Andar Nubowo, Ph.D.
About Lecturer
Andar Nubowo defended his PhD dissertation in French on the Socio-history of a Justly Balanced Islam (Wasatiyyat Islam) in Indonesia at the Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS), Lyon, France, in December 2023. In 2008, finished his master degree in Political Sciences at the Ecole des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) Paris France. Associate Research Fellow at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore in 2017-2019 and an Associate Researcher at the Institut de Recherche sur l’Asie du Sud-Est Contemporain (IRASEC) Bangkok Thailand in 2023-2024 and Institut d’Asie Orientale (IAO) ENS Lyon since 2019, he is currently a permanent lecturer at the Faculty of Education, Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia (UIII), West Jawa, Indonesia and an Executive Director of MAARIF Institute for Culture and Humanity Jakarta, founded in 2003 by the late progressive Muslim thinker Ahmad Syafii Maarif. He published his book chapters, articles and op-ed at Routledge, Brill, and RSIS, Jakarta Post, Kompas, Republika. His research interests are Islam, education, politics, and democracy in Indonesia and Southeast Asia. He can be contacted at
Ecole normale superieure de Lyon (2019-2023)
Ecoles Hauntes Etudes en Sciences Sociales Paris, France
Bachelor at Islamic Theology
UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta (1999-2004)
Institute of Defense and Strategic Studies, S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
2017- 2019
Faculty of Politics and Social Sciences of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
2012- 2016
Political analyst
Indonesian Embassy, Paris, France
2009- 2011
Executive Editor
Jurnal Inovasi: Jurnal Ilmu dan Kemanusiaan, LP3 Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta
Executive Editor
Majalah Gerbang: Majalah Pendidikan, LP3 Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta – Ministry of National Education Jakarta
Program Manager
People Voters Education Network (JPPR)-LP3 Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta
2003- 2006
“Promoting Indonesian Moderate Islam on the Global Stage; Non-State Actors’ Soft Power Diplomacy in the Post-New Order Era”, Muslim Politics Review 2 (2), 2023, p. 238-283.
“Covid-19, Fatwas, and Socio-religious Praxis: Muhammadiyah’s Social Engagement and Mission in Coping with the Outbreak in Indonesia”, Social Sciences and Missions 35, 2022, Brill, p. 308–342
« Le hause de l’influence islamiste dans le champ sociopolitique indonésien », in Romain Bertolino, Alexandre Negrus, et Nato Tardieu. (2022), Atlas Géopolitique du Monde Contemporain, Paris: Ellipses, p. 192-195.
“In Search of the Imagined Ummah: Explaining the Political Crossover of Islamic Conservatism in Indonesia’s 2019 Presidential Election”, Journal of Asian Social Sciences Research (JASSR), 2 (2), 2020, p. 109-143
“Indonesian Hybrid-Salafism: Wahdah Islamiyah’s Rise, Ideology and Utopia,” in Leonard C. Sebastian, Syafiq Hasyim and Alexander R. Arifianto. (2020), Rising Islamic Conservatism in Indonesia: Islamic Groups and Identity Politics, London: Routledge, p. 181-197.
“The 2018 and 2019 elections in South Sulawesi: Jusuf Kalla’s decline and the return of Islamists” (with Dedi Dinarto), in Leonard C. Sebastian and Alexander Arifianto. (2020), The 2018 and 2019 Indonesian Elections: Identity Politics and Regional Perspectives, London: Routledge, p. 128-144.
“The ‘Conservative Turn’ in Indonesian Islam: Implications for the 2019 Presidential Elections” (with Leonard C Sebastian), Asie.Visions-IFRI, 106 (3), 2019, Paris, 30 p.
“The Three Streams Facing Indonesian Muslims: Pulls of Politics”, en Yang Razali Kassim (ed.). (2021), RSIS Commentary Series: Jokowi’s Second Term, Emerging Issues, Singapore: Worlds Scientific, p. 41-44
“Grand Narratives in Outer Provinces: Impact of Islam on Politics”, en Yang Razali Kassim (ed.). (2021), RSIS Commentary Series: Jokowi’s Second Term, Emerging Issues, Singapore: Worlds Scientific, p. 27-30.
“How do conservative Muslims see Indonesia’s presidential hopefuls.” East Asia Forum, 28 February 2019,
“Jokowi’s Soft Diplomacy: Global Islamic Network of Moderation”, RSIS Commentary, Nanyang Technological University, 16 July 2018
“Muhammadiyah: The Challenge of Rising Conservatism”, RSIS Commentary, Nanyang Technological University, 4 May 2018
“Islam dan Pancasila di Era Reformasi: Sebuah Reorientasi Aksi », Jurnal Keamanan Nasional 1 (1), 2015, p. 61-78.
“Arah Baru Politik Islam Indonesia: Dari Nalar Syariatik Menuju Islam Partisipatoris Transformatif”, in Usman Hamid and AE Priyono, Merancang Arah Baru Demokrasi: Indonesia Pasca Reformasi, Kompas Gramedia, Jakarta, 2014.
Membangun Gerakan Anti Korupsi dalam Perspektif Pendidikan, Andar Nubowo and Rosita Susi Aryanti (ed.), Yogyakarta: Lembaga Penelitian & Pengembangan Pendidikan Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, 2004.
