God in Awe and Intimacy: Jewish and Muslim Perspectives on Understanding and Pronouncing the Name(s) of God and its Relation to the Humanitarian Crisis

Yuliyanti, N. (2024). God in Awe and Intimacy: Jewish and Muslim Perspectives on Understanding and Pronouncing the Name(s) of God and its Relation to the Humanitarian Crisis. Teosofia: Indonesian Journal of Islamic Mysticism, 13(1), 1-18. doi:https://doi.org/10.21580/tos.v13i1.20534 


The concept of God is essential for both Jews and Muslims. Instead of using the terms Judaism and Islam, this study considers the terms Jews
/Jewish and Muslims as more proper to focus on human beings as the subject of religion who are open to dialogue and change.Loving God’
s creations is a process of loving the Creator. Thus, this study tries to connect Jewish and Muslim understanding and belief in God’s Names and its implications for their actions concerning the humani tarian crisis, especially today’s Israel - Palestine relationship. This study applies the
content and comparative analysis of the texts (documents, videos, and pictures) related to the issue, along with the teachings of Isaac Luria and Mulla Sadra. In addition, a phenomenological approach is also used as it leads to an effort to understand religious thought and behavior from the point of view of the religious person.This study revealed that how humans understand Divine Names is manifested in how they treat each other. As human beings are the best manifestation of God, how we see, treat, and interact with others reflects our understanding of God’s names and vice versa. God’ s names are all beautiful. Therefore, those who believe in God will do good to themselves, others, and
the universe.
This study provides insight into a correlation between one’s beliefs and actions among Jews and Muslims. One’s actions reflect one’s understanding of God and vice versa. Also, how we can try to stay physically, mentally and spiritually strong amidst the happening conflicts and chaos through the reflection on the topic.
Keywords: Jews; Muslim; Divine Names; humanitarian crisis

Self-Leadership in Academia: Notes from Dr. Ahmed Mohamed’s Lecture

Self-Leadership in Academia: Notes from Dr. Ahmed Mohamed’s Lecture

January 15, 2024

Contributor: Maroof Ahmed | Editor: Supriyono

UIII.AC.ID, DEPOK - At a recent LunchTalk held by the Faculty of Education (FoE) at Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia (UIII), Dr. Ahmed Mohamed, an Assistant Professor at The Maldives National University, enlightened the audience on self-leadership in academia, offering a deep dive into its pivotal role in personal and academic development, thereby providing valuable guidance for navigating academic challenges.

Dr. Mohamed began his lecture by defining self-leadership, a concept that has gained importance in personal development. He described it as "the practice of intentionally influencing your thinking, feeling, and actions toward your objectives." This definition set the stage for a deeper understanding of self-leadership, emphasizing its comprehensive nature in leading oneself.

Delving into the essence of self-leadership, Dr. Mohamed highlighted its significance in personal development. He stressed that self-leadership goes beyond mere self-management. It is about taking control and responsibility for one's own learning and growth. "Self-leadership is a crucial aspect of personal development," he asserted, providing a foundation for the rest of his lecture.

Throughout his presentation, Dr. Mohamed outlined several key mindsets and pillars of self-leadership, such as owning one's thoughts and actions, cultivating a sense of purpose, developing a growth mindset, and enhancing self-awareness, self-confidence, and self-efficacy. He also emphasized the importance of influence and impact, illustrating how self-leadership extends beyond personal benefit to positively affecting others.

Concluding his lecture, Dr. Mohamed left the audience with a key message: self-leadership is about being proactive and responsive in one's academic journey. He encouraged attendees to see themselves as the 'drivers' of their lives, capable of navigating challenges and opportunities with resilience and determination.

Dr. Ahmed Mohamed's lecture at UIII was a profound exploration of self-leadership, providing valuable insights into how individuals can gear up for their academic and personal journeys. His expertise and guidance are a significant addition to the university's academic discourse, inspiring students and faculty to embrace the principles of self-leadership in their pursuit of academic excellence and personal growth.

source: https://www.uiii.ac.id/news/57476/self-leadership-in-academia-notes-from-dr-ahmed-mohameds-lecture

Lecturer Publication 2023: Tati Lathipatud Durriyah, PhD.

