Mobilitas Penduduk dan Kualitas Udara saat Pandemi COVID-19: Studi kasus DKI Jakarta. Jurnal Wilayah dan Lingkungan
Alamsyah, P., & Hakim, L. N. (2023). Mobilitas Penduduk dan Kualitas Udara saat Pandemi COVID-19: Studi kasus DKI Jakarta. Jurnal Wilayah dan Lingkungan, 11(2), 126-140.
Penelitian ini bertujuan melihat sejauh mana mobilitas penduduk berpengaruh terhadap lingkungan, khususnya kualitas udara. Para peneliti sebelumnya telah mempelajari dampak mobilitas penduduk dan kaitannya dengan ekonomi, pola penyebaran penyakit, dan psikologis. Namun demikian masih sedikit yang meneliti bagaimana faktor lingkungan mempengaruhi dan dipengaruhi oleh mobilitas manusia. Bencana covid-19 secara kebetulan memberikan peluang bagi peneliti untuk mempelajari dengan kondisi yang sulit terulang, yaitu kondisi Kota Jakarta yang lebih lengang, dikarenakan mobilitas penduduk di Jakarta yang menurun drastis dikarenakan lockdown. Peneliti berusaha mempelajari fenomena tersebut menggunakan kerangka teori Driver–Pressure–State–Impact–Response (DPSIR). Metode penelitian yang dilakukan adalah kualitatif dengan mengkaji data mobilitas dari Google Mobility Index dan Rom tom Traffic index. Sementara sumber data respon publik diambil dari data cuitan di twitter yang diambil dari Twitter Archiving Google Sheet (TAGS) versi 6.1.7 mulai dari tanggal 15 Februari hingga 22 Mei 2020. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penurunan mobilitas penduduk dalam berkendara ternyata tidak secara otomatis akan menurunkan kadar polutan di udara. Terdapat faktor lain yang berkontribusi terhadap polusi di Jakarta, yaitu industri yang berada di Jabodetabek yang mengelilingi Kota Jakarta. Artikel ini bermanfaat bukan saja bagi pemerhati lingkungan, melainkan juga para pengambil kebijakan, bahwa upaya memperbaiki kualitas udara di Kota Jakarta dapat dilakukan dengan mengatur mobilitas penduduk di Kota Jakarta, dan memonitor pihak industri.
Exploring teacher collaboration: what’s inside the Malaysian PLC black box?
Mohd Zabidi, Z., Abdullah, Z. and Sumintono, B. (2023), “Exploring teacher collaboration: what’s inside the Malaysian PLC black box?”, Journal of Professional Capital and Community.
Research limitations/implications
A Rasch analysis of the International Personality Item Pool Big Five Markers Questionnaire: Is longer better?
Akhtar, H., & Sumintono, B. (2023). A Rasch analysis of the International Personality Item Pool Big Five Markers Questionnaire: Is longer better?. Primenjena Psihologija, 16(1), 3-28.
The 50-item International Personality Item Pool version of the Big Five Markers (IPIP-BFM) is an open-source and widely used measure of the big five personality traits. A short version of this measure (IPIP-BFM-25) has been developed using the classical test theory approach. No study was performed to examine the psychometric properties of a longer and shorter version of IPIP-BFM Indonesia using modern test theory. This study aimed to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Indonesian version of IPIP-BFM as well as IPIP-BFM-25 using Rasch analysis. The analysis was conducted in order to test their dimensionality, rating scale functioning, item properties, person responses, targeting, reliability, and item bias on 1003 Indonesian samples. The findings showed that both IPIP-BFM and IPIP-BFM-25 Indonesia have some adequate psychometric properties, especially regarding category function, item properties, reliability, and item bias. However, the emotional stability and intellect scales did not meet the assumption of unidimensionality, and all items on the scales were too easy to endorse by participants. In general, longer measures outperformed shorter measures in terms of person separation and reliability. Further testing and refinement must be conducted.
