Tuesday, October 17 2023, Faculty of Education (FoE) at the Indonesian International Islamic University received a visit from UIN Sjech M. Djamil Djambek Bukittinggi Postgraduate School. The meeting was attended by Prof. Nina Nurmila, Ph.D. as the Dean of the UIII Faculty of Education, Tati D. Wardi, Ph.D. as the Head of M.A. in Education Program, Bambang Sumintono, Ph.D. as the Head of Ph.D. in Education Program, Charyna Ayu Rizkyanti, Ph.D. as a Lecturer, Nadya Salsabila, S.Ak., Afra Fahira, S.Pd., Muhammad Sufyan As-Tsauri, M.Pd., Nurul Fatimah, S.E. as Staff, and also Prof. Dr. Silfia Hanani, M.Si. as the Director of the Postgraduate Program at UIN Sjech M. Djamil Djambek Bukittinggi along with 2 lecturers and 1 staff.


The meeting began with mutual introductions between the participants present, followed by an explanation regarding the things that could be collaborated between FoE UIII and Postgraduate UIN Bukittinggi. Some things that can be collaborated include inviting each other’s lecturers as guest lecturers in certain courses, research collaboration, and inviting international speakers to give public lectures when they are present in Indonesia.


The meeting ended with the signing of the MoU, a group photo and a campus tour.