Lunch Talk #36: Human-Machine Symbiosis: AI and the Future of Educational Leadership
We are thrilled to inform you that the Faculty of Education, UIII, in collaboration with the American Institute for Indonesian Studies (AIFIS) will conduct Lunch Talk#36.
Prof. Khalid Arar, Ph.D. (Lecturer at College of Education, Texas State University) will share about: “Human-Machine Symbiosis: AI and the Future of Educational Leadership“.
This talk explores the evolving relationship between Artificial Intelligence (AI) and educational leadership in the era of digital literacy and knowledge technology. It systematically traces key trends, concepts, and themes, addressing implications for Sustainable Development Goals, future research, and the transformative potential of AI in education.
Day/Date: Tuesday/December 24, 2024
Time: 09.00-10.30 (Jakarta Time)
Zoom Link: https://bit.ly/LunchTalkEdu36
E-Certificate is provided
Thank you!
Recorded on YouTube