
Lunch Talk #35: Middle East-Indonesia Relations: The Transmission of Islamic Knowledge and Its Implication for Education in Indonesia

You are invited to join the Lunch Talk #35 at the Faculty of Education, UIII

Andar Nubowo, Ph.D. (Lecturer at the Faculty of Education, Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia and Executive Director at MAARIF Institute) will share about: “Middle East-Indonesia Relations: The Transmission of Islamic Knowledge and Its Implication for Education in Indonesia“.

This talk aims to socio-historically explore how complexities and dynamics the relationships between the Middle East, as a center of Islamic civilisation, and the Southeast Asian countries, as its periphery, have shaped profoundly the transmission of Islamic knowledge and education in Indonesia, ranging from traditionalist, reformist, to conservative Islam. It also will figure out the currently rising awareness among Indonesian Muslim scholars and intellectuals to launch a project of “decentering Islam”, including in education, with the goal to position Indonesia as one of the prominent centers of the Islamic civilizations.

Day/Date: Tuesday/November 26, 2024
Time: 13.00-14.30 WIB
Place: Theater, Faculty A Building

Online participation:

E-Certificate is provided

Thank you!

Recorded on Youtube