Maretha Dellarosa, Ph.D.

About SIR Fellow

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Multicultural and Equity Studies in Education (MESE)
The Ohio State University, U.S.A.
2018 - 2022

Master of Arts (M.A.) in Rethinking Early Childhood and Elementary Education (RECEE)
The Ohio State University, U.S.A.
2014 - 2016

Bachelor in Elementary Teacher Education Program,(S.Pd)
The State University of Surabaya, Indonesia
2007 - 2011

Community Refugee and Immigration Services (CRIS), Ohio, Cultural Orientation Intern

Summer Associate, QualLab, College of Education and Human Ecology, The Ohio State University

Guest lecturer for virtual teaching at Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta, Indonesia

Guest lecturer for virtual teaching in English Department, Indonesian Islamic University

Office Assistant at Buckeye Village Student Family Housing
2019 - 2022

Teacher assistant in Graham Primary School, Columbus, Ohio
2014 - 2015

Teaching Assistant, Mathematics, Faculty of Education, Elementary Teacher Program , The State University of Surabaya, Indonesia

Private Teacher for elementary students at Crown Course, Indonesia
2010 - 2013

Served as a Teacher in “Kampung Pemulung” (Slum area)
2010 - 2012

Dellarosa, M. (2022). Conceptualizing Muslim identity in the US, post-9/11. Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies, 12(2), Article 2.

Dellarosa, M. (2021). “Where am I?” A Critical Discourse Analysis of Religious Representation in Indonesia. IAFOR Journal of Education, 9(6).

Combs, L. D., Dellarosa, M., Kim, M., Pittman, Alexander G-J, Gilbert, C., Smith, S. J., Smith, T., Valley, S. N. & Pasque, P. A. (2021). Radical interrelated qualitative space in the midst of multi-pandemics: A collaborative scholarly personal narrative. Cultural Studies Critical Methodologies. 21(6), 509-520.

Arif Hidayat, Ph.D.

About SIR Fellow

Post Doctoral at National Institute of Education – Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
2022 - 2023

Doctor of Philosophy in Education at Graduate School of International Development and Cooperation Hiroshima University

Master of Science at Institute Teknologi Bandung

Bachelor in Physics Education at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Lecturer at Indonesia University of Education
2009 - Now

Board of Directors at Nur Al Rahman School (Cimahi)
2019 - Now

Visiting Professor at Tashkent State University of Economics, Uzbekistan

Visiting Professor at Illinois State University, USA

Visiting Professor at Naruto University of Education, Japan

Project Manager at STEM – PBL Indonesia (SEAMEO STEM Education Thailand and Head Foundation Singapore)
2022 - 2023

Project Manager at Regional Training of Lesson Study for Learning Community (Asia Africa Learning Improvement Network and Kementrian Pelajaran Malaysia)

Project Manager at National Coordinator STEM Leadership (MoE Indonesia with NIE@NTU and Temasek Foundation Singapore)
2021 - 2023

Project Manager at National Science Educators Traning (MoE Indonesia and Nagoya University, Japan)

Project Manager at Educational Training for Society 5.0 (Indonesia Universities Consortium and Tsukuba University, Japan)

Teo TW, Tan AL, Hidayat A. . . (2023) STEM Leadership  Program in Indonesia: Lesson Packages Alligned to UN SDGs Themes. National Institute of Education, Singapore 

Hidayat, A (2022). Empowering Teachers to Create STEM  Lesson. Teaching STEM in Southeast Asia: A Handbook  for Educators. Head Foundation.

Comparison of Nature of Science Profile in Indonesia,  Malaysia, and Singapore Secondary Science Textbooks:  Case of Electricity Lesson. PH Dhitareka, A Hidayat, P  Siahaan - Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 2022

Hidayat, A (2022). Learning Leadership Revitalizations through SMART School toward Learning Society Post  Pandemic Covid-19  

Indicators for the measurement of teachers’ professional  identity across Asia and Africa: a Delphi study. MA  Samsudin, MC Moen, Hidayat, A. PTT Hai, B Hagos  Hailu… - Journal of Asian and African Studies, 2021 

Comparative institutional analysis of participation in  collaborative learning. E Saito, TDH Khong, Y Sumikawa,  M Watanabe, Hidayat, A- Cogent Education, 2020

Typologies of lesson study coordination: a comparative  institutional analysis. E Saito, TDH Khong, A Hidayat, S Hendayana… - Professional Development in Education, 2020

Technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK)  instrument for Indonesia science pre-service teacher:  Framework, indicators, and items development A Hidayat – UNNES Science Education Journal, 2019.

