Workshop on Rasch Model at Islamic University of Maldives

The Islamic University of Maldives (IUM) recently hosted an insightful workshop on the Rasch Model, a statistical technique widely used in educational assessment and psychometrics on 15-16 July 2024. The event attracted lecturers and researchers from Islamic University of Maldives, and officers from Ministry of Education of Maldives.

Dr. Bambang Sumintono, a lecturer from Faculty of Education, Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia (UIII), who has expertise in educational measurement and Rasch model analysis, led the two days workshop. He introduced participants to the fundamentals of the Rasch Model, explaining its applications in analyzing test data and improving the validity and reliability of assessments using specific software, Ministep. The workshop featured interactive sessions, where attendees engaged in hands-on activities to better understand the construction and interpretation of Rasch models.

Previously, Dr Visal Moosa, deputy vice chancellor of research and innovation at Islamic University of Maldives, participated in Scholars in Residence program at Faculty of Education UIII, a kind of post-doctoral program. During his time in Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia on September-November 2023, Dr Visal actively  share his knowledge and expertise about  systematic literature review, bibliometric analysis and educational management field. This time, a lecturer from UIII visited IUM in Male, Maldives, to share about Rasch model analysis.

Participants expressed enthusiasm for the practical knowledge gained, highlighting the Rasch model’s potential to enhance the quality of educational assessments in the Maldives. The workshop is part of IUM’s ongoing efforts to promote advanced research methodologies and support the professional development of lecturers and educators in the Maldives. Organizers hope to conduct more such events, fostering a community of practice around educational measurement and assessment in the region, and increase collaboration between two islamic universitis that come from Global South.