us

July 05, 2024

Contributor: Supriyono | Editor: Dadi Darmadi


Professor Nelly van Doorn-Harder, an expert in religious studies from Wake Forest University, North Carolina, USA, delivered a keynote speech during the 2nd Graduate Forum at the UIII Faculty of Education (FoE) on July 4, 2024, during which she encouraged UIII students to not afraid of critique when writing scientific works.

“If you write, it’s not the critique that counts. It’s not the man who points out where the strong person stumbles or where the doers of deeds could have done it better. The credit belongs to the person who is actually there in the area,” Professor van Doorn-Harder explained.

She explained that academia is all about conversation and dialogue, thereby criticism is an inseparable part of it. “You participate and contribute one little piece, and if someone says your piece is wrong, that’s totally okay. You know that there are some scholars who spend their lifetime on things that are totally wrong.”

Professor van Doorn-Harder emphasized that the point of critics in academia is to give us room for improvement, and we should not let the critics discourage us but instead, motivate us to further flourish in our scholarly journey. “It’s not about winning, not about losing. But it is about showing up and being seen,” she noted.

As UIII focuses on international graduate education, one of its main objectives is to prepare its students to be competent scholars in their respective fields. We currently offer master’s and PhD programs in a range of fields namely Islamic Studies, Political Science and public policy, economics and sustainable finance, and education. UIII has the mission to provide an inclusive international education aimed at empowering communities and fostering global outreach.



Faculty of Education Holds 2nd Graduate Forum on Researching and Publishing

Faculty of Education Holds 2nd Graduate Forum on Researching and Publishing

July 04, 2024

Contributor: Supriyono | Editor: Dadi Darmadi

In collaboration with the American Institute for Indonesian Studies (AIFIS), the UIII Faculty of Education (FoE) organized the 2nd Graduate Forum with the topic “Researching and Publishing: Keeping Productive Beyond Your Graduate Studies.” The two-day event, held from July 4 to 5, 2024, aimed to encourage early career researchers to participate in scholarly activities, whether through scientific presentations or publications.

“This program is organized by ESTUDIA, our student organization, and I am glad that all students participated to present their research. We also have two distinguished guests from different continents to deliver keynote speeches, to share tips for researching and publishing,” remarked Dr. Bambang Sumintono, Head of the PhD in Education program, in his opening speech.

This year’s Graduate Forum featured two keynote speeches from Professor Nelly van Doorn-Harder, an expert in religious studies from Wake Forest University, North Carolina, USA, and Dr. Lena Larsen, Program Director of the Norwegian Center for Human Rights, University of Oslo. Moderated by Professor Nina Nurmila, Dean of the UIII Faculty of Education, the lectures guided the audience on conducting research ethically and publishing their scientific work in reputable journals.

This is the second time the UIII Faculty of Education has organized the Graduate Forum. In 2023, the faculty held the 1st Graduate Forum with the topic “Education for All. All for Education,” featuring Assoc. Prof. Bonnie Yim, the Associate Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Education at Deakin University, Australia. As a graduate university, UIII is committed to training novice researchers with all the necessary skills required to become competent scholars in the future.



UIII PhD Candidate Presents at Hong Kong International Conference on English Education

UIII PhD Candidate Presents at Hong Kong International Conference on English Education

June 27, 2024

Contributor: Erickson Samson | Editor: Supriyono

Furqanul Hakim, a PhD candidate from the UIII Faculty of Education, presented his research findings at an international conference organized by the Language Centre of Hong Kong Baptist University. Held from June 17 to 18, 2024, the grand theme of the conference was "Engagement in the Digital Age: International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning.”

Hakim's presentation, titled “The Implementation of Parliamentary Debate Format in English Teaching Based on Research Trends in Indonesia,” was based on his study where he systematically reviewed journal articles published in nationally accredited SINTA journals from 2014 to 2024 to identify the trends and methodologies in integrating parliamentary debates into English language teaching.

His research found the increasing adoption of parliamentary debate formats, including Asian, Australasian, and British parliamentary styles, to enhance students' speaking abilities in Indonesian high schools. However, he noticed a need for research exploring the format's impact on other language skills beyond speaking.

"It's such an honor to meet some prominent experts in my field, specifically in language teaching and learning such as Prof. Rod Ellis, Prof. Norbert Pachler, and Prof. Glenn Stockwell," Hakim noted, saying that the feedback he received from his presentation was crucial to generating ideas from his PhD dissertation.

The conference where Hakim presented was a platform for educators and researchers to exchange ideas, share their knowledge, and advance the field of language teaching and learning. It also helps and contributes to future innovations in research methodologies in English Teaching and Learning.

Hakim's participation in this prestigious conference underscores the quality of research at UIII and the university's commitment to academic excellence and global engagement. His work exemplifies the innovative scholarship UIII promotes, contributing to the advancement of language education. The achievements of scholars like Hakim will hopefully continue to shape the future of education and research in Indonesia and beyond.


Congratulations for Receiving Research Grant from Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia

Congratulations to Dr. Destina Wahyu Winartis' team and  Assoc. Prof. Charyna Rizkyanti, Ph.D's team who have passed the selection to receive UIII Research Funding 2024. We are proud to hear this news and hope the research can be useful for the knowledge development.
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