In collaboration with Firman Parlindungan, S.Pd., M.Pd., PhD, Sofie Dewayani, PhD, Sary Silvhiany S.Pd. M.Pd., M.A., PhD, and Prof. Yukari Amos, Tati Lathipatud Durriyah, PhD @tatiwardi (Head of MA in Education Study Program) has published an article with the title "Indonesian Literacy Teachers’ Efforts to Integrate Children’s Literature in literacy classrooms" on The Australian Journal of Language and Literacy - (Scopus Q1).

The study uses the reader-response theory framework, especially the notion of teachers as part of the learning context in promoting students’ engagement with a text. The study highlighted some case study teachers’ classroom practices centering on children’s literature, giving access to books, infusing children’s literature in teaching, and using books to discuss difficult topics with students.

Scan or click the link on the highlight to access the full paper.

#scopus #education #education_UIII #facultyofeducation #universitasislaminternasionalindonesia

Link: Durriyah, T.L., Parlindungan, F., Dewayani, S. et al. Indonesian literacy teachers’ efforts to integrate children’s literature in literacy classrooms. The Australian Journal of Language and Literacy AJLL (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s44020-023-00056-0

Advancing TVET in Indonesia: Insights from Dr. Abdul Malik's Lecture at FoE

Advancing TVET in Indonesia: Insights from Dr. Abdul Malik's Lecture at FoE

August 05, 2023

Contributor: Maroof Ahmed | Editor: Dadi Darmadi

On July 14, 2023, the Faculty of Education (FoE) at Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia (UIII) had the privilege of hosting a distinguished guest lecturer, Dr. Abdul Malik, from the National Accreditation Agency for Schools/Madrasahs (Badan Akreditasi Nasional Sekolah/Madrasah). The online lecture focused on the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Policy in Indonesia.

Dr. Malik commenced the lecture with a comprehensive overview of TVET within the National Education System, emphasizing its significance in Indonesia's education landscape. He then delved into the National Vocational Education and Training Portfolio, providing an outline of the available vocational education and training programs in the country.

Throughout his lecture, Dr. Malik discussed the institutional framework supporting vocational education and training in Indonesia. This framework involves various ministries, professional associations, and independent accreditation boards, all working collaboratively to ensure the quality and relevance of TVET.

Addressing the challenges faced by TVET, Dr. Malik highlighted issues such as the lack of demand-side perspective, the variable basis for program design and curricula, and difficulties in competency assessment and certification. Additionally, he brought attention to the inadequate availability and quality of teachers and instructors with industry exposure, as well as the lack of proper infrastructure and equipment for practical skills training in schools.

Despite existing regulations, Dr. Malik noted that the unemployment rate among Senior Secondary Vocational School (SMK) and Diploma graduates was 8.49% and 6.76%, respectively, in 2020, indicating a need for further improvements in the system.

To address these challenges, Dr. Malik presented some recent reform initiatives that have been undertaken, including the National TVET Revitalization Program. Key elements of this reform involve the development of a comprehensive labor market information system, the strengthened involvement of the private sector and industry in TVET policy, planning, and implementation, and improvements in vocational education at both secondary and tertiary levels.

In conclusion, Dr. Malik emphasized the importance of demand-oriented, competency-based vocational education and training to align educational programs with industry needs. This approach aims to produce a more skilled and competent workforce, ultimately enhancing the employability of graduates.

Dr. Malik's lecture offered valuable insights into the current state of TVET in Indonesia and the ongoing policy reforms aimed at its improvement. It served as an enlightening session, highlighting the pivotal role of vocational education and training in equipping the Indonesian workforce with the necessary skills and competencies to meet industry demands.

source: https://www.uiii.ac.id/news/57399/advancing-tvet-in-indonesia-insights-from-dr-abdul-maliks-lecture-at-foe