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Prof. Emi Emilia, M.Ed., Ph.D
About Lecturer
Dr Emi Emilia is a professor of language and literacy education in Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung. She is an academic expert who specializes in the field of language acquisition, literacy development, and educational practices related to language learning. Prof Emi also hold position as a Head of English Study Program for undergraduate as well as postgraduate level. Prof Emi also active in research, teaching, and scholarly activities in the domain of language and literacy education.
The University of Melbourne, Australia (2007).
Master of Education in Language and Literacy Education,
Deakin University, Victoria, Australia (1996).
Graduate Diploma of Arts in Translating and Interpreting
Deakin University, Victoria, Australia (1992).
Bachelor in English Education,
Indonesia University of Education (previously named Institute of Teacher and Education, IKIP Bandung) (1989)
2023 - Present
Head of Undergraduate English Education Study Program. Faculty of Language and Literature Education. Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
2021 - Present
Lecturer of English Education Study Program. Faculty of Language and Literature Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
2020 - Present
Head of Centre for Language Strategy and Diplomacy Development, The Language Agency, The Ministry of Education & Culture
2015 - 2020
Head of Integrated English Study Program (Undergraduate and Postgraduate Programs), Faculty of Language and Arts Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
2011 - 2015
Head of Postgraduate English Education Study Program (Master and Doctoral Program). School of Postgraduate Studies, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
2007 - 2011
Secretary of Postgraduate English Education Study Program (master and Doctoral program). School of Postgraduate Studies, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
2005 - 2006
Lecturer of English Education Department, Faculty of Language and Literature Education. Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
1989 - Present
Emilia, E., Ramadani, K. P., Fadhilah, A. M. (2023). Belajar dan Mengajar Membaca Untuk PISA (Learning and Teaching reading for PISA). Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Press. ISBN: 978-623-454-070-3.
Emilia, E., Gunawan, W., & Kurniawan, E. (2021). Pembelajaran berbasis genre: Konsep, praktik, dan kajian kritis pengajaran bahasa. UPI Press.
Emilia, E. (2020). Praktik Pengajaran BIPA (Bahasa Indoensia Bagi Penutur Asing) (Practice of Teaching Indonesian as Foregn Language). Published by The Centre for language Development and Conservation, The Language Agency, Kemdikbud.
Emilia, E. (2020). Metode Penelitian Praktik Pengajaran dan Diplomasi Kebahasaan, (Research Method in Language Teaching Practices and diplomacy). Published by The Centre for Language Deevelopment and Conservation, The Language Agency, Kemdikbud.
Emilia, E., Muhammad Hatta S., Yusuf, D. (2018). A Module “Berkomunikasi dalam Bahasa Inggris untuk CPNS Kemendikbud” (Communicating in English: A module for newly employed civil servants in the Ministry of Education and Culture). Jakarta: Ministry of Education and Culture.
Emilia, E., Palupi, D., Kusumawardhani, F. (2019). Membaca di era digital. Badan Bahasa. Kemdikbud.
Emilia, E. (2014). Introducing functional grammar. Pustaka Jaya.
Emilia, E. (2012). Writing I. Module 1. Basic Notions about Text. The Open University, Indonesia
Emilia, E. (2012). Writing I. Module 2. Descriptive Texts. The Open University, Indonesia
Emilia, E. (2012). Writing I. Module 3. Procedural Texts. The Open University, Indonesia
Emilia, E. (2012). Writing I. Module 4. Information Report Texts. The Open University, Indonesia
Emilia, E. (2012). Writing I. Module 5. Recount Texts. The Open University, Indonesia
Emilia, E., & Christie, F. (2013). Factual genres. Learning to read, to write, and to talk about factual information. Bandung: Rizqi Press.
Emilia, E. (2011). Modules 4-5 on research methodology. Materials for training and workshop with English teahers in South East Asia, organised by SEAMEO, Jakarta.
Emilia, E. (2011). Teaching Academic Writing. A Critical Genre-Based Approach in an EFL Context. Saarbrucken Germany: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing.
M Ali, J Kos, P Lietz, D Nugroho, A Zainul, E Emilia. (2011). Quality of education in madrasah. A nation wide research funded by the World Bank. Jakarta: the World Bank.
