The Rasch model is a powerful tool in cognitive testing, transforming raw scores into interval measures, which allows for more precise and meaningful interpretations of test results. On Thursday 23 May 2024, Dr Bambang, one of the lecturer in Faculty of Education UIII, provided whole day workshop for teachers in Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia. The workshop introduces the fundamentals of the Rasch model, focusing on its application in cognitive assessment, particularly about instrument analysis as well as person analysis. Participants learned how the model ensures that test items are appropriate for different ability levels, providing a fair and accurate measure of cognitive skills. Through hands-on sessions, attendees will practice calibrating test items and interpreting Rasch output using relevant software. Key topics include item difficulty, person ability estimation, and the creation of invariant measurement scales. The workshop is designed especially for teachers to enhance their understanding of test adn item development, and data analysis in cognitive testing. By the end, workshop participants equipped with the skills to apply the Rasch model to improve the reliability and validity of cognitive assessments in their respective teaching subject.