Developing And Validating A Technological Pedagogical  Content Knowledge (TPACK) Instrument For Secondary  Physics Preservice Teachers In Indonesia  A Hidayat - UNNES Science Education Journal, 2019.

Dr. Visal Moosa

About SIR Fellow

A senior lecturer at Islamic University of Maldives specialised in Educational Management, Leadership, and Research. A promising researcher in education and related areas. Worked as a secondary teacher, leading teacher, school principal, and policy and planning officer at the Ministry of Education, Maldives.

Doctor of Philosophy in Education
University of Brunei Darussalam, Brunei

Master of Educational Management
University of Malaya, Malaysia

Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary)
Maldives College of Higher Education, Maldives

National Diploma of Teaching (Secondary)
Maldives College of Higher Education, Maldives

Senior Lecturer at Islamic University of Maldives
2020 - Now

Lecturer at Islamic University of Maldives
2016 - 2020

Education Development Officer at Ministry of Education
2014 - 2016

Principal at Ministry of Education (N. Atoll Education Centre)
2011 - 2014

Leading Teacher at Kaafu Atoll School
2007 - 2010

Moosa, M. D., Moosa, V., & Faheem, S. (2023). Prevailing Leadership Styles in Change  Management: Evidence from Existing Research. International Journal of Professional Business  Review, 8(5), e01289-e01289.

Moosa, V., Salleh, S. & Hamid, L. (2022). Defining and operationalizing professional learning  communities: what does the literature say? Asia Pacific Journal of Education

Moosa, V., Khalid, A.H. and Mohamed, A. (2021). Intellectual landscape of research on  change management: a bibliometric analysis. Management Research Review

Adams, D., Mohamed, A., Moosa, V. & Shareefa, M. (2021). Teachers’ readiness for inclusive  education in a developing country: fantasy or possibility?, Educational Studies. 

Moosa, V., Shareefa, M. & Shafeeu, I. (2021). A bibliometric analysis of research on  perception towards covid-19 vaccines. Al-manhaj, 5(1), pp. 11-25.

Shareefa, M., Moosa, V., Saeedh, K., Hassan, V. & Kashif, M. (2021). Exploring the  dimensionality of the reflective functioning questionnaire in the context of Maldives higher  education. Al-manhaj, 5(1), pp. 48-61.

Moosa, V. (2021). Review of collective teacher efficacy research: Implications for teacher  development, school administrators and education researchers, International Journal of Theory and Application in Elementary and Secondary School Education, 3 (1), pp. 62-73. 

Shareefa, M., Moosa, V., Matzin, R. Midawati Abdulla, N., Z. & Jawawi, R. (2021). Facilitating  differentiated instruction in a multi-grade setting: the case of a small school. SN Soc Sci 1,  127.

Moosa, V., Salleh, S. & Hamid, L. (2020). Professional Learning Communities Assessment – Revised: A Measure of Schools as Learning Organisations. Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences  & Humanities, 28 (4), pp.3048 – 3068.

Shareefa, M., Moosa, V., Matzin, R., Midawati Abdullah, N., Z. & Jawawi, R. (2020). A  Challenge Made Easy: Contributing Factors for Successful Multigrade Teaching in a Small  School. Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 28 (3), pp. 1643-1661.

Moosa, V., Shareefa, M., Adams, D. & Mohamed, A. (2020). Assessing Teacher Readiness for  Inclusive Education in Maldives: Instrument Modification and Validation. International  Journal of Disability, Development and Education.

Moosa. V. & Shareefa, M. (2020). Science Mapping the Most-cited Publications on Workplace  Learning. Journal of Workplace Learning, 32 (4), pp. 259-272.

Shareefa, M. & Moosa, V. (2020). The Most-cited Educational Research Publications on  Differentiated Instruction: A Bibliometric Analysis. European Journal of Educational Research,  9(1), pp. 331-349.

