
Lunch Talk #25: Promoting Spatial Reasoning of Early Childhood Educators to Support Numeracy Learning

Dear All,

You are invited to join the Lunch Talk #25 at the Faculty of Education, UIII

Dr. Destina Wahyu Winarti (Lecturer at Indonesian International Islamic University) and Assoc. Prof. Wanty Widjaja (Lecturer at Deakin University) will share about: “Promoting Spatial Reasoning of Early Childhood Educators to Support Numeracy Learning”.

A holistic and integrative early childhood education has become one of the policy focuses of the Indonesian Early Childhood Education Directorate General. The Indonesian government also emphasizes the need to strengthen the development of numeracy skills from early childhood. Informed by this policy initiative and research literature that highlights spatial reasoning as one of the predictors for numeracy success in later years, this study aims to integrate spatial reasoning within play-based activities to support numeracy learning in early childhood. Building early childhood educators’ capacity is considered as the first critical step. This study aims to achieve this by engaging early childhood educators in co-designing spatially rich play-based classroom learning activities, implementing them in their work place and reflecting on their rich experiences.

Day/Date: Tuesday/January 23, 2024
Time: 10.30-12.00 WIB
Place: Theater, Faculty A Building

Online participation:

E-Certificate is provided

Thank you!

Recording on Youtube