
Lunch Talk #16: Kampus Merdeka Certified Internship Program

An internship program in a university provides students with practical, hands-on learning experiences aligned with their academic studies. Through internships, students gain real-world insights, apply theoretical knowledge, and develop essential skills in professional settings. These programs foster connections between academia and industry, allowing students to engage with experts, build networks, and explore potential career paths. Universities collaborate with companies, organizations, and research institutions to offer diverse internship opportunities. Structured mentorship, regular evaluations, and reflection assignments help students maximize their learning. Internships contribute to students’ personal and professional growth, enhance their resumes, and often lead to job offers post-graduation. Additionally, universities benefit from stronger industry relationships and improved curricula through the practical input gained from internship experiences. In this occassion Dr Destina and Dr Lukman share about Kampus Merdeka that provide internship program for university student, in the sixteenth #LunchTalk.


recording in Youtube: