
Lunch Talk #23: Spot the Beast in Sheep’s Clothing: Detecting Predatory Publications

Visal Moosa, Ph.D. (Lecturer at Islamic University of Maldives & A Fellow of Scholar in Residence of Faculty of Education, Indonesian International Islamic University) will share about: “Spot the Beast in Sheep’s Clothing: Detecting Predatory Publications”.

Predatory publication refers to a dishonest and unethical practice in the academic and scientific community, where individuals or entities create sham journals or conferences to exploit researchers for financial gain. These predatory outlets often lack rigorous peer review and editorial standards, accepting low-quality or even nonsensical submissions in exchange for publication fees. Their primary motive is profit, not the dissemination of quality research. Scholars who unwittingly publish in such venues may damage their academic reputation, as these publications lack credibility. To combat predatory publishing, researchers should carefully evaluate journals and conferences, relying on established indexes and peer-review processes to ensure the legitimacy of their chosen outlets. This talk aims to share the identifiable characteristics of predatory, fake and clone journals and suggest ways to avoid falling into their traps.

Recording on Youtube: