
Lunch Talk #17: Understanding Relation Between Education and Politics

Date Start: 25/05/2023 1:00 pm
Lecture Hall, UIII Faculty A Building

The relationship between education and politics is intricate and profound. Education serves as a critical foundation for fostering informed and engaged citizens in a democratic society. It equips individuals with the skills to critically assess political issues, make informed decisions, and actively participate in civic life. Conversely, politics influences education policies, funding, and curricula. Political ideologies can shape educational priorities, determining the emphasis on subjects, values, and teaching methods. Access to quality education can also be influenced by political factors, impacting educational equity and social mobility. Educational institutions are also spaces where political awareness and activism can flourish, allowing students to voice their opinions and advocate for change. The interplay between education and politics highlights the mutual influence they have on shaping the future of societies, governance, and informed citizenship. Prof Sirozi from Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang, become speaker in this seventeenth #LunchTalk.


Recording in Youtube: