The Center for Standards and Education Policy (PSKP) and Article 33 Indonesia organized the Forum on Education and Learning Transformation (FELT) Indonesia 2023. This event is an academic discussion forum that addresses the transformation for the equalization of educational quality. The forum aims to recognize and gather diverse educational research from various sources, promote the emergence of new research in the field of education as a policy reference, and provide a platform for researchers, academics, and education experts to discuss and test their research results.

From September 8 to October 6, 2023, there were 107 abstracts submitted by researchers, academics, education experts, and students participating in the selection process. Eighteen scholarly articles were selected and presented during the forum on November 27-28, 2023. One of these articles belongs to Eka Hermansyah, a student at the Indonesia International Islamic University, with the title “Student Involvement in Policy Decision Making.”

On the first day of the main forum, it began with a keynote address by Anindito Aditomo, Head of the Curriculum Standards and Education Assessment Agency, discussing the Landscape of Education Transformation in Indonesia. This was followed by presentations divided into three panels, each consisting of three panelists, covering education access, schools as drivers, and independent curriculum. The second day started with a keynote address by Amich Alhumami, Deputy for Human Development, Society & Culture at Bappenas of the Republic of Indonesia discussing education transformation facing challenge 21st century. It continued with presentations divided into nine panels with sub-themes on learning, school community participation, and advanced studies.

On the second day, one of the final agenda items was the awarding of the best presenter selected from one of the panels. Eka Hermansyah from UIII was the recipient of this award due to the performance in the presentation and the research topic presented. This indicates that the quality of UIII’s student products can compete with researchers, academics, and education experts in Indonesia.