Lunch Talk #29: Building Bilingual Bridges: Strategies for Schools & Parents to Motivate Young Language Learners
You are invited to join the Lunch Talk #29 at the Faculty of Education, UIII
Naning Tri Wahyuni, Ph.D. (Scholar in Residence, Faculty of Education UIII) will share about: “Building Bilingual Bridges: Strategies for Schools & Parents to Motivate Young Language Learners”.
The Talk will discuss the role of schools (teachers) and parents in children’s Second Language/Foreign Language learning. Young language learners mostly arrive in the classroom with varying degrees of competence. To support their learning journey, teachers should provide cultural enrichment and accommodate students’ interests and learning styles that positively contribute to each child’s personal development. Schools and teachers must also make links to understand the children’s background, their family background, and their growing environment. This can be easily achieved by connecting the schools and the parents in home-school partnership program. Home-school links are essential for all learners, especially young children, as parents mostly have a strong influence on their learning development. Educational practices cannot be restricted to the school only, where children spend less time. Thus, parents must be school partners in their children’s education. The highlighted messages from the Talk will be understanding factors associated with children’s interest and motivation because they are critical for their learning success, in which schools, teachers, and parents can work together to realize the idea.
Day/Date: Tuesday/May 21, 2024
Time: 13.00-14.30 WIB
Place: Theater, Faculty A Building
Online participation:
E-Certificate is provided
Thank you!
Recording on YouTube