The relationship between school climate and students’ non-cognitive skills: A systematic literature review
Zynuddin, S.N., Kenayathulla, H.B. and Sumintono, B. (2023). The relationship between school climate and students’ non-cognitive skills: A systematic literature review. Heliyon, Volume 9 (4), e14773,
The school climate plays a substantial part in student development. A positive and nurturing school climate encourages the growth of all-rounders and holistic individuals. Past literature has highlighted several domains related to the school climate, including academic performance, wellbeing, student engagement, attendance in school, delinquent behaviors, bullying, and school safety. However, little is known about the development of other related domains, like noncognitive skills, in school. The purpose of the study is to review the linkages of school climate with the development of students’ non-cognitive skills. The current study employs a systematic literature review that adheres to PRISMA to determine the association between school climate and students’ non-cognitive skills. First, this study conducted three stages of rigorous and systematic searching: identification, screening, and eligibility. As a result of the search, this study identified 65 relevant articles from Scopus, Web of Science, and ScienceDirect as the leading databases and Google Scholar and Dimension. ai as supporting databases. Next, the current study highlights five clusters based on the analysis of network visualization by the VOSviewer software. These clusters are: the non-cognitive skills’ intrapersonal and interpersonal key characteristics, a nurturing school climate and the presence of non-cognitive skills mitigate deviant behaviour in school settings, the non-cognitive skills as a predictor of academic outcomes, the multifaceted antecedents of school climate in promoting the development of student non-cognitive skills, the role of school domains and non-cognitive attributes towards students’ cognitive development. This systematic literature review contributes a novel framework and an in-depth understanding of the relationship between school climate and students’ non-cognitive skills. The current research serves as a starting point for future researchers to delve deeper into this subject matter to provide educational organisations with valuable guidance when navigating for better educational outcomes. In addition, the current review will shed light on the school climate and students’ noncognitive skills to further examine what has already been learnt and the missing links, contributing to the body of knowledge on this topic.
Mental Health Condition of Vocational High School Students During COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia
Julianto, V., Sumintono, B., Wilhelmina, T.M., Almakhi, N.P.Z., & Avetazain, H. (2023). Mental Health Condition of Vocational High School Students During COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia. Asian Journal of Psychiatry, Vol 82, 103518,
This study aimed to determine the mental health condition of vocational high school students in Indonesia during the pandemic using the Rasch analysis method with the DASS-42 instrument. A total of 1381 vocational students in Indonesia participated in this study through the questionnaire. The results showed that more than 60 % of Indonesian vocational students experienced mental health problems during the COVID-19 pandemic due to social restrictions, and online learning. Furthermore, the findings of this study showed that mental health issues were mostly experienced by female students, firstborn children, and students who live in rural areas, and from middle income backgrounds.
The tribal education in Indonesia: Detribalization challenges of Samin tribe
Abdul Kholiq, Mutohar, A. & Sumintono, B. (2022). The tribal education in Indonesia: Detribalization challenges of Samin tribe, Cogent Education, 9:1, 2136861, DOI:
Abstract: The exclusion of certain tribes in an educational system can be best understood from the context of national educational policy. The new national education policy in Indonesia causes the exclusion of minority tribes such as Samin community in Indonesia. This study investigates how the National Education law (SISDIKNAS) was implemented, the position of minority groups in the national education system, and the outcomes of the implementation of the national education system for minority groups. This study incorporates the qualitative method to describe the phenomenon that occurs within the minority groups. The results show that some articles of SISDIKAS indicate the detribalization of ethnic minority communities. This research is limited because of its site and scope; therefore, further research can be carried out on Samin community in responding to government policies with a broader research site and scope to produce more comprehensive analysis.
Analisis Kesahan Kandungan Instrumen Kompetensi Guru untuk Melaksanakan Pentaksiran Bilik Darjah Menggunakan Model Rasch Pelbagai Faset.
Mohamat, R., Sumintono, B. and Abd Hamid, H.S. (2022). Analisis Kesahan Kandungan Instrumen Kompetensi Guru untuk Melaksanakan Pentaksiran Bilik Darjah Menggunakan Model Rasch Pelbagai Faset (Content Validity Analysis of an Instrument to Measure Teacher’s Competency for Classroom Assessment Using Many Facet Rasch Model). Jurnal Pendidikan Malaysia, 47(1), 1-14. DOI:
Kesahan kandungan instrument adalah penting bagi memastikan item-item yang dibina berupaya mengukur perkara yang sepatutnya diukur dan membincangkan sejauh mana item mewakili kandungan yang dimaksudkan. Kajian ini bertujuan menguji kesahan kandungan Instrumen Kompetensi Guru untuk Melaksanakan Pentaksiran Bilik Darjah (IkomGuruPBD) dengan menggunakan analisis Model Rasch Pelbagai Faset (MRPF). IkomGuruPBD terdiri daripada 56 item yang dibina berdasarkan 3 konstruk utama iaitu Pengetahuan PBD, Kemahiran PBD dan Sikap terhadap PBD. Reka bentuk kajian adalah kaedah tinjauan kuantitatif dengan pendekatan penilai berganda (multirater) menggunakan soal selidik IkomGuruPBD yang telah diedarkan kepada 12 orang panel pakar. Setiap pakar perlu menentukan tahap persetujuan mereka tentang kesesuaian setiap item dengan menggunakan skala Likert 3 mata terhadap tiga aspek penilaian bagi setiap item. Dapatan menunjukkan antara kelebihan MRPF adalah boleh menentukan tahap ketegasan penilai dan konsistensi penilai, juga mendapati dapatan respon luar jangkaan. Walaupun setiap penilai diberi instrumen, aspek penilaian dan kategori skala yang sama, namun MRPF boleh membandingkan tahap ketegasan secara individu bagi setiap penilai. MRPF juga boleh mengesan kualiti item untuk membantu pengkaji mengenal pasti item yang baik dan item yang lemah untuk ditambah baik. MRPF mempunyai kelebihan untuk memberikan maklumat yang lengkap mengenai ciri psikometrik bagi IkomGuruPBD yang diuji.
