Guest Lecture: Rasch Measurement in Educational Research
Rasch measurement is a psychometric approach widely used in educational research to assess and analyze individuals’ abilities or attitudes. Named after Danish mathematician Georg Rasch, this method focuses on item response theory, emphasizing the relationship between respondents’ abilities and the probability of correct responses to specific items. Unlike traditional assessments, Rasch models provide interval-level measurement, allowing for precise comparisons. This approach aids in constructing valid and reliable educational tests, evaluating the difficulty of items, and ensuring measurement consistency across diverse populations. Rasch measurement has proven valuable in enhancing the quality and fairness of educational assessments, fostering more accurate and meaningful interpretations of individuals’ performances. In this guest lecture Professor Yan Zi, Ph.D, from the Education University of Hong Kong will share development and progress of application of rasch measurement model in educational research.
news at UIII website: https://www.uiii.ac.id/news/read/57478/prof-yan-zi-delves-into-rasch-measurement-in-an-online-lecture-at-uiii
Recording on YouTube: