
Public Lecture: Learning and Teaching for A Digital World

Prof Liz Johnson from Deakin University provide general lecture about learning and teaching in the context of digital world based on her research and experiences in academia. “Learning and Teaching for a Digital World” encompasses the transformative impact of technology on education. It involves creating engaging, effective learning experiences using digital tools and platforms. Educators integrate technology to enhance curriculum delivery, interactive content creation, and personalized learning paths. Online resources, multimedia, and virtual simulations enrich educational content, catering to diverse learning styles. Collaboration tools enable global connections, encouraging students to work together across borders.

Teaching in a digital world requires adapting pedagogical approaches to leverage technology’s potential. Educators become facilitators, guiding critical thinking, digital literacy, and ethical online behavior. They focus on fostering creativity, problem-solving, and adaptability, essential skills in the digital age.

However, challenges arise. Ensuring equitable access to technology is crucial, bridging the digital divide. Balancing screen time, maintaining student engagement, and safeguarding online security demand careful consideration. Continuous professional development equips educators with evolving technological skills.

Ultimately, learning and teaching for a digital world prepare students for a tech-driven future. It encourages lifelong learning, as technology evolves rapidly. Combining digital tools with pedagogical expertise creates an education landscape that’s dynamic, interactive, and responsive to the needs of modern learners, shaping global citizens who can navigate and contribute to the complexities of the digital era.