Prof. Dra. Hj. Suwarsih Madya, M.A., Ph.D.


About Lecturer

Suwarsih Madya has been an English language teacher educator since 1977. Retiring from Yogyakarta State University  (YSU) to end her service there for 45 years (1977-2022), she served as a Professor Emerita at the Master English Language Education, Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiwa, abbreviated as UST,  at Yogyakarta, Indonesia. She did her MA at Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia, meeting her interests in curriculum development, educational technology, and language teacher development/education. She  further met her interest in foreign language teacher development in her Ph.D. study also at Macquarie University, completing it in 1988. After finishing her doctoral study, she was involved in English language secondary curriculum development, the so-called Kurikulum 1994, and some other education development projects at the Ministry of Education and Culture, Jakarta. Simultaneously, she was also involved in a national primary school teacher development project under the World Bank’s auspices. Not long afterwards, she was involved in managing national/international cooperation affairs through structural/functional posts: Education and Culture Attache, Indonesian Embassy, Bangkok (1995-1999); Head, Bureau for Foreign Cooperation & PR, Ministry of National Education, Jakarta (2003-2005); Head, Office of Education, Yogyakarta Special Region (2008-2010); and Vice-Rector for Cooperation and Development,  Yogyakarta State University (2012-2016). She has also learned a great deal from her involvement in professional organisations, both national and international: Member of Governing Board, UNESCO Institute for Education, Hamburg, Germany (2001-2004); Vice-President of TEFLIN (the Association for the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language in Indonesia) (2000-2003); President of TEFLIN (2003-2009); Indonesian Representative of AsiaTEFL (2004-2009); Asia TEFL Executive Council Member  (2009-2012);  member of Council Board of ICSEI (International Congress of School Effectiveness and Improvement) (2014-2017); AsiaTEFL Advisory Board Member (2017-2020); Asia TEFL Vice-President (2020-2022); Asia-TEFL President (2021-2022); and member of Founding Board of APRACSI (Asia Pacific Research Association on Curriculum Studies and Instruction) (since 2017) and  Vice-President of APRACSI (2023-present). In this connection, she has chaired two big international conferences: the 6th AsiaTEFL International Conference in 2008 (with 1,068 participants from 34 countries),  the 2014 ICSEI Conference  (with more than 400 participants from 26 countries), and the 15th AsiaTEFL-64th TELIN  International Conference in 2017 (with 1,120 participants from 33 countries).  With this range of experiences in international cooperation, her view of language teaching has changed.  She now has a multi-perspective view of language learning and teaching, relating them  to other important matters such as character education,  identity formation,  and international and intercultural cooperation/collaboration/ communication. Her involvement in scout movement as Vice-Chair at the Provincial Headquarter has deepened her educational insights. By putting language teaching and education in a broader context, she attaches a much bigger meaning to language teaching and education. Her research interests are around language teacher education, character education, and instructional developments with emphasis on learning autonomy, intercultural language learning, and language learning assessment. She is available at:

Ph.D. in foreign language teacher education
Macquarie University, Sydney, Australian (1988).

M.A. in instructional media/technology for English language teacher development.
Macquaire University, Sydney, Australia (1983).

Bachelor of Education in English language and literature education
IKIP Yogyakarta (Yogyakarta Institute for Teacher Education and Educational Sciences) (1976).

Sarjana Muda (a domestic Bachelor of Arts) in English and literature education at IKIP Yogyakarta.

2016-2020: Head, Master English Language Education, Postgraduate Program, Yogyakarta State University

2012-2016: Vice-Rector for Cooperation and Development, Yogyakarta State University

2008-2010: Head, Office of Education, Yogyakarta Special Region

2003-2005: Head, Bureau for Foreign Cooperation & PR, Ministry of National Education, Jakarta.

2000-2002: Assistant Director, Postgraduate Program, Yogyakarta State University

1995-1999: Education and Culture Attaché, Indonesian Embassy, Bangkok.

1993-1994: Head, the English Language Education Department, Faculty of Language and Arts Education, IKIP Yogyakarta.


