UIII PhD Candidate Presents at Hong Kong International Conference on English Education

June 27, 2024

Contributor: Erickson Samson | Editor: Supriyono

Furqanul Hakim, a PhD candidate from the UIII Faculty of Education, presented his research findings at an international conference organized by the Language Centre of Hong Kong Baptist University. Held from June 17 to 18, 2024, the grand theme of the conference was “Engagement in the Digital Age: International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning.”

Hakim’s presentation, titled “The Implementation of Parliamentary Debate Format in English Teaching Based on Research Trends in Indonesia,” was based on his study where he systematically reviewed journal articles published in nationally accredited SINTA journals from 2014 to 2024 to identify the trends and methodologies in integrating parliamentary debates into English language teaching.

His research found the increasing adoption of parliamentary debate formats, including Asian, Australasian, and British parliamentary styles, to enhance students’ speaking abilities in Indonesian high schools. However, he noticed a need for research exploring the format’s impact on other language skills beyond speaking.

“It’s such an honor to meet some prominent experts in my field, specifically in language teaching and learning such as Prof. Rod Ellis, Prof. Norbert Pachler, and Prof. Glenn Stockwell,” Hakim noted, saying that the feedback he received from his presentation was crucial to generating ideas from his PhD dissertation.

The conference where Hakim presented was a platform for educators and researchers to exchange ideas, share their knowledge, and advance the field of language teaching and learning. It also helps and contributes to future innovations in research methodologies in English Teaching and Learning.

Hakim’s participation in this prestigious conference underscores the quality of research at UIII and the university’s commitment to academic excellence and global engagement. His work exemplifies the innovative scholarship UIII promotes, contributing to the advancement of language education. The achievements of scholars like Hakim will hopefully continue to shape the future of education and research in Indonesia and beyond.

source: https://www.uiii.ac.id/news/read/57568/uiii-phd-candidate-presents-at-hong-kong-international-conference-on-english-education