Emilia, E. (2011). Pendekatan genre-based: Petunjuk untuk guru (A Genre-based approach: A Guide for teachers). Published under the cooperation between TEFLIN (the Association of Teachers of English in Indonesia) and Rizqi Press, Bandung.
Emilia, E. (2010). Teaching writing: Developing critical learners. With Foreword from Prof. Frances Christie. Bandung: Rizki Press
Furqon, & Emilia, E. (2010). Penelitian kuantitatif dan kualitatif: Beberapa isu kritis. (Quantitative and qualitative research: Critical Issues). Bandung: Rizki Press
Emilia, E. (2009). Argumentative writing. Module 12 Writing Subject: The Open University of Indonesia
Emilia, E. (2008). Menulis Tesis dan Disertasi. (Writing A Thesis and Dissertation). Bandung (Indonesia): Alpha Beta.
Emilia, E. (2000). “Bagaimana Orang Amerika Memeluk Islam”. A book translated from English “How Americans become a Moslem”. Bandung: Kiblat.
Emilia, E., and Abdulhamied, F. (1994). English for children (2 modules). Jakarta: Indonesian Open University).
Emilia, E. (1993). Pendekatan terhadap rancangan silabus untuk pengajaran bahasa asing. A translation of the book: Approaches to Syllabus Design for Foreign Language Teaching written by Karl Krahnke, 1987, Prentice-Hall, Inc. The translation project was funded by the Indonesian Language Centre, Jakarta-Indonesia.
Emilia, E. & Abdul Hamied, F. (1991). English Structure (Modules 1-9). Jakarta: Open University.
Book Chapters
Emilia, E. (2021). Ralph Tyler and his contribution to the development of curriculum of English. A chapter in Wirsa, Y., Hardini, T.I. (2021) (Editors). Learning strategies and learner autonomy: Pedagogical struggles and opportunities in language and literature education. UPI Press.
Emilia, E., & Siti Saleha Gandana, I. (2021). Antara Cinta dan Cita: Kisah dua Akademisi. Perempuan Menggapai Asa. (Between love and dream: a stroty of two academics to achieve the dream). A book chapter to appear in Dari UPI untuk Pertiwi. UPI Press.
Emilia, E. (2020). Implementasi Program Merdeka Belajar dan Kampus Merdeka. ( The implementation of the Program: Free Learning, Independent Campus). A chapter in Ali, M. (2020). (Editor). Pendidikan Menuju Era Indonesia Emas. Bandung: UPI (Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia) Press.
Emilia, E. (1997). ‘Pendekatan Process dalam Pengajaran Menulis’ (A Process Approach to the teaching of Writing). An article in Bunga Rampai Pengajaran Bahasa, edited by Dr. Chaedar Alwasilah.
Journal Articles
Kurniasih, N., Emilia, E., Tuckyta Sari Sujatna, E. (2023). Using Item Analysis to Evaluate a Teacher-Made PISA-Like Reading Test Model. International Journal of Language Testing, Vol. 13, No. 1, 188 – 205
Tuckyta Sari Sudjatna, E., Emilia, E., Kurniasih, N. (2023). Readability of PISA-like Reading Texts: A Lesson Learned from Indonesian Teachers World Journal of English Language, Vol. 13, No. 1, 9-18 DOI: 10.5430/wjel.v13n1p9
Emilia, E., Martin, J.R. (2023). “Learning Functional grammar is fun”: A snapshot of Functional Grammar unit at an English Education Department in Indonesia. Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics. Volume 13 (1), May, 2023.
Primary, M.A., Emilia, E., Sukyadi, D. (2023). Program evaluation of English language learning for EYLcurriculum development in Indonesia: Teachers’ perception, challenges, and expectation. Journal of English as a foreign language. Volume 13 (1).
Maryono, G.D., & Emilia, E. (2022). An analysis of International Baccalaureate- English Language Curriculum for middle year program. Parole. Journal of Linguistics and Education. Vol 12. No: 1. DOI: 10.14710/parole.v12i1.119-129.
Emilia, E., & Hamied, F.A. (2022). Translanguaging practices in a tertiary EFL Context in Indonesia. TEFLIN Journal Volume 33 No. 1.
Emilia, E., Tuckyta Sari Sudjatna., & Kurniasih, N. (2022). Training teachers to teach PISA-like reading. Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics. Vol. 12 No. 1. Bandung, Indonesia.
Aunurrohman, A., Kususmaningsih, C., Sahrawi, S., Hafis, M., Emilia. E. (2022). A genre pedagogy for teaching young EFL learners of English Village of Parit Baru. IJETAL, Indonesian Journal of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics. Vol 6 (2). State Islamic Institute of Samarinda, Indonesia.
Ramadani, K. P., Emilia, E. (2022). Exploring EFL teachers’ practice in teaching PISA-like reading. Ranah. Jurnal Kajian Bahasa (A Journal of language research). Vol 11. Number 2, December 2022
Fadhilah, M. A., & Emilia, E. (2022). Exploring teachers’ ability in developing pisa-like
reading tasks. English Review. Volume 10 Issue 3. October 2022.
Santika, S., Wirza, Y., Emilia, E. (2022). A needs analysis for ESP in a multimedia study program of vocational high school. International Journal of Education. Volume 15. Number 1. Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.
Zahra, G.M., Emilia, E., Nurlaelawati, I. (2021). An Analysis of Cohesion and Coherence of Descriptive Texts Written by Junior High School Students. Proceedings on The Thirteenths Conference on Applied Linguistics (CONAPLIN). Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 546. Atlantis Press.
Aunurrohman, Hamied, F. A., Emilia, E. (2020). Teaching critical thinking through academic writing to tertiary EFL students in Pontianak Indonesia: A utilization of a genre-based approach. Asian EFL Journal. Volume 24 (4).
Emilia, E., Habibi, N., Ariang Bangga L. (2018). An analysis of cohesion of exposition text: An Indonesian context. Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 7(3), 504-514. Indexed in Scopus.
Emilia, E., Yunita, N., Syifa, I. L. (2017). Gender in EFL Classroom: Transitivity Analysis in English Textbook for Indonesian Students. Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics. Volume 7. Number 1. ISSN: 2502-6747.
Aunurrohman, Abdul Hamied, F., Emilia, E. (2017). Exploring the tertiary EFL students’ academic writing competencies. Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics. Volume 7 (1). Pp: 72-79).
Aunurrahman, Hamied, F.A., Emilia, E. (2017). A Joint Construction Practice in Academic Writing Course in Indonesian University Context. Celt: A Journal of Culture, English Language Teaching & Literature. Volume 17 Issue 1 Pages 27-44. Soegijapranata Catholic University
Aunurrohman, Hamied, F. A., Emilia, E. (2016). Facilitating Character Building through an Academic Writing Practice. Arab World English Journal (AWEJ), Volume 7, Number 3, p. 146-160, September 2016
Emilia, E., and Hamied, F.A. (2015). Systemic Functional Linguistic Genre Pedagogy ((SFL GP) in a Tertiary EFL Writing Context in Indonesia. TEFLIN Journal: A publication on the teaching and learning of English, v26 n2 p155-182 Jul 2015. ISSN: ISSN-0215-773X.
Wempi, R., Emilia, E., and Amalia, L. L. (2014).The Exploration of Pre-service EFL Teachers’ Challenges in Field Practicum. International Journal of Education. Vol 7. No. 2. Bandung: Indonesia.
Pujianto, D., Emilia, E., and Sudarsono, M.I. (2014). A process-genre approach to teaching writing report text to senior high school students (a case study). International Journal of Applied Linguistics.. Vol 4. No. 1. July, 2014. Bandung: Indonesia.
Anshar, M. R., Emilia, E., Damayanti, I.L. (2014). An evaluation of English electronic books for junior high school in Indonesia. Submitted to the International Journal of Education.
Emilia, E., & Tehseem, T.( 2013). A synthesis of approaches to teaching writing: A case study in an Australian primary school. Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences Vol. 33 No. 11, p. 121-135.
Emilia, E., Septaviana, S., Abdullah, H. (2011). ‘A fresh look at students’ note-taking in consecutive interpreting: A case in Indonesia’. Translingua. Vol 15 No. 1, November 2011. Jakarta: International Languae Centre, Faculty of Cultural Studies, The University of Indonesia.
Emilia, E. (2011). ‘The English Only Policy in EFL Context: Is It Desirable? The New English Teacher Vol 5.1. Bangkok, Thailand.