Madya, S. (2018). Penelitian Tindakan: Dari teori ke praktik. (Action Research) (2nd Ed.). Yogyakarta: UNY Press.

Madya, S. (2017). Learning pronunciation systematically: A resource book for student teachers and teachers of English as a foreign language. Yogyakarta: UNY Press.

Madya, S. (2013). Metodologi pengajaran bahasa: Dari era prametode sampai era pascametode. Yogyakarta: UNY Press


Book Chapters

Liyanage, I., Walker, T., Madya, S. & Hidayati, S. (2019). Media of Instruction In Indonesia: Implications For Bi/Multilingual Education. In (Ed.) (Liyanage). Multilingual Education Yearbook 2019, 209-229.

Madya, S. (2011) Pengintegrasion Pendidikan Karakter di Perguruan Tinggi. Dalam Zuchdi, D. (2011) Pendidikan Karakter dalam Perspektif Teori dan Praktik. (Hal. 80-108) Yogyakarta: UNY Press.

Madya, S. (2007). Curriculum innovations in Indonesia and the strategies to implement them. In Choi, H.Y. and Spolsky, B. (2007). ELT Curriculum Innovation and Implementation in Asia, 1-38.

Madya, S. (2006). Teori dan praktik penelitian tindakan (action research). Bandung: Alfabeta

Madya, S. (2006). Penelitian Tindakan: Teori dan Praktik. Bandung: Alfabeta.


Journal Articles

Fajariah, L.A., Ratnawati, H. & Madya, S. (2023). Exploring students’ diversity in a differentiated classroom. LEARN Journal Vol. 6, No. 2.

Diyanti, B.Y. & Madya, S. (2022). English for Young Learners (EYL) in ASEAN: Policy and Implementation. International Journal of Language Education. Volume 5, Number 3, 2021, pp. 224-243

Triastuti, A., Madya, S. and Chappell, P. (2022) Genre-based teaching cycle and instructional design for teaching texts and mandated curriculum contents.  Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics,  Vol. 12 No. 1, May 2022, pp. 1-15.

Ma’wa, J. & Madya, S. (2021). EFL Teachers’ Beliefs in Learner Autonomy: A Study on Non-Formal Education Context in Indonesia. Indonesian Journal of EFL and Linguistics Vol. 6 No. 2, 2021. pp. 487-508.

Saragih, N, A., Madya, S., Siregar, R.A., Saragih, W. (2021). Written corrective feedback: students’ perception and preferences. International Online Journal of Education and Teaching (IOJET), 8(2). 676-690.

Lestariningsih, F.E., Madya, S., & Nurkamto, J. (2020). Pedagogical problems encountered by teachers of English to computer science students in the Indonesian context. Journal of English Education, Literature and Culture (Edulite), 5(1), 1-31.

Luci, K.D.S.,  Sayuti, S.A., &  Madya, S. (2020). Taboo and its violations: The dynamics of intercultural relations of Ma’anyan Dayak society in two folklores. Pal Arch’s Journal of Archaelogy of Egypt, 17(9), pp.261-274.

Madya, S., Retnawati, H., Purnawan, A., Putro, N.H.P.S. & Kartianom (2020) The range of TOEFL scores predicted by TOEP. Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 10(1), pp. 491-501.

Mahayanti, N.L.S. & Madya, S. (2020). The development of language policy and language education policy: Pre-colonialism to industrial revolution 4.0. The Asia EFL Journal, 27(2.2), 5-30.

Sotlikova, R., Madya, S. & Priyana, J. (2020). ESP Learning Materials Development Model for ICT Students in Uzbekistan. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology Vol. 29, No. 9s, (2020), pp. 900-910.

Ilmi, A. & Madya, S. (2019). Developing English Teaching And Learning Materials For Nursing Students Of Universitas ‘Aisyiyah Yogyakarta Lingtera 6 (2), 130-142

Madya, S. (2019). Developing a Framework of Media-Aided Descending-Ascending Repetition Of Vocabulary Learning. Lingua Pedagogia, Journal Of English Teaching Studies 1 (1), 46-57.

Madya, S. (2019). The Power of EFL Teacher’s Beliefs to Drive Practice. Asia Pacific Journal on Curriculum Studies Vol. 2, Issue 1, December 2019, pp. 7-18.

Madya, S., H. Retnawati, A. Purnawan, NHPS Putro, E. Apino (2019). The equivalence of TOEP forms. TEFLIN Journal, 30 (1), 88-104.

Betaubun, M., Madya, S. & Margana (2018). Description of English Language Learning In the Border Of Merauke – Papua New Guinea International Journal Of Mechanical Engineering And Technology (IJMET), Volume 9, Issue 11, November 2018, Pp. 990–994.

Ciptaningrum, D.S. & MadyaS. (2018). Developing content and language integrated English speaking materials for accounting students LingTera 5 (1), 78-88.

Goridussukur, S.,  MadyaS. & Bismoko, J. (2018). Contextuality of The English Textbooks Used By Senior High Schools In Indonesia. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering And Technology (IJMET) Volume 9, Issue 11, November2018, Pp. 995-1002.

Iryanti, H. & Madya, S. (2018). Intercultural Language Learning In A Sister School Partnership Between Indonesia And Australia Lingtera 5 (2), 133-143

Lestariningsih, F.S., Hope, J., Madya, S., & Nurkamto, J. (2018). IST (In-Service Training) Model To Improve English Teachers’ Pedagogical And Professional Competencies In The Computer Science Department Of Universities In Indonesia. Indonesian Journal of EFL and Linguistics 3 (2), 115-1.27

Madya, S. (2016). English Learning in the 21st Century: Its Trends in Curriculum Challenges to Face the ASEAN Economic Community  ELTiC CONFERENCE 1 (01).

Pusparini, R. & Madya, S. (2016). Developing English Learning Materials Integrated With Character Values For The Elementary School Students Lingtera 3 (2), 210-223

Himmatunnihayah, H. & Madya, S. (2016). Evaluasi Penyelenggaraan Program Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kejar Paket B & C SKB Di Kabupaten Batang Jurnal Evaluasi Pendidikan 4 (1), 10-24

Widianto, M. & Madya, S. (2015). The implementation of genre-based teaching in Grade Eight of SMP Negeri 5 Yogyakarta in the Academic Year 2012/2013, Baster (Bahasa, Sastra, Dan Terjemahan) 1 (1), 46-61.

Sahraini, S., & Madya, S. (2015). Model Evaluasi Internal Kompetensi Guru Bahasa Inggris (Model_EIKGBI) SMA. Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan Volume 19, No 2, Desember 2015.

Rachmawati, U. & Madya, S. (2014). Pengembangan Webquest Sebagai Media Instruksional Membaca Siswa SMA Negeri 1 Muntilan, Jurnal Kependidikan: Penelitian Inovasi Pembelajaran 44 (1).

Gultom, M., Madya, S. & Sumarno (2014). Model evaluasi reflektif kurikulum pendidikan bahasa inggris dalam pengembangan karakter bangsa Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan 18 (1), 72-88.

Madya, S. (2007). Certification for Teachers and Lecturers and Its Implications For Staff Development, JEE, Journal of English and Education 1 (1), 1-7.

Madya, S. (2007). Certification for Teachers and Lecturers and Its Implications For Staff Development Journal of English and Education 1 (1), 1-7.

Madya, S. (2007). Searching for an appropriate EFL curriculum design for the Indonesian pluralistic society, Teflin Journal 18 (2), 196-221.

Madya, S. (2007). Searching for an appropriate EFL curriculum design for the Indonesian pluralistic society. Teflin Journal 18 (2), 196-221.

Madya, S., Sugeng, B.,  Maarif, S., Supriyanti, N., Purbani, W. ,Istiqomah, S.(2004). Developing a model of teaching English to primary school students, Teflin Journal 15 (2), 193-229.

Madya, S. (2003). Education reform and its implication for EFL teachers competencies, TEFLIN Journal 14 (1), 1-13

Madya, S. (2003). Education reform and its implication for EFL teachers competencies. TEFLIN Journal 14 (1), 1-13

Madya, S. (2002). Developing standards for EFL in Indonesia as part of the EFL teaching reform, TEFLIN Journal 13 (2), 142-151.