Seri Pendidikan Pemilih Untuk Pelajar: Menuju Pemilu Yang Demokratis dan Tanpa Kekerasan, Asykuri ibn Chamim, Andar Nubowo, dan Irfan Mawardi. Yogyakarta: JPPR, 2003.
Critical Discourse Analysis
This course aims to provide students with an orientation to theory and practice of critical discourse analysis as part of research methodology-related courses. Topics include: Critical paradigm of research as the basis of CDA, definition of critical discourse analysis (CDA), basic principles or tenets of CDA, perspectives or approaches to CDA, the place of CDA in educational research, CDA and text analysis from systemic functional linguistics. The course will also offer the students with practice of CDA, analysing texts using the framework of CDA. Along the course scaffolding will be provided under explicit teaching and apprenticeship.
Advanced Well-being in Education
This course offers students insights and strategies to understand and improve the well-being of children in educational contexts. The approach of this course is a blend of theoretical, research, applied knowledge, and skills that apply to a wide range of settings. This course aims to equip the students in promoting the well-being of the children by address issues that underpinning child well-being in a variety of contexts, school in particular, in addition to family, policy, global context including in Islamic countries, and we will look towards the future conditions that may influence child and student well-being. The course is designed for numerous roles in children and student well-being, such as parents, early childhood educator, educators, educational consultants, leaders in the community, researchers, or experts in child well-being in the educational setting.
Advanced Literacy Development and Resources
This graduate seminar explores the multifaceted aspects of literacy development and resources. Through three main modules, we will delve into early/beginning literacy, children's literature and multimodal texts, and content and disciplinary literacies. Students will critically examine theoretical foundations, practical strategies, and resources that promote literacy in various contexts.
Graduate Seminar on Education in a Pluralistic Society
This course focuses on understanding and navigating how education is designed in such away against the backdrop of religious, ethnic, national, gender and developmental varieties in a pluralistic society. Students will explore various aspects of diversity and develop knowledge and skills to be more tolerant, empathetic, and respectful of differences in educational setting. The course is divided into three modules. Module 1 examines ethnic diversity in multicultural education setting and language diversity. Module 2 explores psychological and developmental perspectives on diversity. Module 3 delves into the complexities of religion and gender differences. Students will engage with primary texts, multimedia resources, and class discussions to gain a deeper understanding of the complex and dynamic nature of diversity in our society. The course is designed to develop students’ critical thinking, analytical skills, and reflective practices, as well as their ability to conduct research on the topic and present their findings. Students will also be asked to explore challenges and opportunities and to come up with possible recommendation in contributing to the betterment of a tolerant society in a pluralistic setting
Education and Human Capital
This course is an elective course in the Ph.D. program in the Faculty of Education, focusing on issues in education and human capital. We begin in this course with a general overview of human capital and education. We next turn to the theory and research that views education as an
investment in the future productivity of individuals and economies and that assesses the value of and returns to education. We also explore the economics of education in early childhood, basic and secondary education and higher education, with special attention to topics of current policy interest and debate. We then turn to research on education markets, school quality and choice and consider the influence of peers and the educational environment as well. Finally, we turn to the production of education, considering the different inputs into education, and examine the role of education in economic growth.
Graduate Seminar on Large Scale Assessment
This course is part of the program concentration of Educational Assessment and Evaluation for the Doctor of Philosophy program in Education at Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia. The objective of this course is to introduce students to the advance issues of large scale assessment in education. Topics include: human measurement science, test construction (four building blocks), cognitive and non-cognitive test, measurement models and modern test theories, validity and reliability of tests, sampling techniques and sampling weights, national and international large scale assessment, international comparison. The course is designed for students who likely seek to become expert and researcher in educational assessment and measurement.
Advanced Educational Assessment
This course is part of the program concentration of educational assessment and evaluation for the Doctor of Philosophy in Education at Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia. In this course, candidates will be exposed to advanced educational assessment and its research so they can demonstrate theoretical and practical understanding of those techniques. The course will explore several methods, approaches and techniques in human measurement, measurement model and data analysis in educational assessment. The course will also deal in-depth with research issues on validity and reliability, instrument development, item analysis, cognitive test, scholastic aptitude test, test equating and linking, test fairness and computer adaptive testing.
Graduate Seminar on Education Policy
This course is part of the program concentration of Educational Management, Leadership and Policy, for the Doctor of Philosophy in Education at Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia. In this course, the students explore the advanced theoretical and practical concepts related to
educational policy. The course gives the student the opportunity to have a clear understanding of how policy formulates and develops in the context of a formal education setting, how policy works in education, how to analyze educational policies, and identification of who are the key interest groups and players are in the making of educational policy.
Graduate Seminar of Educational Management and Leadership
This course is part of the program concentration of Educational Management, Leadership and Policy, for the Doctor of Philosophy in Education at Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia. In this course, the students explore the advanced theoretical and practical concepts related to leadership and management in an educational institution setting (K-12 to university). The course will address issues underpinning effective leadership and management issues in a variety of educational contexts such as personal characteristic, social, political, cultural, and policy factors. We will also discuss specifically about leadership in low performing schools and the Islamic educational leadership. The course is ideal for those who wish to become researcher, expert in management and leadership in education, move into or progress in educational leadership roles.