Emilia, E. (2008). Menulis disertasi: mengapa lama? Chronicle (Bulletin of The Indonesia University of Education), March, 2008 (an article in a bulletin)
Emilia, E. (2006). Mengajar Berpikir kritis dalam menulis. (Teaching critical thiking in writing). A paper presented in a national seminar conducted by Faculty of Language and Arts, UPI. Bandung, Nov 2006.
Emilia, E. (2006). Analysisng students’ ability in writing an English thesis unsing the Transitivity of systemic functional linguistics.’ Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan ( a peer reviewed journal of education in Indonesia), June 2010. Mimbar Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni (a journal published in the Faculty of Language and Arts Education, Indonesia University of Education).
Putri, B.K., Gunawan, W., Emilia, E., Kurniawan, E. (2021). A Sociocultural Perspective on EFL In-Service Teachers’ SFL/Genre Knowledge Development. Proceedings of Fifth International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education (ICOLLITE 2021). Pages 157-162. Atlantis Press.
R. Alpha Amirrachman, Ph.D
Universiteit van Amsterdam (2008-2012)
Master of Philosophy at Faculty of Education and Social Work, School of Policy and Practice
University of Sydney (2002-2004)
Bachelor of Engglish Education
Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka (1995-1999)
2005 - present
Lecturer at Faculty of Education, Universitas Islam International Indonesia
2022 - present
Second Post-Doctoral about researching and writing about decentralization of education in the provinces of West Kalimantan and Banten, Indonesia
Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS), Singapore (2013-2014)
First Post-Doctoral about roducing an audio visual documentary about education in selected areas of Jakarta, Delanggu, Payakumbuh, Kawal, Sintang, Bittuang, Ternate, and Surabaya, Indonesia
Royal Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies (KITLV), Leiden (2012)
Kontributor features dan op-ed at Jakarta Post
2004 - present
Researcher at International Centre for Islam and Pluralism
(ICIP), pimpinan Syafii Anwar, PhD dan Syafiq Hasyim, PhD
2005 - 2007
Executive Director at Centre for Dialogue and Cooperation among Civilisations (CDCC), pimpinan Prof. Din Syamsuddin.
Head of Library Center at Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa (Untirta)
Staf Khusus Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia Prof. Dr. H. Muhadjir Effendy, M.A.P.,
Bidang Monitoring Implementasi Kebijakan at Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Republik Indonesia
Director at Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization Regional Open Learning Center (SEAMEO SEAMOLEC)
Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset dan Teknologi, Republik Indonesia
Amirrachman, Alpha (2021). Sketches of Asia’s society: People, culture, education and technology. SM, The Jakarta Post and Southeast Asian Ministers Education Organizations Regional Open Learning Centre.
Amirrachman, Alpha (2021). Education decentralization in Indonesia: Community participation, market, politics and local identity. SM and Southeast Asian Ministers Education Organizations Regional Open Learning Centre.
Amirrachman, Alpha (2018). Desentralisasi pendidikan di Indonesia. Untirta Press.
Amirrachman, A., Nubowo, A., Khoirudin, A., (eds) (2016). Islam Berkemajuan untuk peradaband dunia: Refleksi dan agenda Muhammadiyah ke depan. Jakarta: Mizan & Center for Dialogue and Cooperation among Civilization.
Amirrachman, A. (2015). Muhammadiyah "Ahmad Dahlan" menemukan kembali otentisitas gerakan Muhammadiyah. Jakarta: STIE Ahmad Dahlan.
Amirrachman, A. (2007). Revitalization of local wisdom: Conflict resolution study in West Kalimantan, The Moluccas and Poso. International Centre for Islam and Pluralism & European Union.
Book Chapters
Amirrachman, A. (2022). Tertib administrasi. In Sutanto (ed), Sang birokrat pendidikan: Pemikiran dan keteladanan Prof. Dr. Baedhowi, M.Si. (pp. 130-131). Jakarta: Rezpy Geizla Indonesia.
Amirrachman, A. (2022). Jihad intelektual Muhammadiyah. In Ridho Al-Hamdi dan Abd Rohim Ghazali (Eds.), Islam berkemajuan dan kebijakan publik: Catatan kritis aktivis Muhammadiyah (pp. 53-59). Jakarta: Media Baca Anasti
Amirrachman, A. (2020). Bahtiar Effendy dan pesan pamungkas beliau. In Ma’mun Murod Al-Barbasy & David Krisna Alka (eds), Mengenang Sang Guru Politik Prof. Dr. Bahtiar Effendy, MA (pp. 221-226). Jakarta: UM Jakarta Press.