Madya, S. (2002) Developing standards for EFL in Indonesia as part of the EFL teaching reform. TEFLIN Journal 13 (2), 142-151


Conference Proceeding:

Kadaryanto, B. & Madya, S. (2020). A Rasch Model Analysis On Designing Needs-Based Teacher Professional Development Programs. Proceddings Of The International Conference On Educational Research And Innovation (ICERI 2019 ) Pp.100-109. (ATLANTIS PRESS) (

Cahyati P. & MadyaS. (2019). Teaching English in Primary Schools: Benefits and Challenges. Proceedings: 3rd International Conference on Current Issues in Education (ICCIE 2018)

Asni, A. & Madya, S. (2019). Developing Cooperative Integrated Reading And Composition (CIRC) Weblog Materials. Proceeding of Third International Conference On Sustainable Innovation 2019–Humanity, Education And Social Sciences (Icosihess 2019)

Hartini, H. & Madya, S. (2019). Students’ Perception and Their Accomplishment in Essay Writing Class. The 6th International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2018). A proceedings.

Khasanah, I. & Madya, S. (2019). ESP for Vocational High School Students of Electricity Installation Engineering Study Program; A Needs Analysis. Proceedings: 6th International Conference on

Madya, S. (2019). Going beyond communicative competence to become literate national and global citizens. In English Linguistics, Literature, and Language Teaching in a Changing Era: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on English, Linguistics, Literature, and Language Teaching.

Madya, S., A Triastuti, DS Ciptaningrum, D Hermasari (2019). Assessing the students’ capacity for autonomous basic English vocabulary learningIn Proceeding of the 1st International conference on innovation in education- ICCOIE 2018.

Madya, S., Renandya, W.A., Oda, M., Sukiyadi, D., Triastuti, A., & Andriyanti. A. (Eds.) (2019). English Linguistics, Literature, and Language Teaching in a Changing Era: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on English, Linguistics, Literature, and Language Teaching.

Maisyarah, H. & Madya, S. (2019) Intercultural Coursebook: Accounting Students’ Needs Toward Reading Materials In Higher Education. Proceedings: 6th International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2018).

Maisyarah, H. & Madya, S. (2019).The Needs of Intercultural Reading Materials for Accounting Students in Higher Education. Proceedings: 3rd International Conference on Current Issues in Education (ICCIE 2018)

Hartini, H. & Madya, S. (2018). Students’ perception and their accomplishment in essay writing class. Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research (ASSEHR), volume 330.

Khasanah, I.K. & Madya, S. (2018). ESP for vocational high school students of electricity installation engineering study program: A needs analysis. Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research (ASSEHR), volume 330.

Madya, S., Hamied, A., Renandya, W.A., Coombe, C., & Basthomi, Y. Eds.) (2018).  ELT In Asia In The Digital Era: Global Citizenship And Identity, Proceedings Of The 15th Asia TEFL And 64th TEFLIN International Conference On English Language Teaching, 13-15 July 2017).

Madya, S. & Ishartiwi, I. (2018). Instilling Character Values Through A Local Wisdom-Based School Culture: An Indonesian Case Study. In The Proceedings Of International Conference On Character Education For 21st Century Global Citizens, 371-380.

Madya, S., Ciptaningrum, D.C., & Triastuti, A. (2018). Assessing the Needs for Developing the Students’ Capacity for Autonomous Basic English Vocabulary Learning. The 6th International Conference on English Language and Teaching (Padang, Indonesia, 25-26 July 2018), proceedings published by Atlantis Press.

Madya, S. (2011). Optimalisasi Pemanfaatan TIK untuk Meningkatkan Mutu Hakiki Pendidikan. Prosiding Seminar Nasional, Milad Universitas Ahmad Dahlan  XXX.  Yogyakarta: UAD.

Madya, S. (2007). Empowering EFL teachers to achieve professional autonomy. Proceedings of the 4th JETA International Conference.


Research Report

Madya, S.  Yenri (2010). Impact of Decentralization of Education Management to School Improvement and Success; A country Report Presented at an ASEAN Educational Meeting. Manila.