In collaboration with Firman Parlindungan, S.Pd., M.Pd., PhD, Sofie Dewayani, PhD, Sary Silvhiany S.Pd. M.Pd., M.A., PhD, and Prof. Yukari Amos, Tati Lathipatud Durriyah, PhD @tatiwardi (Head of MA in Education Study Program) has published an article with the title “Indonesian Literacy Teachers’ Efforts to Integrate Children’s Literature in literacy classrooms” on The Australian Journal of Language and Literacy – (Scopus Q1).

The study uses the reader-response theory framework, especially the notion of teachers as part of the learning context in promoting students’ engagement with a text. The study highlighted some case study teachers’ classroom practices centering on children’s literature, giving access to books, infusing children’s literature in teaching, and using books to discuss difficult topics with students.

Scan or click the link on the highlight to access the full paper.

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Link: Durriyah, T.L., Parlindungan, F., Dewayani, S. et al. Indonesian literacy teachers’ efforts to integrate children’s literature in literacy classrooms. The Australian Journal of Language and Literacy AJLL (2023).