Amirrachman, A. (2020). Buya Ahmad Syafii Maarif 85 tahun: Landasan kebaikan untuk generasi mendatang. In David Krisna Alka & Asmul Khairi (eds), Mencari negarawan: 84 tahun Ahmad Syafii Maarif (pp. 61-64), Jakarta: JIBPost Pustakapedia Indonesia.
Amirrachman, A. (2017). Higher education institutions in Indonesia: Access, innovation and research. In V. V. Krishna (ed), Universities in the national innovation systems: Experiences form the Asia-Pacific (pp. 335-372). New York: Routledge.
Latief, H. and Amirrachman, A. and Hilman Latief (2016). Islamic philanthropy and the rights to education: Modalities of education provision for underprivileged groups in post-New Order Indonesia. In Khun Eng Kuah, Jason Eng Thye Tan (eds.), Educating marginalized communities in East and Southeast Asia: State, civil society and NGO partnerships (pp. 37- 52). London and New York: Routledge,
Amirrachman, A. (2015). Din Syamsuddin’s legacy: A more pluralist Muhammadiyah. In Abdul Mu’ti, (eds), Islamic moderation in Indonesia: Muhammadiyah’s experience (pp. 79-84).Yogyakarta: PP Muhammadiyah.
Amirrachman, A. (2015). Moeslim Abdurrahman: Fighting against religious conservatism. In Abdul Mu’ti, (eds), Islamic moderation in Indonesia: Muhammadiyah’s experience (pp. 105-110). Yogyakarta: PP Muhammadiyah.
Amirrachman, A. (2015). Din Syamsuddin: A man to watch. In Abdul Mu’ti, (eds), Islamic moderation in Indonesia: Muhammadiyah’s experience (pp. 133-138). Yogyakarta: PP Muhammadiyah.
Amirrachman, A., Syafi’i, S, Welch, A. (2009). Decentralising Indonesian education: The promise and the price. In Zaida & Gamage (eds), Decentralisation, school-based managementand quality. New York: Springer.
Journal Articles
Amirrachman, A. (2015). Creating multicultural citizens: A portrayal of contemporary Indonesian education, by Raihani (book review). Bijdragen tot de Taal, Land – en Volkenkunde Volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia. 171(369-408).
Amirrachman, R. A. (2014). Education in the Conflict-Affected Moluccas: Local Tradition, Identity Politics and School Principal Leadership. South East Asia Research, 22(4), 561–578.
Amirrachman, A. (2014). Peace education in the Moluccas, Indonesia: Impact on perception of citizenship and identity. Guest edited by LynParker and Chang-Yau Hoon. Special issue of South East Asia Research on Education for a tolerant and multicultural Indonesia. 22(4) (561-578).
Amirrachman, A. (2014). Education in Indonesia, edited by Daniel Suryadarma and Gavin W. Jones (book review). Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia. 170(133–173).
Amirrachman, A. (2013). Technological State in Indonesia, by Sulfikar Amir (book review). Contemporary Southeast Asia. 35(1) (132-134)
Amirrachman, A., Syafi’I, S, Welch, A. (2008). Decentralisation in Indonesian Education: The Promise and the Price. World Studies in Education. 9(1) (31–53).
Amirrachman, A. (2004). Community participation and empowerment in primary education (book review). Asian Studies Review. 48 (423-452).
Amich Alhumami, Ph.D
About Lecturer
Dr. Amich Alhumami is a Director of Religion, Education and Culture Ministry of National Development Planning/BAPPENAS RI and Deputy Minister for Human Development, Society, and Cultural Affairs. Amich Alhumami is a prolific writer. His articles discussing educational, social, cultural and religious issues have been published in various well-known newspapers and magazines, such as Kompas, Republika, Media Indonesia, Tempo, and scientific journals, including “Paradoks-paradoks Reformasi”, “Lompatan Kuantum Politik Indonesia”, “Demokrasi Berbasis Agama vs Demokrasi Sekuler”, “PKS dan Political Brand”, and “Jokowi’s Civic Politics: An Anthropological Account”.
