
Lunch Talk #28: Understanding Teacher Identity Construction and Its Dynamics

You are invited to join the Lunch Talk #28 at the Faculty of Education, UIII

Satia Prihatni Zen, Ph.D. (Programme Director for institutional partnership at Yayasan Sukma) will share about: “Understanding Teacher Identity Construction and Its Dynamics”.

The talk will discuss the dynamics of teacher identity construction in the context of international teacher education between Indonesia and Finland. Teacher identity has been used as analytical lens in exploring teachers’ learning and development. This concept allow researchers to explore different dimensions of teacher learning and development in relation to various aspects in teaching such as motivation, decision making, relationship and others. Teacher identity has also been used to explore how teachers respond to changes in educational context such as new curriculum, technological changes and school reform.

Using this perspective, Dr. Zen will shared insights from her study on Indonesian teachers from Aceh who participated in International teacher program organized by university from Finland. As a unique context, an international program between Indonesia and Finland provide an opportunity to explore the dynamics of teacher identity construction as the impact of learning in diverse contexts. Additionally, Aceh is a post-conflict and post-tsunami context where participants of this study are working and where the program was implemented. This context provides an additional dimension and specific challenges that may be relevant for teacher education in other similarly challenging contexts.

Day/Date: Tuesday/April 23, 2024
Time: 13.00-14.30 WIB
Place: Theater, Faculty A Building

Online participation:

E-Certificate is provided

Thank you!

Recording on Youtube