Instrument’s content validity is important to ensure that the items constructed are able to measure what they should measure and discuss the extent to which the items represent the intended content. This study examined the content validity of an instrument to measure teacher’s competency for classroom assessment (IkomGuruPBD) by using the analysis of Many-Facet Rasch Model (MFRM). IkomGuruPBD consists of 56 items built based on 3 main constructs: knowledge in PBD, skills in PBD and attitude towards PBD. This research is a quantitative method with a multirater approach using IkomGuruPBD questionnaire distributed to 12 expert panels. Each expert determined their level of agreement about the suitability of each item by using a 3-point Likert scale on the three aspects of evaluation. Results show that MFRM can determine the severity and consistency level of the raters, also report findings of unexpected bias response. Although all raters were given the same instrument, the same aspects of evaluation and scale category, MFRM has the ability to compare the severity level for each rater individually. Furthermore, MFRM can also detect the quality of the item and help the researcher to identify good items and weak items to be improved. MFRM has the advantage of providing complete information on the psychometric characteristics of the IkomGuruPBD being tested.
Measuring Changes in Hydrolysis Concept of Students Taught by Inquiry Model: Stacking and Racking Analysis Techniques in Rasch Model
Laliyo, L.A.R., Sumintono, B. and Panigoro, C. (2022). Measuring Changes in Hydrolysis Concept of Students Taught by Inquiry Model: Stacking and Racking Analysis Techniques in Rasch Model, HELIYON, 8(3) : e09126
This research aimed to employ stacking and racking analysis techniques in the Rasch model to measure the hydrolysis conceptual changes of students taught by the process-oriented guided inquiry learning (POGIL) model in the context of socio-scientific issues (SSI) with the pretest-posttest control group design. Such techniques were based on a person- and item-centered statistic to determine how students and items changed during interventions. Eleventh-grade students in one of the top-ranked senior high schools in the eastern part of Indonesia were involved as the participants. They provided written responses (pre- and post-test) to 15 three-tier multiple-choice items. Their responses were assessed through a rubric that combines diagnostic measurement and certainty of response index. Moreover, the data were analyzed following the Rasch Partial Credit Model, using the WINSTEPS 4.5.5 software. The results suggested that students in the experimental group taught by the POGIL approach in the SSI context had better positive conceptual changes than those in the control class learning with a conventional approach. Along with the intervention effect, in certain cases, it was found that positive conceptual changes were possibly due to student guessing, which happened to be correct (lucky guess), and cheating. In other cases, students who experienced negative conceptual changes may respond incorrectly due to carelessness, the boredom of problem-solving, or misconception. Such findings have also proven that some students tend to give specific responses after the intervention in certain items, indicating that not all students fit the intervention. Besides, stacking and racking analyses are highly significant in detailing every change in students’ abilities, item difficulty levels, and learning progress.
Online Mental Health Survey for Addressing Psychosocial Condition During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia: Instrument Evaluation.
Sunjaya, D.K., Sumintono, B., Gunawan, E., Herawati, D.M.D., and Hidayat, T. (2022). Online Mental Health Survey for Addressing Psychosocial Condition During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia: Instrument Evaluation. Psychology Research and Behavior Management, 15, pp.161-170.
Background: Regular monitoring of the pandemic’s psychosocial impact could be conducted among the community but is limited through online media. This study aims to evaluate the self-rating questionnaire commonly used for online monitoring of the psychosocial
implications of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic.
Methods: The data were taken from the online assessment results of two groups, with a total of 765 participants. The instruments studied were Self-Rating Questionnaire (SRQ-20), posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale-
10 (CESD-10), used in the online assessment. Data analysis used Rasch modeling and Winsteps applications. Validity and reliability were tested, and data were fit with the model, rating scale, and item fit analysis.
Results: All the scales for outfit mean square (MnSq) were very close to the ideal value of 1.0, and the Chi-square test was significant. Item reliability was greater than 0.67, item separation was greater than 3, and Cronbach’s alpha was greater than 0.60; all the instruments
were considered very good. The raw variance explained by measures for the SRQ-20, PTSD, and CESD-10 was 30.7%, 41.6%, and 47.6%, respectively. The unexplained eigenvalue variances in the first contrast were 2.3, 1.6, and 2.0 for the SRQ-20, PTSD, and CESD-
10, respectively. All items had positive point-measure correlations.
Conclusion: The internal consistency of all the instruments was reliable. Data were fit to the model as the items were productive for measurement and had a reasonable prediction. All the scales are functionally one-dimensional.