University of Sussex, UK (2011)
Master of Education Policy
George Mason University, USA (2003)
Master of Cultural Anthropology
Universitas Indonesia (1994)
Bachelor of Philosophy and Sociology of Education
IKIP Bandung (1989)
Since March 2023
Director of Religion, Education and Culture
National Development Planning Agency
2020 - Now
Director of Education and Religion
National Development Planning Agency
2019 - 2020
Director of Higher Education, Science and Technology and Culture
Ministry of Education and Culture
2016 - 2019
Pergulatan Intelektual Membela Demokrasi (kontributor). (2020). Penerbit Mizan
Islam Berkemajuan untuk Peradaban Dunia (kontributor). (2015). Penerbit Mizan
Redesain Pendidikan Guru: Teori, Kebijakan dan Praktik (kontributor). (2013). Penerbit Kencana Media Grup & UIN Syarif Hidayatullah
“Nasionalnya” Pendidikan Kita: Teropong Masalah Pendidikan (kontributor). (2010). Penerbit Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan
Journal Article
Alhumami, A. (2015). Pendidikan Tinggi Berkualitas dan Daya saing Bangsa. Analisis CSIS, Vol. 44, No. 2. pp 192-212.
Alhumami, A. (2014). Isu Strategis Pendidikan: Masalah & Tantangan. Analisis CSIS, Vol. 43, No. 3
Saida Ulfa, Ph.D
About Lecturer
Dr. Saida Ulfa is a Lecturer of Educational Technology Department, Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri Malang. She is an academic expert who specializes in the field of Massive open Online Courses (MOOCs), Learning Analytics, Instructional Technology, Mobile and Ubiquitous Learning, Adaptive and Personalized Learning in the Online Learning Environment Artificial Intelligence in Education.
Saga University, Japan (2009)
M. Ed. in Education Technology
Saga University, Japan (2005)
Undergraduate in Electrical Engineering Department
Hasanuddin University, Indonesia (2001)
Universitas Negeri Malang
2008 - Present
Journal Articles
Nurrijal, Setyosari, P.,Kuswandi, D. Ulfa, S. (2023). Creative Problem Solving Process Instructional Design in the Context of Blended Learning in Higher Education. Electronic Journal of e-Learning, 21(2), pp. 80–97.
Diningrat, S.W.M. Setyosari, P.,Ulfa, S.,Widiati, U. (2023). The Effect of an Extended Flipped Classroom Model for Fully Online Learning and its interaction with Working Memory Capacity on Students' Reading Comprehension. Journal of New Approaches in Educational Research, 12(1), pp. 77–99.
Pradana, F. Setyosari, P., Ulfa, S. Hirashima, T. (2023). Development of Gamification-Based E-Learning on Web Design Topic. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies, 17(3), pp. 21–38.
Lasfeto, D.B., Ulfa, S. (2023). Modeling of Online Learning Strategies Based on Fuzzy Expert Systems and Self-Directed Learning Readiness: The Effect on Learning Outcomes. Journal of Educational Computing, 60(8), pp. 2081–2104.
Bringula, R.,Ulfa, S. Miranda, J.P.P., Atienza, F.A.L. (2022). Text mining analysis on students’ expectations and anxieties towards data analytics course. Cogent Engineering, 9(1), 2127469.
Budianto, A., Setyosari, P., Kuswandi, D., Ulfa, S. (2022). Summaries Writing to Enhance Reading Comprehension: Systematic Literature Review from 2014 to 2021. Eurasian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 8(1), pp. 149–161.
Wahyu Ridhoni, Punaji Setyosari, Dedi Kuswandi, Saida Ulfa, Dahlia Janan. (2022). CC Thinker: Mobile-based Assessment to Train Creative and Critical Thinking in Student. IJIM; International Association of Online Engineering; Vol 16 No 15; PP 16-29.
Saida Ulfa, Deddy Barnabas Lasfeto,Izzul Fatawi. (2021). Applying fuzzy logic to customize learning materials in e-learning systems. Ubiquitous Learning: an International Journal. 2475-9686(e) ; Vol 14. No.2 DOI: 10.18848/1835-9795/CGP/v14i02/49-61
Saida Ulfa, Izzul Fatawi. (2012). Predicting Factors That Influence Students’ Learning Outcomes Using Learning Analyticsin Online Learning Environment. IJET; International Association of Online Engineering; 1863-0383 (e); Vol: 16 No 1.
