Thursday, October 12 2023, Dr. Lukman Nul Hakim, R. Alpha Amirrachman, M.Phil., Ph.D., and Muhammad Sufyan As-Tsauri, M.Pd. representing the UIII Faculty of Education visited the Muhammadiyyah University of Malang. During the visit, FIP UIII representatives were welcomed by the Dean of the UMM Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Dr. Trisakti Handayani, M.M. and also with the deputy deans.


At the opening, R. Alpha Amirrachman, M.Phil., Ph.D. said that UIII offers a full scholarship for 2 years for the M.A. level. and 4 years for the Ph.D level and the provision of dormitory facilities as a place to live while students study at UIII. Not only undergraduate and postgraduate students can take advantage of the opportunity to study at UIII, but also UMM lecturers by taking part in the Scholar in Residence selection held by FIP UIII. Lecturers selected for the program will stay at UIII for 3 months, given housing and living expenses of 30 million for 3 months. Among the obligations that must be carried out by candidates who successfully pass the Scholar in Residence program are writing articles to be published in a journal, teaching certain courses, and being a speaker at Lunch Talk activities. The socialization activity was attended by lecturers, staff and students of the UMM Teacher Training and Education Faculty.


After the socialization event finished, the Dean and Deputy Dean of FKIP UMM invited representatives of FIP UIII to tour the campus to see the tourist park on campus, introduce the buildings and also the hotel owned by Muhammadiyyah University of Malang. Dean of FKIP UMM, Dr. Trisakti Handayani, M.M. hopes that after the scholarship socialization event finished, there will also need to be a Cooperation Agreement between FIP UIII and FKIP UMM. She plans to visit FIP UIII at the end of November next month.



Second day, Friday, October 13 2023, Dr. Lukman Nul Hakim and Muhammad Sufyan As-Tsauri, M.Pd. visited the Islamic University of Malang. During this visit, the Dean of FKIP UNISMA Dr. Hasan Busri, M.Pd. welcomed the arrival of FIP UIII. The UIII Masters and Doctoral scholarship socialization activity was attended by lecturers and head of study program at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Islamic University of Malang.