
Public Lecture: Writing for Academic Publication

Writing for academic publication is a rigorous process through which scholars communicate their research findings to a broader academic community. This formal and structured form of communication serves several key purposes. Firstly, it contributes to the dissemination of new knowledge and ideas, advancing the frontiers of human understanding. Secondly, it enables researchers to receive feedback and validation from peers, fostering academic discourse and quality control. Additionally, academic publications establish the author’s credibility, enhancing their reputation within their field.

To be successful in academic publishing, authors must adhere to the conventions of their specific discipline and maintain high standards of rigor, clarity, and originality. The process typically involves conducting thorough literature reviews, designing and executing empirical studies, and presenting the results in a format that adheres to the guidelines of the chosen journal or publisher. In today’s digital age, the scope of academic publishing has expanded to include open-access journals, preprint servers, and online platforms, offering diverse avenues for dissemination.

Overall, academic publication is the lifeblood of the scholarly world, driving progress, collaboration, and innovation across various fields of study. Researchers aspiring to publish should be prepared for meticulous preparation, peer review, and revisions, as they seek to contribute meaningfully to the global body of knowledge.

Dear all,
We are delighted to inform you that the Faculty of Education, UIII, will organize a Public Lecture with Assoc. Prof. Wanty Widjaja from Deakin University, on the topic: “Writing for Academic Publication”

Please come and join us on:
Day/Date : Thursday, November 2, 2023
Time : 14.00-15.30 (Jakarta Time)
Place : Theater, Faculty A UIII
Registration link : https://forms.gle/2tPZP2CYHMXxogjq9

Thank you and see you at the event!