Rex Bringula* , Jon Jester Reguyal, Don Dominic Tan, Saida Ulfa. (2021). Mathematics self-concept and challenges of learners in an online learning environment during COVID-19 pandemic. Smart Learning Environments; Springer Open; Vol 8 No.22; PP 1-23.
Adlia Alfiriani, Punaji Setyosari , Saida Ulfa, Henry Praherdhiono. (2021). Developing Networked Online Learning Design and Its Effectiveness on The Works of Student in Higher Education: Case Studies in Indonesia. Journal of Technology and Science Education; 2013-6374(e); Vol 12 No.1; PP 4-20.
Bambang Budi Wiyono*, Agus Wedi, Saida Ulfa, Arda Purnama Putra. (2021). The use of information and communication technology (Ict) in the implementation of instructional supervision and its effect on teachers’ instructional process quality Information; Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute; Vol 12 Mo 11; PP 1-15.
Muhibuddin Fadhli, Billy Brick, Punaji Setyosari, Saida Ulfa, Dedi Kuswandi. (2020). A Meta-Analysis of Selected Studies on the Effectiveness of Gamification Method for Children International Journal of Instruction Vol 13 No 1; PP 845-854.
Mutiara Sari Dewi, Punaji Setyosari, Dedi Kuswandi, Saida Ulfa. (2020). Analysis of kindergarten teachers on pedagogical content knowledge. EJER; Eurasian Society of Educational Research; Vol 9. No.4; Hal 1701-1721.
Intan Safiaha, I Nyoman Sudhana Degeng,Punaji Setyosari, Saida Ulfa. (2020). Design and development of seamless learning to improving learning outcome of Islamic economic course: a case study in Indonesia. Journal of E-learning and Knowledge Society; Vol 16. No.3; PP Hal 60-67.
I Kadek Suartama, Punaji Setyosari, Sulthoni, Saida Ulfa. (2019). Development of an instructional design model for mobile blended learning in higher education. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning; 1863-0383(e), Volume 14 No 16, pp 4-22;
Izzul Fatawi, I Nyoman Sudana Degeng, Punaji Setyosari, Saida Ulfa, Tsukasa Hirashima. (2020). Effect of Online-Based Concept Map on Student Engagement and Learning Outcome. IJDET; IGI Global Publishing; Vol 18 No 3; PP42-56.
Didin Syafruddin, Ph.D
About Lecturer
Didin Syafruddin, Ph.D. He finished his doctoral degree in Values and Culture in Education, Department of Integrated Studies in Education at McGill University, with a dissertation entitled “In Search of a Citizenship Education Model for a Multireligious Indonesia.” His MA is in Islamic Studies from McGill University and BA from Arabic Education, Faculty of Education Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta. His research interest is in diversity and Islamic education. His publications include a book chapter in Hamid Nasuhi et al. l (Eds.) Intoleransi dalam Buku Pendidikan Islam? (Intolerance in Islamic Education Textbooks?), Jakarta: Grenada, 2018. The other appears in a book by Didin Syafruddin et al. l. Edited, Potret Guru Agama: Pandangan tentang Toleransi dan Isu-isu Keagamaan (Perception of Islamic Education Teachers on Tolerance and Religious Issues), Jakarta: Grenada, 2018. With Masooda Bano, Didin also wrote Study on Islamic Religious Education in Secondary Schools in Indonesia, Jakarta: Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, 2016. Didin is currently Director of Research of Pusat Pengkajian Islam dan Masyarakat/PPIM (Center for the Study of Islam and Society) Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University. Since 2017, he has researched Islamic education to prevent violent extremism. In 2018, Didin Syafruddin, Ph.D., participated in Regional Capacity Building Workshop on the Prevention of Violent Extremism through Education (PVE-E) in South and South East Asia, Kuala Lumpur; in 2018, Australia fellowship on University Governance; 2017 Workshop on Islam and Radicalism. Dr. Didin can be reached by email at
About research interest: “My area of expertise is multicultural education. Since 2017, I have engaged in research on Islamic education in preventing violent extremism”.