
Workshop: Academic Writing and CV Building

Dr Aria Nakissa provided workshop for students about academic writing and CV building, something that part of improving academic skills. Academic writing is a formal style of communication used within scholarly contexts. It emphasizes clarity, objectivity, and evidence-based reasoning to convey complex ideas. Precision in language, proper citation of sources, and adherence to established formats, such as APA (American Psychologycal Association) style are crucial. Academic writing aims to contribute to the existing body of knowledge, fostering critical thinking and intellectual discourse. It often includes research papers, essays, theses, and journal articles, and is characterized by a structured approach, logical organization, and a focus on analyzing and synthesizing information. While CV building involves crafting a concise document summarizing one’s professional journey. It typically includes personal information, a summary statement, relevant skills, work experience, education, and achievements. Tailoring the CV to the desired job and showcasing accomplishments with quantifiable results is essential. Listing experiences in reverse chronological order and emphasizing transferrable skills enhances its impact. Additionally, including certifications, publications, and volunteer work can further demonstrate expertise and dedication. The goal is to create a visually appealing and well-organized CV that effectively communicates one’s qualifications, fostering opportunities for career advancement or academic pursuits.