Mohamed, A., Moosa, V., & Yusoff, S. (2020). Assessing the effect of school culture on  instructional leadership in Maldives. Educational Administration Research and Review, 4(2).

Moosa, V. & Shareefa, M. (2019). Implementation of differentiated instruction: Conjoint  effect of teachers’ sense of efficacy, perception and knowledge. Anatolian Journal of  Education. 4(1), Online first. 

Shareefa, M., Moosa, V., Mat Zin, R., Abdullah, N.Z.M. & Jawawi, R. (2019). Teachers’  Perceptions on Differentiated Instruction: Do Experience, Qualification and Challenges  Matter? International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research. 18(8), pp.  214-226.

Moosa, V. & Shareefa, M. (2019). The impact of teachers’ experience and qualification on efficacy, knowledge and implementation of differentiated instruction. International Journal  of Instruction. 12(2).

Moosa, V., Adheel, A., Mohamed, A. & Mohamed, A. L. (2016). Teachers’ Attitudes towards  Inclusion: Lessons from In-service Teachers for Pre-service Teacher Training. Jurnal  Paradigma. (14), 107–118 

Mariyam, D., M., Mohammed, S. I., Moosa, V. & Ahmed, M. (2015). The Relationship  between Team Characteristics and Team Effectiveness among Teachers in Male’. In  proceedings of International Teachers’ Conference 2015. Male’: National Institute of  Education.

Dr. Sri Widyastri

About SIR Fellow

PhD of Islamic Studies, Islamic Education
UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta (2022)

Master of Islamic Education Management
Al-Qur'an College of Science (PTIQ) Jakarta (2018)

Bachelor of Islamic Religion Education
Institute of Al-Qur'an Science (IIQ) Jakarta (2016)

Lecturer & Secretary to the Head of the Islamic Religious Education Masters Program
Institute of Al-Qur'an Science (IIQ) Jakarta
2022 - NOW

Ummi Kultsum, Ph.D.

About SIR Fellow

Ph.D in Education
University of Canberra (2020)

Master in Language Education
Universitas Negeri Jakarta (2009)

Bachelor in English Education 
UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta (2002)

Secretary of study program at Magister of English Education Department (MPBI), Faculty of Education and
Teacher Training, State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Reviewer on the Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education (The official journal of the
British Association for International and Comparative Education.)

Reviewer on the International Journal of English Education (IJEE) UIN Jakarta

Associate Editor of International Journal of Law AHKAM, UIN Jakarta
2012 - Now

Associate Editor of International Journal of Islamic Economy and Law Al-Iqtishad, UIN Jakarta
2015 - Now

Teaching Bahasa Indonesia to non-native speaker (BIPA) at the Defence Force School of Language (DFSL),
Canberra, Australia
2019 - 2020

English lecturer at The University of Muhammadiyah, Jakarta
2011 - 2012

English lecturer at Faculty of Education and Teachers’ Training, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah , Jakarta
2009 - Now

Prof. Dr. Abdurachman Assegaf, M.Ag.

About SIR Fellow

Ph.D in Islamic Studies
UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta (2004)

Master in Education
IAIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta (1994)

Bachelor in Education 
STIT Raden Santri Gresik (1991)

Research Division of the Community of Indonesia Education Researchers (Masyarakat Peneliti Pendidikan Indonesia, MPPI)
2011 - 2014

Vice-Coordinator of the Private Islamic Higher Education (KOPERTAIS) District III Special Region of Yogyakarta

Member of the Movement for Islamic Education Improvement (Gerakan Usaha Pembaharuan Pendidikan Islam) in Jakarta
2009 - 2012

Head of the Research Center for Education Institution and Policy or ReCEIP
2005 - 2011

Researcher at Center for Developing Islamic Education (CDIE), Faculty of Tarbiyah, Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University, Yogyakarta
2004 - 2009

Secretary of the Information Center for Alumni and Labour Manpower
2001 - 2003

Director of Alkhairiyah Foundation, Surabaya

SIR Fellow

SIR Fellow

Scholars in Residence programe is a postdoctoral fellowship at the Faculty of Education UIII, provides support and resources to scholars pursuing research, fostering professional growth and advancing knowledge within their field.

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