
Public Lecture: The Polytomous Rasch Model for Social Measurement

Center for Educational Assessment in collaboration with Indonesian Educational Evaluation Association (HEPI) and Indonesian International Islamic University (UIII) proudly present 2nd Public Lecture by David Andrich, Emeritus Professor, Graduate School of Education and Senior Honorary Research Fellow, Medical School at the University of Western Australia. The public lecture titled “The Polytomous Rasch Model for Social Measurement”.

Public lecture will be held on Dec 6, 2023 start at 8.30.
This is FREE Public Lecture and all interested participants have to register through following link:

The public lecture will be also on Youtube live streaming on Pusmendik Youtube channel on the day.



news at UIII website: https://www.uiii.ac.id/news/read/57436/exploring-the-depths-of-rasch-model-with-prof-david-andrich


recording in Youtube: